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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. I'm uncomfortable about banning journalists. Apart from anything else I genuinely believe it's counter-productive although I also dislike any curtailing of reporting because we don't like what the person is saying.

    If someone writes or says something that is simply wrong then sue them. Libel and slander are crimes in this country, the laws to deal with these things exist.


    If the words aren't actually illegal, you/we simply don't agree with them then don't buy the paper, click on the website or listen to the programme. All of these media organisations, even the BBC, rely on readers and audience numbers. If these fall then changes happen. It continues to surprise me how many Rangers supporters continue to read or listen to Speirs. Just don't. Don't buy the Times and don't follow him on Twitter it's really not hard. As a columnist he's only employable if he's read.


    McLaughlin of course works for the BBC where audience figures aren't as important. However don't think for two minutes that they're ignored, they aren't. Now again we have the choice of simply not listening to BBC Scotland or reading their website, however I understand why licence fee payers would find that unfair. Again though you can still use the BBC, simply ignoring their Scottish football coverage.


    Ironically I do think BBC Scotland's coverage of Rangers and Scottish football has improved in the last 12 to 18 months. They do have some decent journalists and there's more balance to their output.


    I'd love to know what our PR strategy is now and what part banning two journalists from our press box plays in it. It won't stop either writing what they want after all. It has clearly played well with the gallery, perhaps that was all it's about; getting some fans onside.


    One other observation. A lot has been said about McLaughlin's article after the Hibs game and his reporting of arrests for 'sectarian' offences. Everything I've read though has been about criticising him for reporting this, I've yet to read anyone criticise the morons who got arrested. Now innocent until proved otherwise, I accept that, but if we're all being honest we know it still goes on, particularly among a section of the away support. Whether you agree with these stupid laws or not isn't relevant, until it disappears completely from our fanbase people like McLaughlin will be able to report it.


    As unpalatable as it is building bridges with the media is the only sensible PR strategy our club should have. Offering exclusives, access and help is a very powerful tool, all media organisations are understaffed and under pressure to fill airways and columns.


    Can you explain how the BBC 'rely on readers and audience numbers' when they get their guaranteed revenue via the outdated licence fee?

    Removing pondlife mhedia from Ibrox who have a clear agenda against Rangers was long overdue.

  2. W

    I am hearing Tom English is tweeting his support for fellow hack, Chris McLaughlin. Tom has decided to show his solidarity by boycotting Ibrox. Tom is a principled man.


    Thus, when Dundee banned Jim Spence, Tom boycotted Dens Park? When ra Sellik banned Hugh Keevins for two years, just lifted at the end of last season, Tom boycotted ra Stydome? When ra Sellik banned Keith Jackson, continuing still, Tom boycotts ra Stade de Gadd?


    Remember, Tom is a principled man?


    Will he continue to write about Rangers though? You bet he will. His Rangers-hating audience will expect no less.


    And you can be sure that future articles written by McLaughlin, English & Spiers will be even more venomous towards Rangers.


    Friday's actions against McLaughlin & Spiers are only the start of what I believe will be an ongoing conflict between Rangers and its detractors in the mhedia. The club must be prepared to take further action when necessary to show it will not tolerate blatant bias when its haters misuse their mhedia positions to portray the club & it's supporters in a bad light in whatever way possible

  3. exposingtherhats


    The “bans”, right decisions made for the wrong reasons

    Posted on August 1, 2015 by exposingtherhats




    In what way is Jim Traynor still involved with Rangers?

    That article suggests he was behind the bans for both Spiers & McLauchlin.

  4. I genuinely hope MW knows what he's doing if allegedly offering a 35 year MF player a two year deal. And I admit I know very little about John Eustace.He could turn out to be an excellent signing for all I know

    But if we have learned one thing above all else over these past three years it is that it is utter madness to pay lucrative salaries to players in their 30's who are well past their best & have no resale value whatsoever. And being past their best they soon get found out against younger opponents in the lower leagues who may want to put themselves in the shop window playing against Rangers.

    However time will tell as they say

  5. I've always maintained similar views on this. Vanguard Bears organising protests at Pacific Quay never did any good and banning the BBC from Ibrox (or removing their press privileges) never did any good either. It's not just a waste of time, it's akin to shaking a wasp nest.


    So what do you do when these cretins continue to spout their anti-Rangers rhetoric time and time again ?

    Just ignore it ? The dignified silence doesn't work. We have seen that it only encourages them to produce even more anti-Rangers lies & nonsense.And the guillible masses in this country will start to believe it.

    If anything I'd have gone further and banned the organisations these cretins work for too but today is a start if nothing else.

  6. I do not agree with banning Journos, I believe in taking them on.


    The initial emotion is legitimate, 'good and about time'. However, he will become a martyr and a cause celebre.


    Infuriating too in a way. Spiers is reduced to a weekly column in the Herald and a half hour golf spot on BBC Radio Scotland. Suddenly, he is high profile again.


    I hope the club spells on the reasoning for the ban, and I hope they have got their ducks in a row?


    A martyr for whom? The rest of of the mhedia pondlife?

  7. "He wont get Sports direct advertised in the Champions League via Ibrox."


    Couple of snags there. First, it may be some time before Rangers are in any serious CL ties and second, the advertising shown on the telly is restricted to sponsors.


    Although he could get SD on team shirts

  8. You said the same last season when we had players like McCulloch who look barely fit to play professional footballer playing on a weekly basis. I think we have a much better and MUCH younger, more dynamic team now but I would imagine we will see Warburton pushing to integrate our own youth players too.


    Only if they're deemed good enough should they get into the first team. It seems apparent to me the vast majority of them are not.

  9. When Annan beat Ally McCoist's experienced 1st team squad at Ibrox towards the end of our Division 3 (4th tier) campaign in 2013, that's what I'd call humiliating. That said, it was results like that defeat at Ibrox and many out on the road as well which showed that these wee part-time teams are no mugs.


    Are we not entitled to expect better results than what we've had against mighty Annan?

    Or are they really as good as you are suggesting?

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