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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. No one should be guaranteed anything now.MW & SDoW will need to assess everyone they've inherited & decide who they want to keep & who to try and get rid off if they can. That includes all our super duper youngsters
  2. Can't we just get someone who is a recognised RB?
  3. Just a pity his football nowhere near the same standard
  4. So what sort of success would his £30m get him in LA Liga then? Other than avoiding relegation for the time being.
  5. Probably thinks as a 'rangers man' he's entitled to a new contract. Absolutely no chance of it happening though
  6. So what would he get in return for his £30m in Levante? They are a small fish in a big pool and they are not going to get any bigger are they? The endgame for Levante is relegation from La Liga unless Sarver is going to put that sort of money in on a regular basis
  7. Why would a Sarver,or anyone for that matter, give £30m to a small club like Levante? Is there any truth in this? A small club which plays in a league dominated by three or four big clubs it will never displace and whose main aim every season is to avoid relegation. Call me a cynic but are our mhedia up to their tricks again? Are they trying to portray Rangers in a bad way because Sarver was linked to us earlier this year and look - we've just missed out on £30m ....
  8. Means nothing. Things can change quickly. FWIW (pure guesswork) I think if we sell Law to the likes of Huddersfield & get say £400k that money will be used to get Allan
  9. How long before McClean ends up at the San Giro? Perfectly matched are they not?
  10. Welcome signing though Wilson is we really must sort things out up front. We cannot start the season with Miller & Clark up front again.
  11. Can there be any other country where more people seem to watch its second tier rather than its top division? And little wonder SKY are getting itchy feet?
  12. Until we sign a couple of strikers who can get 20-30 each we'll still struggle IMO. I too would welcome Allan but the fee does seem high given his contractual position
  13. I'd be very surprised indeed. Why pay that sort of money for a player you can get for free on a pre-contract in January?
  14. McCoist was signing SPL journeymen & paying them four or five times what they were on at their previous clubs. No wonder they were keen to sign !!!! It all went badly wrong last season in a fulltime league against a better calibre of team who more often than not had a manager or coach who out thought Ally
  15. I think the fact that BBC Scotland is publicly-funded is sufficient for them to be brought to account regards Rangers. They must be seen to be non-partisan but arent. For example how many times has the odious little jerk Spence inferred Rangers are a new club despite all the legal rulings to the contrary? Banning may not be the long term answer but I'd hope it would raise awareness particularly with the BBC hierarchy down south who would then ideally take action at pacific quay
  16. There is a significant number of individuals employed within BBC Scotland who are vehemently anti-Rangers and do not hide this in their various broadcasts(if you can call them that). As a publicly-funded national broadcaster, BBC Scotland is supposed to be non-partisan. It clearly isnt as we can see from its incessant attacks and deliberate lies and allegations about Rangers which have come from its Football broadcasts on both television and radio. For those reasons I believe BBC Scotland should have continued to have been banned from Ibrox along with its so-called rival broadcaster Radio Clyde who are just as bad more often than not
  17. IIRC it was broadcast in October 2011. Whyte didnt leave til February 2012
  18. The only one who left I'd any sympathy for was Lee Robinson. Generally he did well when called upon and is a better keeper than Cammy Bell.
  19. It will be interesting to see where all of these 11 players end up playing next season if at all. And if any of them do get new clubs I wonder what sort of salary they'll get. A fraction of what they were on at Rangers I'd imagine
  20. What concerns me most about potentially signing both Allan & Wilson is that both are approaching their mid-twenties and have only managed around 100 firstteam games each for various clubs throughout their career. Not a lot is it? What was it SAF used to say about checking a player's attendance record before signing him?
  21. Remember too that hibz and QOS have been losing players. Hopefully both will be weaker by the time the season starts especially hibz if Scott Allan joins us as I expect he will before the end of august
  22. If we can sort things out up front then that will go a long way to deciding how well next season goes. Boyd has gone and quite honestly Miller & clark should join him too. Bring in a couple of top-notch strikers & we'll stroll the championship next season.I know that sounds easy but if we get that part right I genuinely we'll be back up to the top flight easily for the season after next
  23. Imperative we get off to a better start next season. Losing at home to hertz on the first day last season was the start of many problems for us whether we realised it or not at the time
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