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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. The squad rebuilding will be done over the next year or so.

    Next summer we've got players such as Templeton, Shiels, MIller, Law and Clark out of contract and I'd be amazed if any of them got offered a new contract. They will all need replaced and we should all have great faith in MW to get superior replacements when the time comes

    I think strengthening the squad again in january will be necessary if we're to win the SC and get EL entry but Mw has already said that hadn't he?

  2. If you hear it, complain to the club.


    It is essentially much like he did when BBC Scotland's sports department was told off by the BBC Trust. It took him just a few hours after the latter became public to spout more of the same bile as given above.


    EDIT: Don't remove his press credentials, simply make him a persona non grata.


    Just ban him for life. Don't let the little weasel set foot inside Ibrox ever again.

  3. McLaughlin once again this morning on live radio insisted the club is in liquidation. Clearly this goes against accuracy guidelines when we consider LNS's ruling.


    Should the club react to this pettiness?


    Give this vile, bespectacled rhodent a life ban from Ibrox. This is deliberate. If he doesn't know the club continued by now then he's been living on another planet for these past few years. Every legal ruling has stipulated the club continued.


    BAN HIM FOR LIFE.........NOW

  4. Surely playing a target man would totally change our style of play?


    No it wouldn't. We don't need an out and out target man just someone who can hold the ball up which would mean a physical presence

    Ideally a jelavic-type.

  5. They had nothing but good things to say on Sunday nights crappy Sportscene programme, very refreshing indeed, bumming up our players and our manager all when this dispute was still ongoing.


    I'm sure if they step outside the line again they'll know the consequences. Well done the board.


    I don't see this truce lasting long. A successful, vibrant Rangers is not what these people want to see. It won't be long before their hatred manifests itself in their Rangers reporting again.

  6. All BBC Scotland have to do is report on the game of football, nothing more nothing less, that will keep everyone happy.


    Especially all footy fans.


    Up until now, the pondlife they employ at Pacific Quay have been totally incapable of doing that when it is Rangers.


    Their blind hatred & anti-Rangers bigotry has shone thro' for all to see.


    Whilst some of us may find this decision disappointing I hope our board stressed to BBC Scotland that if McLaughlin & his fellow pondlife revert back to reporting Rangers in the way they had been doing so then the ban will be reinstated.

  7. Oh for sure. There is NO WAY are they selling their players for the sums of money being touted, no way on earth.


    I find it amusing too that they try to have the compliant media inflate the "value" for players that they are selling. Any manager with any sense at all would realize that paying 10-12 million for someone like Virgll is not good value when they can pick up far better players for 2/3 that cost. I have never believed the numbers that we hear of for their sales of players.


    The accounts should be able to tell the truth though - shouldn't be THAT hard to look at their revenue numbers, work out ST revenue, and the remainder is transfers and commercial income - commercial income (without CL) wont be that high.


    The idea that Van Dijk has trebled or quadrupled his value after two seasons in Scottish football is hilarious.

  8. I fully expect to see lewis mcleod back at ibrox at some point.


    I don't ever expect to see Lewis McLeod back if he gets himself fully fit.

    He is a box to box midfielder who chips in with a few goals who should be well suited to English football. It's only now he's gone I think we're beginning to realise how good he was & did anyone notice how the team deteriorated even more in the second half of last season after he left?

  9. Their finances make interesting reading that's for sure.


    Not least three years ago when we got put into SFL3 & Liewell said they didn't need us. A couple of years or so later he said it was costing them something like £10m without us in the top league !!!! Some difference from zero to £10m !


    I'm always dubious about the alleged fees they get for players they sell too. It seems to me these figures often include signing on fees, agents fees, sell-on fees etc. The idea, for example, that Southampton paid them £12m( or whatever) up front for Wanyama is laughable.

  10. In retrospect, it looks to me as though Hibs were actually more interested in signing McGeouch on a permanent deal from Celtic than about Allan's future. They reportedly ended up getting £250-300k for Allan plus they got the lad they really wanted (McGeouch) for an undisclosed fee, plus they got Henderson on loan from Celtic.



    Allan had to go & hibz did everything they could to stop him going to us in this transfer window.

    In the end it was only Allan himself who could have forced the issue by biding his time at hibz & signing a pre-contract with Rangers in January. He chose not to do that & I genuinely wonder who advised him & what that advice was. I suspect a big part of that advice was money related


    FWIW I dont think signing for the yahoos is a particularly good move for him as they're already top heavy with MF players.

  11. There must be a huge question mark over their ability to take over Morton under the SFA FPP test. The carnage they oversaw at Rangers under their watch & controlling interest SHOULD prevent them from ever getting involved in football again.


    Why? they've never been charged with any criminal offence have they? What laws did they break?

    I'd be more concerned whom they'd sell their shareholding to and maybe that of those whose shareholding they represented(assuming they're still representing them)

  12. Hope so. Was told the deal will be done by the time we play morton. Would be great to get rid.


    They'll need to sell their RIFC shares first won't they? And give up their voting rights too for whoever they represent?

    Should be interesting if true.

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