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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. HMRC would not go with the CVA because they wanted to go after Whyte. That was their main reason stated at the time.


    If they really wanted to go after Whyte why did they wait until he got hold control of Rangers?

    Before he got Rangers he already owed HMRC millions.

    HMRC's actions throughout have always looked to me as if they were out to damage Rangers in whatever way they could.And use Whyte as their excuse

    We need a public enquiry to investigate both HMRC & LBG

  2. HMRC are listed by BDO as an unsecured creditor re £94m, so if they won the EBT case, it would put an end to any realistic hope of resurrecting Oldco.


    I agree that the Craig Whtye era portion of the HMRC debt (£15m?) might be more of an issue re a creditors arrangement, but I'm sure the vast majority of Ticketus £27m, the Directors £20m, ordinary shareholders £10m, Debenture holders £8m, Trade Creditors £7m and football creditors £3m would all sign up.


    In fact I'm sure some of them would waive their entitlement. As you know taking companies back out of liquidation doesn't happen often so I'm not sure what % of the outstanding debt HMRC would need to be able to block a deal.


    I thought the football creditors £3m got paid?

    And the question is without including the BTC could HMRC have blocked the CVA? Ticketus were prepared to do a CVA IIRC

  3. Not sure where the OP gets these stats from. Must be including challenge cup & LC games.


    The problems last season were very apparent before the end of Sept when we'd played seven league games, winning four, drawing away to Alloa and losing two to both hertz & hibz at home. The wheels were well & truly starting to come off at an early stage of the season.

  4. He must have got around £500k for sitting at home on gardening leave from a job he should never have got in the first place.

    Not to mention what he will have earned during the miserable three and a half years he was in the job where the football was mostly dire to watch because he wasn't up to the job.

    Glad this sorry episode is now in the past & we can all move on


    Do you honestly think that after the vicious treatment the club received from the SPL & SFA after admin1 and liquidation1 the member clubs of these organizations would have allowed us to continue, in any form, if we had immediately suffered another insolvency event?

    If I remember correctly, the possibility of being under their influences yet again was a real fear of the fans at that time, and long-term thinking beyond sheer survival was at a premium. Remember how tenuous was the hold on our SFA membership.


    I shudder to think what would have happened to us had there been another insolvency event. And some of our supporters just don't seem to realise this.

  6. I'd be very surprised indeed if this got resolved. Unfortunately I think McCoist is out to get back every penny he thinks he is due.


    I'd say he is very unlikely to get another manager's job anywhere & I'd suggest the media career may be finished too.

  7. Start thr re-build from Regan on down.


    How much longer will it be before the football public in this country realise this buffoon isn't up to the job of SFA chief exec.

    He was a Celtic appointment & has done nothing to progress the game in his country. He was Liewell's buddy when they worked at Coors. His remit is simply to do as instructed by Liewell.

    He must go.

  8. I disagree with this Rab, we've a ways to go before we're totally healthy, and I'd rather we focused on ourselves for at least a season, and probably a lot more than that, before we get involved in the wider scene. Not as if we've a brilliant record as drivers of the game anyway.


    If we don't get representation within the SFA & SPFL then we leave it to the likes of Liewell, Milne, Petrie & Thompson to make up whatever rules they want. I don't want that current situation continuing any longer than need be.

  9. You can't have belief in a joint venture if you don't trust your "partners". The board of the SFA & SPFL, and their appointees, have to go before Scottish football shall once again flourish.

    Those in position right now have run the game into the ground. Surely Monday night should be their death knell.

    Here's to Rangers once again having a prominent and equal part of the Scottish game going forward.


    Getting rid of these people won't happen overnight but I'd like to think if Scotland get heavily beaten by Germany tonight(which is a distinct possibility) then it should spell the beginning of the end for Regan I'd hope.

    Rangers need representation in the game in Scotland. Even Doncaster acknowledged that recently.

  10. Im dissapointed that were not using more of our youths but at the same time im delighted with the quality of the loan signings.


    The thing about warburton is that he has only managed in the lower leagues. He will have to deal with european football in the coming seasons at some point and it will be interesting to see how he deals in the transfer market. He may have to change his philosophy when that time comes.


    First and foremost our youths need to be good enough before they can be considered for the first team.

    Unfortunately the vast majority aren't so that leaves two options:-


    1) pay transfer fees for players in this country & elsewhere

    2) get loan signings who better than our home grown players


    Option1) is very difficult nowadays because transfer fees have literally gone thro' the roof and the income we generate in a backwater like Scotland makes it almost impossible to compete to get the calibre of player we want although a proper global scouting system still needs to be put in place.

    That leaves option 2) and the MW appointment gives us access to fringe EPL players like Oduwa, Ball and Zalelam which we might not otherwise have had if we'd appointed the likes of McCall or McInnes. The challenge is, of course, ensuring they're the calibre we will need in the next few seasons as we re-enter European football.

  11. James Tavernier@James_Tavernier 1h1 hour ago

    Can I say I'm honoured to be called your Blue Cafu.. I'll do everything i can to make you proud #RangersFamily 1f534.png26aa.png1f535.png





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    An absolutely fantastic player. Just hope we can keep him as long as we can before we inevitabley get offers for him

  12. RANGERS winger Fraser Aird is reportedly being targeted by a string of clubs in the English Championship and League One.


    Barnsley were rumoured to have had a bid for Aird rebuffed in August before the transfer window closed but are still said to be keen.


    Bolton Wanderers, Rotherham United, Sheffield United and Bradford City are all understood to be interested.


    Despite bing on the fringes of the squad, Rangers will reportedly only consider loaning Aird out with no option to buy. (HITC)


    When he broke into the first team back in 2012 I thought Aird looked a great prospect.

    However he simply hasn't progressed as might have been expected mostly due to the poor management/coaching we endured around that time IMO.

    Loaning him out somewhere would make good sense because he needs gametime & to allow MW to assess him properly

  13. Many were going mental about SFA interference. Many are going mental about SFA's failure to intervene.


    Which is it to be?


    forgive me for being cynical but the SFA only seemed to intervene when they saw an opportunity to punish us.

    The SFA is not fit for purpose. A total clearout is needed starting with Rhegan.

  14. I'd like to think UEFA might now start asking the so-called governing body of Scottish Football one or two questions.

    Words like negligence & incompetence spring to mind. And that's just for starters

  15. The ten SPL clubs(Kilmarnock abstained) voted Rangers out the top tier because they thought administration/liquidation was caused by the now fictitious EBT tax bill from HMRC. They won't admit it though.Not to mention any sort of intimidation from you-know-who so they could get a free run at the CL every season


    When HMRC finally concede on the EBT issue & if there are successful convictions meaning Rangers were indeed the victims of crime these ten clubs may need to be made to explain that decision they took if there is litigation from oldco shareholders.


    Oh and apologies would be nice too................but I'm not holding my breath on that one

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