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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. What would they sue him for? He's certainly committed libel, but in court you are suing for losses as a result - and have to prove that the libel caused those losses. He's such a fart in the wind that I don't think our case would be tangible, except for the repulsion of his stench.


    some sort of gagging order would suffice for starters............

  2. We're 8 points clear with almost 3/4 of the season left, the league is already won. Playing players on a weekly basis who we won't have next season is a complete waste of time. Instead we should be playing one of our own, anyone at all, regardless of age or if they are inferior. I would prefer to be playing a younger player who can develop, but anyone who will still be here next season will benefit from getting regular game time. The more our players play this season, the more integrated they will be in the new system and with the new players.


    Absolutely no way is the league already won.

  3. The howlers in the play-off games against Motherwell weren't really Cammy Bell's fault. Zaliukas was more at fault than any other individual as his defending was terrible and it was his poor attempt at a block which looped the ball up over Cammy to send him scrambling backwards. Ultimately though, it was just a combination of poor all-round performances and a hefty slice of bad luck.


    So it was Zaliukas' fault not Bell's?

  4. Can you remember Der when a couple of seasons ago Alexander threw the ball into the net in the last minute to give Elgin or Annan a point....unbelievable.


    It was Montrose at Ibrox season 12/13 IIRC.It was a league game & not a premiership play-off game.

    We need to get shot off Bell ASAP. His latest 'injury' is preventing young Kelly going out on loan somewhere to gain experience.

    We also need proper cover for Foderingham in case he gets injured( a proper injury mind you)

  5. Neither of the two of them worry me in terms of promotion. They are all fighting for 2nd place.


    We now face St mirren and hibz away in the next two league games. I think we should be looking for at leat 4 points from these games. If we do then we should be too far in front. If we don't then hibz will be right on our tails.

  6. He may well be but he'll leave next summer if he's not playing. No chance of him being happy to sit on the bench.


    I don't think Bell will be going anywhere before the end of his lucrative contract McCoist gave him. Where else would he get that sort of money?

  7. To be fair it's only a couple of months but I can't see us keeping him beyond next summer anyway.


    I thought Bell was under contract until the end of NEXT season ?

    Didnt McCoist give him a 4 year deal?

  8. Sacking the manager has obviously rang alarm bells, sometimes the guy coming in boosts the players in situ, but they lost under the new manager to Hearts who aren't exactly setting the heather on fire up there.


    I want them to finish bottom (and they have some odds against) because they deserve so.


    When Rangers were thrown out of the defunct spl DU were 'fancied' to take our place in a battle with Aberdeen, I never bought into that for one minute.


    DU going down in exchange for us this season would be Karma for every Rangers fan on the planet.


    When we got chucked out the top division all clubs(including the yahoos) started cutting their budgets.

    The result of that has been that for 'bigger' clubs like Du the difference in their budgets than that of 'smaller' clubs like Ross County ,ICT etc is now minimal. Just ask Hibz. They found out the hard way. They got relegated

  9. Burchill more or less admitted Gibbons should have been off

    but he took no responsibility for it himself

    Considering the number of fouls they committed, you wonder how they prepared for this game.

    I think the studs to ankle tackle on oduwa was deliberate

    and later on there was another go at the same ankle on the edge of the box. Perp was booked maybe

    but apart from that the ref was culpable of allowing this to happen

    The SFA got to intervene


    I agree. The SFA have to intervene. Is that not what the compliance officer is for?

    Dive and you might get a ban but go out & committ the sort of foul we saw last night and nothing happens.

    Where is the sense in that?

  10. I think Cammy Bell is a decent shot stopper and would make a good back-up keeper if required,

    Templeton frustrates live out of me can see he has talent but lacks the mental toughness to play for Rangers


    Unlike Foderingham, Bell doesn't command his penalty box & opponents can see this.

  11. Bell has a knee injury and Templeton some ligament stuff.


    I have no problems with that, as both are IMHO valuable players still. I had concerns with Hutton and Perry, who got injured for long spells and we all knew that not matter what, they had no future as a player at the club.


    Bell a valuable player? LOL. He's hopeless. One of the worst keepers we've ever had. When you see Foderingham it's like comparing night & day.

  12. Ross County, Hamilton and Dundee are in the 'coveted' top six now...very exciting.


    And people wonder why we can only get derisory sponsorships & TV deals?

    Never mind. Normal service should be resumed next season. The only show in town worth watching will be back

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