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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. Yes, they are.


    The crucial difference though is that some of our fans are trying to equate the movie investment schemes as being the equivalent to the EBT's. They will only be so if they are invested in by the same type of legal entity.


    EBT's - Club funded them

    Movies Schemes - players funded them personally


    The difference is that with the movie schemes you cannot claim the Club itself had a sporting advantage owing to the Club's tax avoidance practices as the Club were not involved. What the players do with their money has no effect on whether the Club gained a benefit. The Club, simply, were not involved. The same cannot be said for EBT's.


    Don't disagree with anything you say Craig but the word hypocrisy springs to mind regards 'them' & their tax accusations.

    Now it appears some of their own were at it too. Tax avoidance is tax avoidance whichever scheme you care to mention.

  2. Did you read the line about 'sowing seeds' ?


    What you say (in bold) was never going to happen but the root reason for the hullaballo in the summer of 2012 came from decisions taken 'within Ibrox'. Principally, the executive management of Sir Duped that is part of an ongoing HMRC case and subsequent shennanigans that are in large part, up in the criminal court.


    Few would dispute the KO's Whyte & Green caused but how they got the keys in the first place is the real story. Our enemies working in the organisations had the opportunities to cause Rangers harm & I believe they did after SDM effectively abandoned ship.


    I do not believe for one minute SDM willingly sold to Whyte. On the day he sold to Whyte the news within the Scottish Banking hierarchy was greeted was incredulity. They knew all about Whyte & couldn't understand why HBOS was allowing this to go ahead but I've never hidden my views on who was responsible.


    What followed was expected given his business record & nor do I believe the SFA didn't know about his directorship ban. How difficult could it have been for them to find out?


    As for HMRC I will never believe they weren't influenced despite this month's earlier CoS ruling which I fully expect to be thrown out at the Supreme Court. All part of the plan to make Rangers unattractive to any potential buyer

  3. Whilst many are/were up in arms about 'traditional enemies', others much closer to home were sowing the seeds for their self-interest and ongoing chaos for the club.


    Too many within our support who actually spend time in 'investigating' and putting it out there,.... have IMO concentrated their efforts in the wrong direction at the wrong time.


    In the summer of 2012 there were individuals not connected with Rangers actively trying to get Rangers thrown out of Scottish football altogether & effectively closed down.

    You don't think that was serious?

  4. It's not even an excuse, it's a reality. The international breaks have disrupted our momentum.


    How come the breaks don't seem to affect other teams?

    There are plenty reasons we've started to struggle:-

    1) no planB when planA doesn't work

    2) teams are wise to the slow tempo,predictable way we play & plan accordingly

    3) expecting Clark & Miller to score consistently after their miserable efforts last season

    4) continuing to select Oduwa who has no end product to his game

    5) continuing to select Zalelam who plays nice, neat football in areas of the pitch which don't matter


    There's five for starters.....

  5. Another great read Frankie. :tu:


    I know the team has a few issues which need addressed, but personally I think one of the major factors which has caused us to stumble, go off the boil or whatever folk want to call it, is simply the international breaks literally interrupting and breaking our squad's rhythm and momentum.


    That's got to be the worst excuse ever :(

  6. Your right Mack the difference this season is law has someone to take his place as last season he was guaranteed a start...


    Let's hope his replacement can get the number of goals the much-maligned Law got last season.

    We might need it too. We've only got one forward who will get a decent amount of goals as things currently stand

  7. After last season's lack of goals from our strikers it was utter madness to think we could rely on Miller or Clark to get goals alongside Waghorn.

    One if not two strikers with proven scoring records will be needed in January if we're to be guaranteed of getting promotion either via play-offs or as champions

  8. I see from the papers there were two sheep fans unfurled a banner outside Hampden yesterday demanding another enquiry into Rangers use of EBT's.

    In what other country would a couple of deluded idiots attend at an empty stadium miles away from where their own team were playing a few hours later ? :seal:


    Hilarious if true. What difference would it have made to the Sheepies if we'd used EBT's or not? They were rank rotten during the EBT years 2001-10

  9. Does that include their financial doping via the Coop Bank soft loans and dubious land deals with the Glasgow City Council as well, i.e. "the UEFA Club Licensing and Financial Fair Play Regulations"?


    This is ammunition our board have in reserve. Whether they decide to use it or not is another matter. If they did things could get very interesting indeed. I suspect Liewell knows this as a whole can of worms would open involving Scottish politicians past & present.

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