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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. Clubs usually get increased attendances over Christmas/New Year so not sure they'd want to give that up for summer football where they might get lower attendances during june/july when people go on holiday.

    As for the League Cup its importance plummeted when it lost the UEFA place for winners a good few years ago.

  2. Is this a wind-up ? seriously ? Mitchell calling anyone 'damaged' is hilarious.


    This was the guy as SPL chief exec who tried to be the tough guy with SKY TV over the TV contract & was told to take it or leave it. So he left it & we got a BBC contract worth about £4m which was about a quarter of the SKY one.


    Look up the meaning of the word 'credibility' Roger if you read this

  3. Give him a seat on the board; that might put an end to such speculation. He certainly wouldn't be out of place there given his background. We did it with Walter.


    That was a mistake IMO. Managers answer to the board. They shouldn't sit on the board

  4. Given you talk about Celtic and their coop soft loans, given you talk about the record showing "cynicism" I would say that, yes, you were implying an agenda. In fact, you pretty much come out and say it.


    Nothing wrong with the soft loans from T3B & DK is there? they are essentially private loans between individuals & Rangers.


    However the soft loans the yahoos got from the basket case Co-op bank are entirely different. Banks don't loan money at those rates for starters. It isn't commercially viable. So who arranged these soft loans for the yahoos then? Surely not Lhabour party yahoo-supporters? Mr Reid or Mr Wilson would never do anything like that would they?


    FWIW I think the yahoos soft loans are the ace card up his sleeve King may play if need be. EBT's were available for everyone should they wish to use them.

    Soft loans from the Co-op bank weren't...............unless you can get someone who can pull strings to get them for you. In other words it was the yahoos who 'cheated' not us.

  5. There is absolutely no chance of Rangers signing a striker in the next window, why would they?


    For starters there are none available of substance in this window.


    If there were they wouldn't sign because of where we are unless the board want to splash out.


    Why would the board take a gamble on some money grabbing hasbeen who's available in January?


    I've said it before and I'll say it again...there is nothing much wrong with our squad of players other than a loss of form due to complacency.


    Next summer in the 'important' window when we are a top league side with the opportunity to win the league, that's when to spend serious money on a tried and very trusted striker, not in January ever.


    We need to get a striker next month because MIller is past it & Clark isn't good enough. Waghorn isn't an out and out striker despite his number of goals. That only leaves Young Hardie & it would be asking a lot of an 18 year old would it not?


    FWIW I think this league is going to be a lot tighter than most of us think because I'd expect both us & Hibz to win 30 plus games.

  6. He'd be mad to take the Fulham job. At least 2 others have knocked it back. Fulham are a club going nowhere since Al-Fayed sold them. I'm sure MW knows this only too well.

    That said however we need to realise if he's as successful as we expect him to be here that the day will come when he does get tempted back down south.But I'd expect it to be a much bigger club than Fulham.......

  7. Thanks


    Popular with morons


    Actually that's a bit harsh but you would have to have been touched to fall for green and pretty daft to have had whyte as your first choice.


    Anyone who was still supporting green Co by the time of the Easdales ought to be thoroughly ashamed of themselves.


    38k who bought ST's in 2012. Are they all 'morons' as you suggest? I'd say it was only as time went on during Green's tenure that more & more people started to get suspicious culminating in his sudden departure following his daft remark about Ahmad forcing him to resign.

    His first big mistake was bringing in the Easdales presumably so as to give the impression of having 'Rangers men' on the board. That was never going to work & didn't.

    Green also had a big advantage in that no one really knew anything about him or his business background other than a brief, unsuccessful stint at Sheffield Utd.

    Whyte was totally different. Many, including myself, found out about Whyte fairly easily early doors & nothing that followed surprised me. I don't believe SDM willingly sold to Whyte and those in LBG and the SFA who failed to heed the vociferous warnings by PM & AJ should be brought to account.

    That said I see no reason not to trust the current board who genuinely have the best interests of Rangers at heart. However their biggest challenge will be providing the funds required to get us promoted this season & challenging the yahoos next season. I believe Mr King is way OTT in seeming to suggest we need as much as £30m to challenge the yahoos who have been in consistent decline every season since we left the top division.

  8. Since we got chucked out the then SPL LIewell has been cutting budgets & salaries at a rate George Osborne could only dream of cutting tax credits.

    When yellow teeth left trying to get a manager & head coach on the reduced remunerations & reduced budgets was proving difficult. Keane didn't want it and who knows who else rejected them.

    So be grateful Collins. Had it not been for Rangers being out the top division you probably wouldn't have got your job. Wee Ronnie Rotten too.

    Only thing is I think these two will be gone for next season. More the pity.

  9. I don't think this is to do with meeting in the Euros. Unlike the current situation in Scotland, the English Premiership is still a separate organisation from the and lower divisions (the Football League) and the two have differing rules on dual ownership. IIRC the FL's rules are more restrictive, and potentially better for us WRT getting rid of unwanted influences.


    If Newcastle got relegated Ashley wouldn't be able to own Newcastle and retain his 10 percent shareholding in Rangers. The English Football League rules do not permit multi-ownership.

    One such example was Watford. Giampaolo Pozza owns Udinese & bought Watford too but eventually had to register his son Gino as Watford owner so as not to fall foul of EFL rules

  10. Question is whether fans start to buy merchandise in numbers once again. Given that the underlying deal seems to be weighted so heavily in Ashley's favour, I doubt it.


    Our best hope of a quick and satisfactory resolution is probably that Green is found guilty in his criminal trial and the Club is subsequently able to use the evidence from that case to show that he breached his fiduciary duties as a Director by not acting in the best interests of the Club.


    Frankie may not want us to speculate on the nature of any such potential breach, given the ongoing criminal case, but if you follow the money relating to Ashley's investment in the Club, it's pretty obvious what he got in return and who benefited.


    If that connection can be proven, then we can ask a court to declare the contract void.


    Agree with what you're saying but if/when CG is found guilty I think there will undoubtedly be an appeal so getting the SD contract(s) declared void may take some considerable time.

    Meanwhile we're stuck with a situation which is of little use to either party. What I can't understand is why PUMA don't try to intervene.I'd have thought it would be in their interests to get all parties round the table & re-negotiate these contracts to the satisfaction of everyone. If they're really interested in selling Rangers merchandise that is.....

  11. No thank you. Won't be listening.

    Yahoo radio programme presented by a yahoo with a panel usually consisting of yahoos catering for an audience mostly consisting of Rangers-hating & Rangers-obsessed yahoos.

  12. Waghorn has scored 14 goals in 4 league games!


    He has done extremely well. Can't praise him enough but he needs someone alongside him up front to share the goal scoring burden. Otherwise we start relying on the FB's and the MF which isn't always possible.

    Miller & Clark aren't up to it so that means getting someone from elsewhere with a proven record. Untried youngsters from EPL clubs aren't the answer IMO.

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