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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. We need to prioritise on the football side of things. Promotion is no longer the foregone conclusion it was supposed to be.

    The team needs urgent investment to guarantee promotion & get a good basis for next season.

    Can Mr KING provide that investment as he previously appeared to suggest?

  2. I think that someone earlier in the thread suggested MASH may possibly be contributing to pay Greens legal fees for this ongoing claim.


    I don't know if this is true or not but it would fit with any MO that wanted to hamper cashflow at Rangers.

    Both in the short-term and possibly medium-term if what you mention were to come to pass.


    I doubt that.

    Wouldn't MASH or MA be livid with Green if it transpires his Rangers acquisition gets deemed fraudulent ? What would happen to the SD contracts then ?

    Why would they help him?

  3. Where to start with this sheepie nonsense........


    He and nine other SPL chairmen took a decision to vote Rangers out the SPL in 2012 presumably for the now infamous 'sporting integrity' presumably due to insolvency as they saw it. I've often maintained they believed that insolvency was caused by debts most notably the BTC.

    Now it transpires that insolvency may have been deliberately caused in order to perpetrate a fraud allowing a number of individuals to acquire Rangers & its assets at a value way below its true market value.Hence the impending trials awaiting these individuals.

    And if these persons are convicted is there a chance Milne & his nine cohorts may face financial damages from oldco shareholders? Remember the then KIllie chairman Michael Johnson stating this was the reason KIllie abstained in the vote.

    If this is some sort of olive branch to the current Rangers board it must be rejected as it should also be rejected if it is intended to save Dundee Hibz from relegation. He's never before stated he wanted us back AFAIK. Milne, Thompson and their leader-in-chief Liewell must be brought to account for that decision they took whatever it takes.

  4. With all due respect,....IMO you typify a certain group within the support.


    Politically niave and with unreasonable expectations that have more reference to our past than our present.

    Although the latter has been encouraged by some of what has come from the club.


    I wrote the following in reply to someone on FF, that I think touches on some of the issues behind my remarks to Rab (not abuse, more calling a spade a spade/IMO).




    1. For various reasons there isn't the money to go on a semi-lavish recruiting drive in January, period.


    2. Last springtime, the board had a vision of how they saw the football opertion developing and appointed MW&Co to take charge of it. This won't happen overnight but we need firm foundations and a system not just to bring through players but to make our club viable.


    3. It isn't about throwing money that you haven't got at the transfer window, it's about getting the right players and developing them. This is where we are at present and past rhetoric about League titles next season, overspend and X amount of players belong more to a past era than to today.


    4. When looking at the situation as a whole you have to take into consideration the football side, the political side, the financial side, the support and the overlap between them. For example, the political side is currently impacting the financial which in turn is felt by the football, from which the fans react.


    5. Within this dynamic (Political Headline Overview is MASH/SD are at corporate war with Rangers) I think it important that the support back the club. However, the club have some difficulty in communicating with fans on this due to gagging orders/live court cases and in this vacum there are efforts made on behalf of MASH to spread misinformation.


    6. Communication is vital. Unrealistic expectations and timescales haven't helped and should be replaced by straightforward realism that focuses on building a productive football operation for the medium to long term. IMO Paul Murray or Stewart Robertson may be better to communicate this whilst DK may be more effective in the background in efforts to bring SDI legally and financially to account.


    7. We aren't out of the woods financially, nor has the war been won although regime change was hugely important and until this particular 'war' is over there will most likely be varying degrees of turbulence.


    8. We need the fans to get behind the club during what amounts to 'corporate wartime', not to do what Mr.MASH would like to see us do. At the sametime, on the field, we have reasons to be cheerful and have to realise at present it's building blocks and patience rather than millions (that we don't have) thrown at players.


    9. Perhaps Mr.MASH is being aggressive because they would probably like DK and the club to drop plans and efforts to bring SDI, legally and financially to account. This strategy may or may not run parralell to current criminal proceedings and the fall out from them. Whatever happens is going to take time.


    The vast majority of the Rangers support will not pay to watch a sub-standard product. I despair paying £500 for a ST to see Nicky Clarke still in the team.

    This team need improving or the crowds will start to decline.

    Unfortunately people such as yourself seem to think we should all turn up regardless just because of the boardroom changes earlier this week but it is what we're watching on the park which matters most and in recent weeks there's been a marked deterioration

  5. Everything is in place, we have it all in good measure. However we aren't putting it all together, defensive mistakes and a wee bit one dimensional atm, once that is ironed out we'll be on our way.


    We need three or four quality players too, particularly up front where we're struggling. Miller and Clark aren't the answer

  6. Your probably right. But the freedom from fear of relegation may see them blood a Yongster they sell for millions.


    It's an interesting debate. One things for sure Scottish football was stronger when it was a bigger league.


    Whether that was the league or the age is debatable.


    Fans overwhelmingly want a bigger league I believe. So maybe more go from the home side.


    who knows. Lots to consider.


    Fans do want a bigger top division. No doubt about that. It's only a question of the number of teams in it which is up for debate.

  7. As is your prerogative.


    However, from my own perspective I would much rather we were promoted on sporting merits on the field of play. Not some half-arsed concocted idea which prevents one of the SPFL Board members' club from being relegated.


    If we were to fail to get promoted on sporting merits and finished the season as the "14th" team and got promoted due to reconstruction..... our promotion on such grounds would be embarrassing. Not only that but we would become unintended beneficiaries - this suggestion has nothing to do with "innovation" as Doncaster tries to suggest, but is all about the protection of Dundee Utd. Anyone thinking otherwise is blinded IMHO.


    If we fail to go up due to results then we simply don't deserve to be there.


    Regardless, as gunslinger says, the integrity of the competition should always be paramount. Shoe-horning through a change in format which favors one team in particular lessens the credibility of the competition and those who are responsible for it.


    I could support the format changes (despite the convoluted split of 6-4-4..... Uggghhhh) - but only if it came into effect for the 2017/18 season - it shouldn't be rushed through in what would look like a clear attempt to stave off the relegation of a member club.


    Regardless of what happens between now & the end of the season regards promotion, if Rangers get asked to play in the top division the Rangers board will accept. There really is nothing to debate here

  8. I don't get the summer football thing. Is that starting the league 2 weeks earlier to allow a two week break in January? Are people going to go on holiday in march to Spain when the temperature is 17 degrees? Scotland has a weather system that can have 12 degrees in January but also 12 degrees in July. Sorry I just don't get it.


    Never entirely sure myself but I think summer football means we'd start the season february/march and finish october/november like they do in the scandanavian countries.

    Can see a lot of merits but I'd have thought attendances would be hit june/july when a lot of people take their summer holidays.

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