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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. At least the SPL dross know what its like to play in this rough league..


    So are you suggesting we should sign players purely because they've played in our leagues?

    We should take them over players who are probably better than them?

  2. Matt Targett LB

    Lewis Cook CM

    Brandon Barker LW

    Zach Clough CF


    Since its xmas and I can dream


    Will Hughes CM

    Patrick Bamford CF

    Joe Gomez CB


    all young players from down south would fit the Warburton style whether they are realistic or not is in the eye of the beholder


    If we genuinely have ambition then these are the sort of calibre of players we should be looking at instead of the SPL dross

  3. You're making a big assumption that Warburton sees spending millions as a way of solving the current slump. I personally don't believe that he does. So unless you are suggesting that King forces him to spend exactly what is 'available' how will you ever know what the board has to spend? Bottom line is - you won't. But the shallow minded that believe everything is always solved be throwing money at it will quite happily use it to discredit King as it suits their agenda.


    You're not seriously suggesting all is well on the playing side are you? We are still well short in some areas & this will need addressed. Another season outside the top division is unthinkable for financial reasons alone

  4. Rab,


    Lets just pretend the Christmas fairy has arrived and asked you to nominate the board of your choice, who would it be. You spent long enough with your merry little band of men on here trying to rubbish King before he came through, and it's clear that you (and you are not alone) can't let go of it. However it's easy to be negative without adding anything positive. The stage is yours - who should it be?


    I'm not suggesting for a minute that anyone currently on the board should be removed. Far from it. Since the new board got appointed they have done a fine job and I acknowledge that.

    But I do have reservations about Mr King. Going around putting the idea that we'd have £30m to see us challenge for the title may well come back to bite him before long especially as this season isn't going to be the stroll many thought. Without getting in at least 2 or 3 quality players next month may well see us in the play-offs again. That is why I believe some of that £30m may well be required next month. Is it available? If so how much & where is it coming from?

  5. They will still need to be paid till then though and some will still be under contract next season.




    Season ticket money my arse it's being funded via soft loans from the Directors and will be for the foreseeable future. Millions and millions.




    Did you not see the Green legal expenses case and the subsequent appeal, the SFA £250k claim etc...etc.




    They impact by virtue of money that could go to the playing side being diverted elsewhere.


    I doubt very much if there will be much more of these soft loans. And the St's and the rest from supporters are where the majority of revenue is from nowadays

  6. Legacy players who are simply not good enough yet are still on substantial wages.


    Numerous court cases.


    Numerous onerous contracts.


    Playing catch up with capital investment at Ibrox, Auchenhowie etc.


    Enough for you?



    The 'legacy players' will mostly be gone at the end of this season.


    The club is largely being financed by supporters at present via ST's. How much money is being lost via these 'onerous contracts' which I presume to be SD? How much more would we have got if it wasn't SD?


    How much are we losing via these court cases which I presume you're referring to Ashley?


    How much do these impact the playing side?

  7. Going by what's going on atm we are not a 21st Century football team, far from it. 40,000 attendances every other week (more than most so called big clubs) and we are looking at loan players.


    I don't believe anything of worthwhile is available in the January window, but if we don't spend like a 21st Century club in the summer then I'd question where is our money going?



    Nothing wrong with loan players. The type we should be looking at (from EPL) are those on the fringes of the first team not the likes of Oduwa and Zelalem who aren't. Ball has been on Spurs' bench before maybe that's one reason why he's done better than the other two.

    We need to recruit at least one striker next month whether a loan signing or not

  8. Rab,it's almost as if you want to be proved right regarding the new board not being able to fund us going forward!,now you are quite right to be wary,as all Rangers fans should be after what we have went through!,however there can be no doubt that the new board have the best intentions for Rangers!,why do you always come across so demanding of them?,do you really believe that the new board bad for Rangers?


    Not at all but I have reservations about Mr King. I suspect Douglas Park does too hence his sudden return to the board.

    But I certainly don't suspect anything untoward fron them at all. I just question when/where the funding will come from that MW will expect.

  9. Jesus wept.





    As I said it's a completely different culture, the Board won't be handing out contracts they can't afford and I doubt Warburton would wish them to do so. Warburton knows his budget is limited, how many times does he have to say he'll only sign "players that can add value" that's added value in both playing and financial senses.


    At long last we have a manager who makes us look like a 21st century football team. As we progress he will want more resources and there is nothing untoward in asking where these resources(financial) will come from.

  10. There's an element of gamble in every single transfer.


    We won't be shelling out excessive fees on anyone for a long, long time if ever.


    It may have escaped your notice but McCoist is long gone and it's a completely different culture at all levels of the club.



    Of course every transfer is a gamble. I'd never dispute that.

    However if we wish to challenge the yahoos for the title again then we will need to spend on better quality players than we've currently got. My question is where that money will come from. Mr King? Does he have the financial resources the SOS, RST led us to believe he had?

    Of course McCoist is gone(thankfully) but I'd guess the contracts Foderingham, Kiernan, Tavernier etc are on aren't much different from those Shiels, Templeton and(unfortunately) Bell got

  11. Time will tell as it did with McCarthy and McArthur


    It would be gross ineptitude not to look at what's on our doorstep.


    Of course it will but I dont want to see us shelling out excessive transfer fees & thousand p.w. on wages for these players only to discover they're not as good as we'd hoped. Sign Crawford by all means but not on the sort of contract McCoist handed out all too often

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