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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. I have a friend who lives in barrowfield near the monkeys park some satudsay if we are away I go visit him I take him for a pint to Bridgeton cross so we walk down the road and some of the songs and chants we hear are nothing short of disgusting one was in relation to the soldier lee rigby and the coppers stand and listen and watch and do nothing as my pal says ,it looks like the have council permission to do as they like .


    I think this goes higher up than council level that turns a blind eye to the yahoos anti-British misdemeanours

  2. Says what I've been telling folk for years. That Stein line about football being the safety valve for west coast sectarianism is completely is arse about face. If it wasn't for the chants at football, sectarianism in Scotland would barely register. Iraq has a sectarian problem: it cheapens the term to apply it to what is, at heart, an over-excitable football fan problem.


    Sectarianism is now an industry in Scotland which employs people & gives our excessive number of largely useless politicians something to do. And I've always considered the many individuals in this country who claim to be anti-sectarian to be sectarian themselves as soon as Rangers name gets mentioned

  3. Until it is acknowledged that other clubs have a problem too this will not go away regardless of which version of the TBB is sung.

    Indeed the yahoos have by far and away the biggest problem with their GB and IRA songbook.However whilst there is a SNP administration in place at the toytown Holyrood Parliament nothing will be done as the SNP draws much of its support these days from the yahoo fraternity[/quote]


    Where to start with this utter nonsense "SNP draws much of its support theses days from the yahoo fraternity". RC's have 16% pf the population, SNP got 50% of vote at GE ffs. Why do some bears continue with this crap, in the recent past the tims were responsible for Labour having such a stronghold at all levels of government now they are reponsible for the SNP rise. May be a shock to some but lots of Rangers fans voted SNP at GE.


    How many SNP MPs are known Rangers supporters? Or MSPs? Or MEPs?

    Has the penny dropped yet?

  4. Until it is acknowledged that other clubs have a problem too this will not go away regardless of which version of the TBB is sung.

    Indeed the yahoos have by far and away the biggest problem with their GB and IRA songbook.However whilst there is a SNP administration in place at the toytown Holyrood Parliament nothing will be done as the SNP draws much of its support these days from the yahoo fraternity

  5. I think we need to trust MW's judgement on this sort of player. We are looking at mainly English players outside their top division who perhaps in years gone by would have got an opportunity in that top division were it not for the fact what it has now become i.e. a billionaires cosmopolitan league.


    Players I've barely heard of are now going for £5m & £10m and we simply do not have that sort of money to pay for transfer fees let alone wages, bonuses & signing-on fees.


    My only comment on Forrester is that he seems to play in a position for which we're fairly well covered at the moment i.e. attacking MF

  6. This is all silly stuff who gets hurt by a song only the downtrodden mob in a world were people are getting their heads lopped off and a country with food banks this is nothing .


    If they were honest(which they are not) the 'offended mob' would admit they actually want to hear TBB so it gives them something to complain about.

    Are they suggesting their own lot from the East End have a anti-Briitish songbook causes no offence?

    This lot along with Sturgeon & co need to be taken to task if anything transpires from this

  7. W Collum is a very poor referee, theres nothing really to add.


    Except that he is one of too many poor referees we have at the moment.

    If Craig Thomson is/was supposed to be the best we've a serious problem. He's the referee I dread the most refereeing a Rangers game.

    When Liewell told Rhegan a few years back to sack Hugh Dallas & also the strike, I think that's where a lot of problems began

  8. This dross is well past its sell-by date. Not even the slightest bit funny any more.

    Is this the best BBC Pacific Quay can come up withfor hogmanay?

    Yet another reason to scrap the outdated licence fee IMO.

  9. Probably? I'm certainly not against it Rab. ..


    I want the best Rangers team we can get on the park. Don't you?

    If that means bringing in players from outside Scotland as opposed to Scottish players then so be it.

    Souness did it. Advocaat did it. McLeish did it and Walter Smith did it in both his spells as Rangers manager.

    I don't want to see us sign the likes of Murray Davidson & Greg Stewart(as you previously suggested) simply because they're Scottish-based players. I want better than that

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