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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. Warbs didnt say we would be challenging for the title next season. He said his goal is European football within 3 years. King said we should be challenging for the title next season, which really doesnt mean anything. It is hard to attract big players when we essentially have nothing to offer them, we want them to come play in a shit league with morons who want to try break skilled players ankles in the first 12 seconds of a game and receive no protection or help from officials while the media whoop and cheer these thugs. Warburton has made it clear he wants players for the future, ones that can play comfortably in Scotland and, if needed, be sold on for a profit to keep the club healthy. What do we sell these guy on, the potential of an old firm game? Yeah, that would entice any player to sign, playing against a mob who have embarrassed themselves in Europe at every turn.


    The standard in Scotland, at every level, is fucking shit. We cannot pay massive wages for players who do not want to be here or contend with the standard of football elsewhere. We are looking to build for the future. Be patient or be quiet.


    No I won't be quiet. King once talked of £30m being needed. Presume we won't be seeing it anytime soon?

    Rangers supporters will not turn up to watch substandard dross. Past history proves that. Signing these players only worries me that we'll be struggling to compete with Hertz & Aberdeen which is totally unacceptable

  2. I see nothing wrong in the Forrester & Gostomski signings. Yes they've been given short term deals but if they impress I'm sure they'll be offered longer deals.At least it's not exorbitant McCoist deals over 3 or 4 years


    We've got 4 players out of contract at the end of the season(Law, Templeton, Shiels & Clark) & it doesn't look like they'll be offered new deals so new players need to be sourced from somewhere.It doesn't look like Bell features in MW's plans hence the Gostomski signing.


    Of the 3 loan signings only Ball has impressed so they'll need replaced too.

  3. The F word to Celtic. Why? because there is no finer sound in football than the Billy Boys ringing round a full Ibrox.


    Nothing wrong with that but you know as well as I do that it doesn't matter what words are sung the usual pondlife in the Scottish Mhedia will do everything they can to use TBB to inflict whatever damage they can on Rangers & its support.

  4. The polls suggest not at present, but who knows what will happen in politics?






    Good examples of why we shouldn't discuss politics! Infantile fantasy in both posts. The country at large is against the best supported team in Scotland, that really makes sense. On the other hand, if you're right and if the country at large is against the things you feel the need to shout about at the football, then that must include Rangers fans and might give you pause for thought - but that's expecting this kind of mindset to actually examine what it does and the effect it has on our club, which isn't going to happen.


    As for the second post quoted, it equates any Rangers fan who voted SNP or joined the party with Gerry Adams and his murderous crew. The poster might want to be careful who he says that to in person as I'd imagine few will take it as a compliment!


    Anyone who votes SNP needs to know what they're voting for & the consequences of that. FWIW I think an independent Scotland would be catastrophic not least with its new currency & evaporating oil revenues.

    We should all(as Rangers supporters) be very concerned about what an independent Scotland would be like for us with a government with the likes of Roseanna Cunningham, Michael Mather, Brendan O'Hara etc in it

  5. Enough of this nonsense.


    UEFA censured us because of this song and would do so again. It is for all intents and purposes proscribed by them and Police Scotland.


    Anyone who thinks differently is free to sing it in front of any police officer. Amongst thousands you'll be fine, on your own, you will be arrested.


    But it's so much easier to say otherwise online.


    To begin with UEFA had no interest in censuring Rangers regards this song at the Villareal game.

    It's what(or rather who) made them change their mind we should be concerned about.

  6. It hasn't....as they can't ban a song.


    The "sectarian nature" of it's words was fined and and any repeat would be a fine.


    It's not banned as a song....UEFA can't ban a song.


    And what is the 'sectarian nature' exactly?

    F@nian is neither a religion or a race. Its meaning has been hijacked by the mhedia as part of their ongoing anti-Rangers agenda

  7. I'm sure Frankie ran a poll on here on the build up to the Yes/No campaign and the majority voted YES? It even made headlines in one of the newspapers!


    Cameron was a buffoon who allowed the SNP to set he referendum question IIRC.

    The question should have been whether Scotland should have separated from the UK or not. If so I think the 55 percent would have been greater

  8. If what you say is correct, then there is going to be one hell of a political bloodbath within the SNP at some point; to equate Scottish nationalism with Sinn Fein or Irish republicanism is to completely misunderstand the history of the two countries. I suspect that teacher lassie who posted that twitter rubbish (and is now being disciplined) comes into that category. A little learning is a dangerous thing.


    Today's SNP is a left-wing republican party not unlike SInn Fein or Irish Republicanism. Past history is irrelevant.

    The SNP aim is independence and they don't care how they get it nor do they care what would happen post-independence. At the referendum last year they went around saying an independent Scotland would have currency union with rUK which was a blatant lie. To have that would have required the B of E to be an independent Scotland's central bank(lender of last resort). & there's no way Westminster would have allowed that. Not to mention all the other lies they spouted about EU membership, NATO membership, oil revenues etc.

    I was very proud to be a Rangers supporter who stood up as part of the 55percent who rejected this nonsense.

  9. Andy, my perception of the SNP was based around the perception of some of their detractors who simplify things by viewing them in some way as a kind of Scottish counterpart of Sinn Fein; since those people seem to think (without any real evidence IMO) that Celtic supporters are in the main those who have been signing up to the SNP in their droves. I think they have been attracting support simply because of the failure of Labour north and south of the border to provide an antidote to the Thatcherite model so unappealing in Scotland. Now that Corbyn has been turning Labour back to traditional labour values we may find that the SNP starts to lose its appeal as an alternative opposition.


    The yahoos will always support & sign up to the party in power in Scotland. Then they get themselves & their own into positions of power.

    That's why they've been 'signing up to the SNP in their droves' as you say

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