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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. £7m is a lot of money to have been invested over a period of 15 years.

    We really need to be producing a lot more players to sell on to the bigger leagues outside Scotland to justify that amount of money.

    I'd say too that other clubs in Scotland have produced more players than us & got more back in transfer fees than we have had for a lot less than £7m.I'd also say too they might have had better scouting systems too.

    Let's hope this is the start of something better than we've had until now. It has to be.

  2. The idea that clubs should be deducted points because of some clowns in their support misbehaving is just ridiculous. Ideas like that should be filed under 'idiotic' and guys like Stewart Regan who have these brain farts in the first place should be shown the door at Hampden before they ruin Scottish football any more than they already have.


    More importantly who decides if a club would get deducted points or not? The SFA? A SFA comittee made up of clubs reps? Great way to deduct points from your competetion eh?


    And who decides what 'offence' leads to points deductions?


    And would every senior game in Scotland be scrutinised in the same way?


    And most worrying of all would all clubs be treated fairly? I think we all know the answer to this one don't we?

  3. Almost on a weekly basis Provan includes something derogatory about Rangers in his column. He claims to be "frank and fearless "

    I find him to be "tedious and tiresome "


    What people like Provan cannot accept is that whilst the 'sectarian problem' has been diminishing at Rangers games over the past decade or so it has been substantially increasing at at the yahoos games most noticeably through the GB.

    Last week at Stranraer was one of many such incidents over the past few seasons.

  4. We should only consider loan signings from EPL first team squads such as Weiss & Vuckic.

    It's too big a step up from EPL youth teams to our first team.

    Good luck to the lad though. Showed a few tricks & flicks but needs more of an end product to his game.

  5. we need to sign 5 players in august to bring us up to a 24/25 man squad including 4 of the younger players.


    I'm just hoping those 5 players are going to be starting 11 players.

    Windass is a decent replacement for shiel's but not for Law or Zalelem. Crooks is a good replacement for ball.

    O'halleron for me can replace templeton but i wouldn't have expected templeton to be in the starting 11 next season either.


    If they are not starting 11 players I fear the worst. Clinging to the hope Warburton can attract a higher calibre player when we are up a division.


    I'm just not convinced bringing in players from the fourth tier of English football is going to have us challenging the yahos next season because that is what our support will expect

  6. If Warburton doesn't come second next season with his budget, which will be far in excess of Dolly & Jambos, he should be sacked.


    3rd place is not, and should never be, acceptable for any Rangers side in Scottish football.


    Eco was rightly sacked after finishing 3rd, and he had won two titles, including a treble.


    I hope I'm wrong but I'm starting to get concerned at the calibre of signings we're making at the moment.

    If (and it is IF at the moment) we are promoted then these signings are no better than those made by the likes of hertz & Aberdeen therefore second place would be by no means guaranteed

  7. Ah Davie, Davie, Davie...........


    Trying to point the finger at other clubs to deflect the attention away from the club(the one he used to play for) which has by far and awy the biggest problem as we saw at Stranraer again last week.

    And Are we still peddling the Morton lies from last month's game I see. Where were the arrests then? The culprits would have been easily spotted I'm sure. Well, all part of the plan to deflect attention away from the yahoos.

    My biggest fear about Strict Liability is it wouldn't be applied fairly. The yahoos,with their chums in the Mhedia & SFA, would still go unpunished

  8. We need to realise that the pondlife who phone in to radio stations or newspapers to vent their hatred of Rangers are invariably inadequate people who lead inadequate lives who find this hatred of Rangers as a means of escapism from their low esteem ,low intellect & low social standing.

    My gripe is with the mhedia organisations who feed on these people & try to portray them as normal & respectable but whose opinions are often disturbing to the point of insanity.

  9. I received an Email from Glasgow Pavillion;


    "Celtic – The Musical is a brand new stage show that has been created by Alterean Media with the official backing and support of Celtic Football Club.

    The story of the proud history of Celtic Football Club unfolds through the eyes of two families, united by their shared passion."

    Featuring the songs that have rung round Celtic Park over the years Celtic "


    I believe there are laws against glorifying terrorism so can we look for mass arrests taking place ? :whistling:


    'Shared passion' of what exactly??? Militant Irish Republicanism ??? That's just about all the yahoos exist for nowadays

  10. two points


    1) If HMRC were owed £94.4m & £72m was the BTC that leaves £22.4m for Whyte not paying PAYE/NI plus the wee tax case. Is that correct? Doesn't £22m seem excessive?

    2) If debts were £168.8m(stop laughing at the back) that means the remaining debts not owed to HMRC were £74.4m. Who were owed that amount? Seems excessive


    Or maybe pondlife mhedia making up stories & figures again?

  11. Snatched from FF regarding O'Halloran




    Rab, O'Halloran ain't a striker, he's a winger. I don't think W&W view him as a striker either, but someone well suited for the 4-3-3. And his stats for this season are ...


    Played 24 with 5 goals and 10 assists.


    TM values him at 350k, which IMHO is about right.




    We need a striker not another winger

  12. Some suggestions in the media we've had two low-ball offers for O'Halloran knocked back but may go back with another offer. It's said St Johnstone want around £600K for him.


    Given what we paid for Templeton and now the expected fee for O'Halloran, it does show a big difference in what we can pay in the Scottish market's supposed top end compared to scouting the lower leagues in England. Are the likes of Waghorn really worth less than this lad?


    ridiculous if true. O'Halloran isn't a prolific scorer & has just two league goals this season

  13. It was brought up by fans a few times. The rumour was there was to be a link up with the betting mob who sponsored us at the time allowing in game betting to happen.


    LOL can you imagine in game betting using the Wi Fi system installed by this bunch of chancers & Cowboys ???

    Hilarious if nothing else......

    These chancers can ring fence the £300k all they want they're not going to get it are they? Their product is crap & not fit for purpose. I suspect the only reason the board haven't sued them is this mob haven't two pennies to their name.It would be futile pursuing them.

    Did the bruvs sign the contract with this lot down the Nags Head when they were directors per chance ??

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