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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. 13 minutes ago, Gonzo79 said:

    I don't think we'll win the league, which is very depressing. 

    I think it’s a bit early to come to that conclusion. I think we may still see some more movement in/ out before the end of the transfer window which could change things. 

  2. 4 minutes ago, Rousseau said:

    We've done that every time during pre-season. That's the problem. We can't keep the ball. 

    Too often we’re playing the ball around at the back in or near our penalty area and you can just sense we’re about to lose possession in a dangerous area as the opposition press in numbers.
    That’s what I mean. Just get it tae f*ck oot of there…😎

  3. 26 minutes ago, Graeme Ro55 said:

    I like Marcelo Gallardo, but the rest of the Bluenoses will have their own ideas. The thread was just me suggesting that we go after a manager with serious intent to get a finished article and not settle for experiments. That way we can all get behind him and not be waiting for the wheels coming off.

    Do we need a new manager? 😱

  4. 6 minutes ago, Scott7 said:

    I don’t agree that it’s only a “bounce game” and all about “getting minutes into legs”. As Uilleam rightly says the team are already through pre-season and have played three matches. There should be signs of something by now. Somebody’s got to start scoring goals. Take away Tav’s penalties and there’s hardly anything. Let’s hope Danilo and Cifuentes, if they arrive, can create and in Danilo’s case score a few.


    Despite some very good performances last season, I remain dubious about Cantwell. I’ll be surprised if Dowell makes it. I hope Sterling can defend because Tav, Barisic and Redvan and to a lesser extent, Davies, can’t.

    Mostly similar views to mine. 
    Is Dowell honestly a better option than Hagi ? 

  5. 9 hours ago, Tannochsidebear said:

    As I was travelling back from hols today I’ve only just caught up with the match thread, and it seems to have been mission accomplished as far as Beale is concerned. A lot of players got game time and there were no injuries. That is all I look for from these pre-season games, they really mean nothing apart from that. We should be seeing sharpness and our shape improving as these games continue to ensure we are ready for Killie on 5th Aug, when the crucial CL qualifier a few days later.

    Must admit I’d like to see our new signings ( particularly the forwards we’ve signed) getting a few goals under their belts before the season starts

  6. 13 hours ago, yuddie said:

    Pretty sure Sakala has 2 years left, didn't he sign a 4 year deal on a Bosman 2 seasons ago?


    If anything I'd be looking to give him another couple of years on top if he can supplement the attack this season with 20+ g/a in rotation.



    Apologies I think you’re right, Sakala has 2 years left on his contract.

    I agree he has made a decent contribution since coming to Rangers but if he’s not going to be used with all these new arrivals up front we should maybe cash in on him now.


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