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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. You can rant at Lawwell all you like but we should be very worried about all this.Can you imagine only having crap Scottish clubs to play?


    We'd still be allowed into the EL ?


    My concern is Liewell. I wouldn't put it past him to try & negotiate for the yahoos to still be able to get into the CL but not for us. Believe me he is not to be trusted.

    I genuinely hope alarm bells were ringing in the Rangers boardroom when Liewell went to Geneva.

    As I said in an earlier post - was it Parkhead Peter or SFA Peter who went?

  2. Surely some interesting questions to ask. For example, if Scottish football is left out you might wonder how independent, of Rangers, Celtic's business plan was.


    Voting Rangers out the SPL in 2012 allowed Celtic a virtually free crack at the CL every season. Club chairmen wouldn't stand up to Liewell even though they knew it wasn't in their clubs best financial interests.

    And wining & dining Greasy Platini at the San Giro was done for a reason you know. As was the UEFA pursuit of Rangers for alleged sectarianism whilst the yahoos had by far the bigger problem with their support.

    So to answer ur question I think their business plan was to try and put us out of the way for as long as possible to allow them access to the CL.

    Now though Karl Heinz Rumenigge & maybe other too have other ideas. Liewell could always tell him & UEFA about 'sporting integrity' . You would be able to hear the laughter in this country all the way from Geneva

  3. It was always inevitable that the big clubs from the top leagues in Europe paying the top wages & transfer fees were going to want to keep the CL money amongst themselves.


    Not saying I agree with this but isn't there something ironic about Liewell going there to try to secure SPFL entry to the CL when his club voted Rangers out the then SPL four years ago which has seriously weakened the game in this country, not least financially. Since then all clubs including his own, have been reducing their costs and subsequently the product on the park has got poorer.


    In Europe this season we've seen the yahoos finish bottom of their EL group(including home & away defeats from the mighty FK Molde) St Johnstone put out by Armenian opposition & Aberdeen put out by a team who finished third in the Kazakhstan league.

    Do these teams really deserve to be in the CL LIewell? Or allowed the opportunity to do so? I don't think so.

  4. We have to hope at his forthcoming fraud trial that many questions many of us have had about Whyte get answered.

    His lifestyle certainly does not seem to match what he is i.e. a third-rate, failed businessman who has left behind numerous failed companies with monies seemingly owed all over the place.

    In its heyday the Leggoland blog once described Whytes 'business empire' as being like a Russian doll consisting of companies inside one another none of which seemed to be trading & making any money.

  5. The club has to jointly with Hearts take SPFL to task on this stupid appointment. Two of the biggest 3 clubs in the country are not represented at SPFL board level, but they see fit to appoint another Rangers-hater to join their cabal. One can only guess at her remit, but it doesnt take a genius to know we are not going to like it.


    We need to 'build bridges' with the likes of hearts and other clubs to vote off the yahoo-friendly cabal running the SPFL.

  6. Follow Follow had a thread on her recently. Here's some of the folk she follows on twitter:


    "Pope Francis, Father Gregory Boyle, Wings Over Scotland, Women for Independence, Nicola Sturgeon, Hardeep Singh Kholi, Patrick Harvey, Alex Salmond, Alan Cumming, Natalie McGarry, Kevin McKenna, Pat Kane, Humza Yusaf, Gerry Hassan, Gerry Braiden, Aamer Anwar, Limmy, Iain Macwhirter and (added recently) Frankie from Gersnet."


    Frankie stuck on in desperate attempt to pretend some "balance", presumably. However, I'd say it's clear why she's been appointed and who she will target.


    It's a close run thing between that list and the board she has just joined for who hates us more.


    No big surprise there then is there ?

  7. Miller is more part of the possession,passing statistics with his movement and if you watch him it is a quite impressive work-rate and having thrown in a few goals to me he has done a good job.It is little wonder that he is normally substituted on the hour mark.

    Waghorn also has a high work-rate but is looking a little jaded at the moment needs a rest but there the problem lies replaced by whom?


    Replaced by O'Halloran. Just watched the Hertz vs Hibz game on TV there & it's vital we get O'Halloran against Lewis Stevenson when we play them next month.He'll destroy him. Hibz weakness is their FB positions. MW has spotted this.

  8. Daniel prodan....


    At the time we got him (injured unfortunately) he was one of the best & toughest defenders in the world.

    Had he been fit and stayed with Rangers I don't think O'Neil would have got the success he did particularly with Sutton & Hartson. Prodan would have sorted them out.......

  9. Remember jardel? If only we'd got him he was scoring for fun...


    For £750k less we got Negri who lasted half a season. Jardel would have been a much better signing

    When we were signing Flo for £12m Jardel was signing for Galatasary for £13m

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