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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. I'm sorry RAB but there is absolutely no chance whasoever of us bringing a successful case against those that made that decision because they will argue rightly that they made their decision based on the rules in place at the time, the facts or evidence presented to them and the legal advice that they (no doubt) obtained.


    In order to succeed we would have to show that they failed to act in good faith, contrary to the above; and I would suggest that that would be well nigh impossible.


    And even if we were to succeed in such an action what would we gain other than satisfaction and further lining the lawyers' pockets? We can't replay the last 4 years and will be back in the SPL on our own merits anyway. Any financial award would most likely bankrupt the SFA/SPL and/or the Clubs involved and what's the point of that?


    Although not directly related, finally winning the BTC at the Supreme Court combined with the "no sporting advantage" ruling gives us immense satisfaction and whilst the bitterness will always be there, we weren't entirely innocent and IMO we should move on and upwards and not waste any more injury on the past that cannot be rectified.


    What rules ? What facts ? What legal advice? We're they just not following Liewell's instructions?

    Being out the top division & not competing in Europe has cost Rangers a fortune not to mention the costs when the players walked away in 2012 & Rangers got nothing.

  2. I disagree. The fact that a fraud was committed was irrelevant to them as they could only base their decision on the fact that they had at that time, ie oldco was going to go into liquidation. Whether a fraud was later discovered isn't that important to their decision making.


    Likewise the BTC. The reasons for the liquidation weren't relevant to them.


    I disagree with the decision that they reached but they can't be blamed for not knowing information that wasn't available....and still isn't.


    Well they shouldn't have taken that decision without knowing the facts then should they?

    They should have abstained like Killie did. And their Chairman at that time (michael Johnston) said he took that decision based on safeguarding KIllie from any possible litigation

  3. That Whyte got hold of Rangers is down to David Murray and nobody else. Murray is to blame for what happened to us.


    And if Murray was forced to sell by LBG ?

    On the day Whyte got Rangers the news was greeting with incredulity amongst the Scottish Banking fraternity(including LBG)who knew all about Whyte. They weren't wrong.

  4. The SFA did transfer our membership - that is one of the main points that proves we are the same club.

    It was the SPL clubs vote not to transfer the clubs share in the SPL that caused the problems - we were effectively kicked out the SPL. Due to not being relegated, we couldn't then drop into the 1st Division etc....


    And if it is found we were indeed the victim of a fraudulent acquisition by Whyte those ten SPL must be brought to account for that decision to expel Rangers from the then SPL.

    They will have questions to answer and even more so if the BTC goes in Rangers favour at the SC.

  5. Did wee chesney not say that is why Wallace wouldn't be selected?


    He is an over-rated manager whose club record in England is poor.

    He had two good seasons at the breeze block but knew his time was up when WS returned to Rangers.

    I dont see him lasting the duration of Scotland WC group matches in what is a very difficult group

  6. When a yahoo calls us a new club I always ask what happened to 'The Celtc Football and Athletic Company'.

    Where do they play nowadays?

    And why did it get a new SC number in 1994?


    The look on their faces is usually priceless.

  7. No mate they will be huge favourites. They have players that cost more than our whole team.


    They are not unbeatable but we are still very much W.I.P. We need to remember that. Why do we think MW talks of bringing in six players this summer?

    However many of their signings have bombed spectacularly. Since we left the top division they've only really had two who've been really succesful(Griffiths & Van DIjk) and one of them has gone.

    They can be beaten. I just wonder if we should have brought in a top notch forward in January (even on loan from somewhere)who wasn't cup-tied

  8. A

    Non payers need not worry.


    If someone does pay the licence then complaining to the BBC in London is certainly more beneficial than complaining on a football forum. Complaining to prospective MPs would also be worthwhile if you want to change the way that the BBC operates.


    The only way to change the BBC is to abolish the licence fee & get it to raise its revenue by other means.

    That way it will be dependent on its viewing/listening figures like other broadcasters. If no one watches ' Off the Ball' or whatever it's called then it will get scrapped & replaced by something else people might want to watch/listen to. At present that doesn't happen hence we get the pondlife who present the programme & the pondlife who contribute to it.

    The days when the public are forced to pay for a state broadcaster are long gone IMO

  9. Copied from FF. Hope this is not true, it's also contrary to what John Gilligan stated at RST agm.


    "Default Celtic will be getting the full Broomloan next season

    Just went in to get the 4 match package for the BR and asked about next season. The lady serving me confirmed that the scum are getting the full broomloan next season.




    I guess the only way to change that would be to actively petition the club"


    Will they be able to fill it though?

  10. How many of you have sent a complaint to the BBC in London?


    I've not, but I'm not a licence fee payer.


    Would that do any good?


    The BBC is a state-funded broadcaster which lacks accountability. It has, and will continue to do as it pleases so long as it gets its licence fee from those still prepared to pay it. Only when this licence fee is scrapped and it is forced to stand on its own feet will it start to produce impartial broadcasts and not employ pondlife such as those at pacific quay who distort broadcasts to suit their own hate-filled agenda(s)

  11. Wait until next season, if we go up. They will be slavering at the mouth wanting access to Ibrox. I doubt if their self imposed ban will continue after July.


    This is why the board must continue to take a firm stance with them.

    Wait til they come back to us with their tail between their legs begging to get back in

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