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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. To compete in European competition there must be a minimum of eight homegrown players in any 25-man squad. Not necessarily Scottish of course but that is more typical.


    Interesting. Didn't know this.

    Out of curiosity where would that leave someone like Jordan Thompson who was at Man U ? would he count as homegrown even though he never played a first team game for them?

  2. I think he's been linked with moves reasonably often to England and has certainly been a stand out in the SPL over the last season or two.


    Like you say, he's not a marquee signing (what a horrible term) but we need Scottish players in the squad for European rules purposes also.


    what European rules purposes ??

  3. No one on here really knew anything about the following players , Foderingham , Tavineer , Kiernan , Forrester , Waghorn ,Holt ,and even Halliday , the general opinion was that they were a risk , were they really Rangers standard , we'll look how well that's turned out


    I'm not sure they were as much a risk as you suggest. They were all playing in leagues as good as our top division. Halliday was no risk whatsoever.

  4. Ali Crawford is the same age as Andy Halliday. Now let's compare the two.


    Halliday's senior career started at Livingston. He did well & went south and became a better player for doing so.OK he didnt play in the EPL but still became a better player to the extent I fully expect him to prove himself next season in our top division & get into wee Chesney's Scotland squad. And next month's game vs the yahoos will be different too. Lego-eaterBrown bossed Black in the LC semi last year. He wont boss Halliday & he knows it.

    Can Alli Crawford match that? Sensible replies please

  5. That is completely unproven in either direction at this point.


    We have had 4 games against SPL opposition this season. Won 2, drawn 1 and lost 1.


    The drawn game we could and should have won. The lost game we had plenty of chances we didn't convert, it was also the first game against higher league opposition and we went out with an "all guns blazing" approach which didn't pay off.


    Since that first game our approach has been different in games against SPL opposition with a defender sitting in front of the back 4. We have dominated those 3 games since the opening SPL gambit.


    As I say, your statement may be true but it is far from proven.


    As I said earlier we must be prepared for next season which means bringing in better quality players. Not Ali Crawford and such like

  6. James McArthur was 23 when he went to Wigan - not that different.


    As he shares the same name as my eldest son, I've taken more interest in Crawford's career than l'd normally do with a non Rangers player.


    He was the creative spark in a very decent Hamilton side under Alex Neil and has added goals to his game recently (10 in 38 last year - a good return from midfield).


    I rate him fairly highly and we've bought far worse in the past, when we had much more money to throw around.


    As I said earlier howcome no one else seems to have been interested in him?

  7. Or getting the runaround from Killie or Dundee ? I've never known anyone Bear to put as negative a spin on things as you Rab.


    Reality will kick in with a vengeance next season if we're not prepared properly for it. We need better quality in the squad if we're to compete for the title.

  8. So it's all about the quality of player and not the quality of actual play ?


    Don't worry Rab, plenty of others will take your ST so no need to worry about the club missing out on your 500 quid :thup:


    I think you'll find the quality of player & quality of play are inextricably linked.

  9. Many of us would have said the same about Holt last year. Best £65k we've ever spent.


    Let's see how good he is in the top division next season maybe? That goes for all of the current Rangers team. I want to see us competing for the title not getting the runaround from the likes of St Johnstone and Inverness Caley.


    As for Ali Crawford have we learned nothing? He is a few months short of his 25th birthday. If he's that good howcome none of the English clubs haven't tried to sign him before now? To me he's the SPL journeyman type player McCoist was signing and overpaying in wages. We should be trying to get players in who have proved themselves at a higher level than Scotish football.

  10. who would you suggest?


    Players who have played at a higher level than Scottish football for starters.

    I won't be forking out £500 for my ST next season to see this calibre of player that's for sure

  11. So he could cherry pick the companies in the Murray Group for himself and his family before the white elephant that was the Premier Property Group fell from the sky.


    Murray willingly and knowingly sacrificed for his own personal gain.


    So howcome after he 'sold' Rangers Murray was still getting money for projects from LBG ? A golf course for one IIRC

    Was that maybe his wee payback for selling Rangers?

  12. You just answered the point I was making Rab. If Rangers represented only 3% of the MIH debt to LBG why did Murray feel the need to dump us into the pocket of Whyte ?

    Murray got himself into debt to LBG - his fault. It didn't matter whether LBG wanted rid of us. They could do nothing unless Murray signed the contracts. Murray walked away and should be held personally responsible for the debts remaining to companies connected to our club.


    Why did Murray feel the need to dump us into the pocket of Whyte?

    Because he was forced to do so? To earn Muir his £1m?

  13. Unless they strapped Murray to a chair and started caressing him with an electric cattle prod he wasn't forced to do anything Rab. Murray liked to flash his wealth. He was never out the papers bumming about it. The EBT idea was down to him. His shifting wealth to the property market just before it all crashed was another mistake he made. He had the bare faced cheek to syphon off parts of our club for his own interests but then dump us to the first penniless fly-by-night who appeared just to get out of the debts he had left us with. To top it all off he then comes out with the lie that he didn't know what Whyte was all about. Jesus Christ, there were Rangers fans talking online about what was coming before the ink was dry on the contract. Murray got himself into serious debt with LBG. That was HIS fault and nobody elses. Murray lost nothing. We did him a lot of good. That charlatan should be struck from the history of Rangers.


    Yes SDM had got into serious debt with LBG but Rangers debt represented just 3 percent of the MIH debt.

    Why were LBG so fixated with Rangers debt as opposed to the many times greater MIH debt?

    Why were they do keen to get Rangers sold to the first chancer who came along to get Muir his £1m !

    You decide

  14. Why? It's not relevant to their decision making process.


    Are you suggesting they should not have decided what division we went into until now?


    If every decision was delayed in the way tired are suggesting, in till every possible scenario was known nothing would ever get done


    They were not in a position to make a decision & should have abstained & left it to the SFA to decide

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