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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. One thing that I find most offensive about the word is how Celtic fans enunciate it - they tend to spit the word out viciously with contempt - much like you'd hear an openly racist, neo-nazi spit out their derogatory terms for blacks, Jews and gays. They don't seem to use it as a word for us in casual parlance with normal inflection.


    Do you expect them to ?

  2. Can I ask you why the SNP would lie? There is no motivation for them to do so as they would be left carrying the can.


    If Scotland are better off outside the UK, SNP have no reason to lie, and in fact they must be telling a lot of truth.

    If Scotland are worse off outside the UK, SNP have no motivation to lie - they are just mistaken, generally nobody lies to create a situation where they are worse off.


    If Scotland are worse off outside the UK leaving rUK better off, rUK have no reason or motivation to lie, generally nobody lies to create a situation where they are worse off.

    If Scotland are better off outside the UK leaving rUK worse off, rUK HAVE A REASON to lie. (Although doesn't mean they have lied.)


    There is only one side and scenario where lying makes any sense.


    Come on the SNP told a whole pack of lies leading up to the 2014 referendum.


    Lets rewind to February 2014 when the support for independence was barely 30 percent in the polls. The SNP had to take drastic action so they embarked on a whole series of lies & deceit to convince people to vote YES.


    They said there would be currency union with rUk............... lies.

    They said there would be EU membership............................. lies

    They said the price of a barrel of oil would be 113 USD.........lies


    Thankfully It didn't convince enough guillible voters to vote YES otherwise we'd be in economic meltdown now as last weeks GERS figures showed to those who understand what they mean

  3. 30l1k5e.png


    No bitterness at all James.

    However on the 12th of July it is the day when we get to show our superiority over people like you in this country. So much so you may wish to return to the bankrupt, EU-bailed out state that is Ireland.No surrender.

  4. Not much height in the team DJ says apart from the CB's ?


    Both FB's wallace & Tavernier must be around 6ft. And Halliday & O'Halloran are just under 6ft AFAIK. The GK is well over 6ft so other than up front( and I think that will change for next season) I wouldnt say Rangers are a small side at all. Quite the opposite in fact.


    Maybe DJ has been over-indulging in the ibrox hospitality these days :D

  5. Playing against the team who are top of the premiership & by not being in the top division we are not favourites to win the SC semi regardless of what we think.

    I suspect Souness is thinking along those lines

  6. What they are saying Rab is, that the tax laws in place at the time were NOT adhered to.


    I realise that butI have yet to hear anyone explain in what way they were not adhered to. They certainly seemed ok at the FTTT & UTTT but only since the three stooges came up with their 'common sense' has there been anything to the contrary.

  7. Bet you one million dollars no-one explains the 'better together' question and this thread disappears into oblivion!


    Maybe a £15billion budget deficit according to last weeks GERS figures explains why we're better together with the rUK.

    We dodged a bullet bigstyle not voting for independence.

    Thankfully enough in this country were wise enough to see thro' the SNP white paper lies

  8. All very well but I'm not convinced fan ownership is for every club. It could be very limited in its access to external funding for starters which would be disadvanatageous unless it had wealthy supporters prepared to underwrite its borrowings.

    FWIW I don't see it happening at Rangers because I think T3B & DK will increase their shareholdings at some point in the near future

  9. see the BBC were covering their arses last night on the wireless. McLaughlin was wheeled on to talk about Celtic fans IRA chanting and the SPFL response. Guess your complaint has made them try to appear even handed. Just note that this was on 15'th March after several complaints had been sent to them


    no doubt McLaughlin either didn't hear anything at the game or wasn't there

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