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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. Comprehensive 4-0 win in the end but until we got the second 12 minutes from time we were always vulnerable. I still don’t like the look of Dessers up front. He wasn’t involved enough today & could have been subbed long before he was taken off. The two big pluses for me today were Ciffuentes and Souttar who has become immense for Rangers
  2. Any chance Hagi getting a game tomorrow? Looks a better option than Dowell or Sima from what I’ve seen
  3. Can’t see us losing that many on the bounce. It will be over a longer period of time
  4. I see hibz beat Swiss side Lucern 3-1 tonight at Easter road in the qualifiers. Lucern finished 4th in the Swiss league last season, 8 points behind Servette who were 2nd. Puts our result last night into perspective
  5. Doubt very much if we’d be signing Harry Souttar. He cost Leicester over 10m not so long ago
  6. Unless we get better in the final third we will continue to struggle. Forwards need to make runs into the box ahead of the delivery from wide areas not stand expect the ball to drop at their feet in front of goal. Can’t help feeling we’d have been better getting a naturally wide player instead of Sima. Disappointing again when he came on tonight.
  7. We should be looking to win very convincingly tonight given the number of players Servette will be missing
  8. Did Jota go for £25m though ? the yahoos are very good at manipulating their pals in the media. Seems a very high price for a player who couldn’t cut it at Benfica or whilst on loan in la Liga
  9. Just hope Mr Beale knows what he’s doing let Sakala, Morelos & Colak leave & replacing them with players who have been totally unconvincing so far
  10. Unless there’s serious improvement from Saturday I don’t think we should be too concerned about facing PSV Eindhoven or Tillman
  11. Looks like BBC PQ’s ban is over. Dowden got to interview Brenda yesterday
  12. Goldson probably not a penalty but if the Kilmarnock defender has got a hold of Souttar’s jersey that is a penalty
  13. Going to be very interesting how Lowry does on loan at Hearts. If he does well then questions need to be asked. He’s a type of MF player whom we don’t seem to have in the current squad i.e. gets forward to support the attack & goes beyond the strikers at times. A sort of Ian Durrant type of MF player
  14. If FB’s are a team’s only natural width it’s easy to counter that. We need options in wide areas up front
  15. It’s early days & we’ve made a lot of signings who have still to settle.And I think we’ve still got a bit to do in the transfer market both ins & outs. However my concern after watching the game today was the lack of MF creativity and the lack of width to our game in general. This will need to be rectified as we move forward this season. We are still too predictable, playing side to side too often & playing at too low a tempo
  16. Lack of creativity & no width up front to our game
  17. 3 points and up the road with no injuries from that farcical surface is all we want from this game
  18. I am worried about our CB’s. All we’ve done is let Helander go & bring back 35 year old Balogen (Sterling isn’t a CB) We haven’t strengthened this area of the squad & after last season when we ran out of fit CB’s & threw in young Leon King this should have been a priority.
  19. I’d rather Wright stayed. You & I must be in the minority who rate Wright.
  20. The east end financial wizards would have gone into meltdown when they saw the 12m mentioned 😀
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