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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. I wouldn't say the gulf between premiership and championship is anywhere near what some might think. We could after all have two championship teams in the Scottish cup semis


    Perhaps there isn't a gulf between the top of the Championship & the bottom of the Premiership but I think there is a gulf between the top of the Championship & top of the Premiership.

    I also think cup games are one offs mostly & you can get upsets from time to time

  2. https://twitter.com/RangersFC


    Rangers FC ‏@RangersFC 7m7 minutes ago


    MW: we're very close to Harry Forrester committing his long term future to the club




    Rangers FC ‏@RangersFC 9m9 minutes ago


    MW confirms he will be looking for a central midfielder in the summer


    Excellent news. Need to get this done before the yahoos come sniffing around as they usually do.

  3. You had a bang on the heid?..................................................:laugh:


    Not at all mate.


    We simply cannot afford another season out of the top division.


    Winning the SC would obviously get us back into Europe but I'm not convinced we can do it with what we've got at the moment.( hope I' m wrong though)


    But the job is almost done. We shall rejoice on Tuesday night I' m sure

  4. I think some of us need to chill a little.The journey is almost over after these four long years. We need to remember that at the start of this season there was only one priority this season which was to get promoted. That objective has all but been achieved with four of five games to spare.


    At the start of the season did we expect to be in this position ? I didn't. We had a new manager & literally had to throw a team together in a very short space of time after the McCoist fiasco flopped so badly last season and all those players left. But the new players have generally all done very well and the squad will be strengthened further in the summer.


    Regardless of what happens in the SC semi we should a try and relax a little. Not getting promotion this season would have been unthinkable but we have achieved what we set out to do. Let's look ahead with confidence.

  5. The reality is what remains of Scotland's daily national newspapers is largely overrun by yahoos abusing their positions as journalists to print any negative or spurious stories about Rangers whenever they can.

    Like many others the days are long since gone when I bought a daily newspaper.

    The sooner this industry dies and the pondlife employed in it are forced to find proper jobs the better. If anyone else would employ them that is

  6. This is a fuss over nothing.


    The stadium, pitch et cetera will never be perfect. You can more or less guarantee that any alternative will have problems too.


    Any money spent on an alternative should come from Scottish Football, not the government. Does the S.F.A., or the S.P.F.L., think it would be a wise investment?


    The SG recently released its latest GERS figures which showed Scotland is currently running at an annual £15bn deficit.

    Does anyone seriously believe there is money for a new publicly-funded national football stadium?

  7. It's more like a conference center with a football pitch bolted on the the side, the average football fan was merely an afterthought in the design of that stadium. Weren't there rumours of jiggery pokery going on during it's construction?


    If the SFA gave a flying f*&k for Scottish football fans then any National Stadium would have been in the Stirling area which has ease of access to all major transport routes.


    I'd guess the national stadium would be in Glasgow because that's where the greatest number of people attend football matches in this country

  8. It is clear that, when the Authorities elect to kick Hampden Park into touch, thon Piggery at Parkhead

    will become the new "National Stadium". There is already a discernible campaign celebrating its wonderful, unique atmosphere,

    alleged popularity with support, and players, and a drip, drip, drip of black propaganda against Hampden.


    Hampden, of course, is a dump, and the monies spent on rehabilitating it, a waste, but The StuporBowl? Really?


    This is the direction I bet a few would like to take. We must do all we can to stop it happening.

  9. Queen's Park own it. The Stadium is leased to the SFA and has been operated by Hampden Park Limited since April 2000. It is an initial 20-year lease with a further 20-year option.


    So when it got renovated in the 1990's who paid for the renovation ? Not QP obviously. And who is paying for its upkeep nowadays?

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