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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. Not sure how BBC can make a credible bid when they refuse to cover one club's home games.


    I'd rather another broadcaster got a chance as the BBC's is cheap, tacky, tired and not worth utilising.


    which other broadcaster would be willing to pay what Topping is looking for?

    we've been here before when wee Roger Mitchell tried to play the tough guy with SKY who walked away & we ended up with a much inferior deal ironically with the BBC.

  2. Forrester wasn't exactly on fire at Hampden, seemed to be slightly affected by the whole occasion, not himself imo.


    Would rather have him fit and in the squad, but Nicky Clark might just be the man to change a lot of opinions on here.


    Let's hope so.


    I genuinely admire your optimism but I don't want Nicky Clark anywhere near the Rangers team if possible.


    He has rarely featured since MW took over. It's not rocket science as to why he has rarely featured nor why he hasn't been offered a new contract.


    Playing against the yahoos in a SC semi at Hampden is well beyond his capabilities IMO

  3. We only conceded after Ball was replaced or didn't play I believe (willing to be corrected). With Ball in the team we are far better in defence. We won most of our games without Forrester so it is just back to Basics. I must have blinked when Sheils done all these fantastic things.


    We conceded three goals in each game to Falkirk, QoS and Raith. Wasnt Ball playing in those games?

  4. Heard this news at lunchtime but thought we would be trying to keep it quiet. Broken fibia, season over I'm told. Waghorn will be on bench but really only for morale purposes.


    While I would prefer Forrester was fit to play, I'd be more concerned if it was McKay who got crocked. Clark will come in to the central role with Miller moving wide. Means Miller will have to be more disciplined than the free role he has been given in recent games, and again highlights just how thin and bereft of real quality the squad is, and how much work for next season needs doing.


    Having to rely on Miller & Clark in this game is not a position we want to be in. Neither should be anywhere near our starting XI next season and Clark will be gone anyway hopefully.


    I also fail to see where some of the super-confidence from our support comes from for this game.


    We're already without four players for this game & their replacements do not inspire me with confidence unfortunately. And our defence was,until the last two games, conceding goals all over the place

  5. I think Forrester missing on Sunday is a bigger problem than we're prepared to admit. He's a player who would have given the yahoos plenty to think about.


    We've already lost Waghorn thro' injury and with O'Halloran & King cup-tied that's four players missing from a squad not big in numbers.


    Bringing in the likes of Shiels, Law or Clark to replace Forrester is not really ideal is it? Can't say any of them gives me much confidence.

  6. I'm not sure why folks are now suggesting Dom Ball in front of a back 4 as if it was unlikely anyway.


    Dom Ball in front of a back 4 was a shoe-in for me.


    Halliday, Holt, McKay, Miller and one other from Clark, Law, Shiels I suspect - I would lean towards Shiels who has performed well when requested this season - play him in the anchor and move Halliday forward, or simply stick him in place of Forrester as a direct replacement


    I wouldnt play Clark. I think this game would be too much for him.

  7. There is no 'contention' as to whether Rangers are the same club. The people and organisations whose opinions matter have declared Rangers today are the same club since 1872.

    Only semi-literate pondlife and the Rangers-hating readership of that newspaper would try to say otherwise. Not to mention one or two of its so-called journos who seem to be trying to emulate Gibbons and the nonsense he wrote

  8. As far as I thought, we can qualify if we've produced 3 years accountants books, which we will have complied with soon. Was that not why we couldn't play in Europe ?


    Yes we can qualify for the EL next season but only if we win the SC (the SC runners-up no longer get in the EL).

    Had 'project McCoist' not bombed & we'd got into the SPFL premiership last summer as planned we'd have been going for a European spot via our league position this season

  9. I'm not sure how you can say he will have that philosophy given he has never coached.


    Just look at McCoist - his teams played very, very differently from the way that he played.


    His teams played the way they did because he had absolutely no idea about organisation, tactics, gameplans etc.

    It was all a jolly earning a ridiculous salary in the process until he got found out.

  10. I wish I could share your confidence, Rab. Accies. Berwick. Chesterfield. QotS gave us a hard time in a final.


    We should be far too strong for Peterhead today. I expect us to win by a few goals.

  11. And there has been nothing that has emanated from the Boardroom to suggest otherwise Rab. In fact, King has said more than once that he will provide funding to MW to challenge at the first attempt next season. We also must remember that MW is his own man, likes a lean squad and doesn't necessarily believe in spunking a ton of money at a situation. In other words he has a philosophy. He's already said e believes his players should be paid similar amounts as they are all in it together. This may require every players basic salary to increase as we chase better players, which is fine within reason. But it may also be that he continues to look for those "value" purchases that we haven't heard of before.


    I believe he deserves our trust for next season and if we aren't successful then he deserves, IMHO. At least a second season in the top flight to correct where things may have went wrong. Preferably longer than that too. I'm not a big believer in chopping and changing managers because of an unsuccessful season.


    Unfortunately I think the more successful MW is at Rangers the sooner he'll be tempted back down south.

    That is why the board must plan ahead & identify successors even at this early stage.

    I'm not sure DW would be the obvious shoe-in either as he's no real record in management. I'd fear a McCoist II - the sequel.

  12. Today is the start of us saying our goodbyes to the likes of Peterhead as we move back to the top division.

    We should just try to enjoy this afternoon as we should finally get our hands on a trophy McCoist failed three times to get !!!

  13. WOW, sounds like you are belatedly giving praise to the custodians of the club Rab :P


    I'm "OK" with the 3 years we have "wasted" under McCoist.... Why ? Because had we replaced him 3, 2 or 1 year ago... we most likely would never have got Warburton. It was painful watching the team through those years... But had we replaced Ally previously then we may have ended up with someone else who "papered over the cracks" and got us promoted and had us thinking all was well. When it may not have been.


    In essence, we should be thankful of the fact that we have got our promotion to the top tier albeit a season later than wished - and we should also be thankful of the management team that e have in place. One which is changing the very fibre of not only how we play on the pitch but how the footballing operations works off it.


    The proverb "Blessing in disguise" couldn't be more apt.


    The new board have done well so far. The stadium is almost full for every home game & that in itself tells its own story.

    Next season will be the big test for us however. A lot of decisions on & off the park need to be taken and it's imperative we make the right decisions.

    Simply making up the numbers in the Premiership next season is not acceptable. The yahoos have been in decline year on year since we left. They are not formidable opposition by any means and we should be challenging for the title next season.

  14. mccoist missmanaged us.


    He mis-managed us . You can say that again. We were awful to watch with little or no evidence of tactics or preparation for games .He got away with it in the bottom two part time divisions but got found out in the fulltime Championship.


    Not only that he took advantage of the situation at Rangers at the time. The old board were saving their own skins & weren't going to rid off him. He knew that and went on far too long and by the time he resigned we were miles off the top spot in the Championship to get automatic promotion.


    We then had to try to get promotion via playoffs and that was difficult if not impossible for McCall with the squad McCoist had left behind.


    And to finally rub salt into the wounds Rangers had to continue pay him a years salary from the exorbitant contract he had and he,allegedly, wouldnt agree to a settlement with King.


    I'd never say never to McCoist returning to watch Rangers at ibrox but at the moment I'd suggest he stays away

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