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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. I certainly do. Hopefully something will be said in Parliament(Edinburgh) this week. The point I was trying to make is that coop, you, me and others on here are complaining about the revisionism and altering of facts by others. We should not do the same ourselves, I never thought for a second that Sturgeon would have congratulated the Hibs fans, she's too smart for that.


    Sturgeon must ensure the SFA are accountable & are forced to act on what happened.

    They"ll try to wash their hands off the whole thing as usual. That mustn't be allowed to happen

  2. Quote Originally Posted by cooponthewing

    Unbelievable we had the FM of this backward poisonous country congratulating Hibs fans and making light of this?? Please tell me everybody sees what's happening here.



    Did she actually congratulate Hibs fans? Any links? Not saying you're wrong but seems a wrong move by a normally clever politician.







    So in fact she did not congratulate Hibs fans, but issued standard message to club plus comment about her husband.


    Don't you think as FM she should something to say about yesterday?

  3. Couldn't agree more D'artagnan. I have expressed my feeling on our treatment in other posts. You are spot on. We must act.


    We must act ? What do you propose we do?

    Until we start to have influence in the running of this country & the establishments within it then we will continue to be seen as fair game by our detractors.

    Look at Scottish politics. Other than the tory MSP Murdo Fraser I couldnt name one Scottish politician who supports Rangers.

    Plenty of yahoos and others though.And would yahoos vote for a Rangers supporter candidate. I doubt it. But if we will not support a yahoo candidate tht's bigotry to them & others

    That needs to change for starters including the media too where I realy do wonder how the pondlife at pacific quay can spout their hatred of all things Rangers and continue to be a publicly funded broadcaster

  4. One of the problems no one has mentioned is giving a club like hibz 20k tickets for the final when they only get around 9/10k for home games usually.


    Assuming all their ST holders get final tickets do they know who they are giving these extra tickets to?

    I suspect not.


    Rangers obviously dont have this problem as we've much more ST holders than our 20k allocation and Rangers know who's getting the tickets

  5. Very much so. Too bad that we picked one of our worst performances of the season for our 50th and last game of the season. We did not look the same after winning prootion and beating the Scum ... and the thin squad finally caught up with us.


    That all is past now and we can't change it. We can reflect on it, as will the team and the management, and look to the future.


    When you look at our bench yesterday we had four players about to leave and Young Burt. Says it all

  6. Agree with most of what you say Frankie but don't hold your breath. We're seen as fair game by the rest of Scottish football. I don't like that one bit & can see big problems unless it's tackled.

    What worried me today on the supporters bus on the way home was younger Rangers supporters openly talking about going to championship games next season to go after Hibz supporters after what happened today


    You punish the offenders. Somewhere there's a video footage of a Rangers player being attacked. It's a law and order matter. Should we have punished for Manchester? Some of those there were nothing to do with us.


    Ok let's see what happens then. Don't hold ur breath

  8. That short Rangers bench said it all. Mr King take note...


    We had five players on our bench. Three will be away next week or so(clark, Shiels & Law). The GK(bell) will be gone too by all accounts.

    That just left young Liam Burt.

    Not good IMO


    So you think clubs should be responsible for the conduct of their fans no matter what? Security at Hampden was up to the SFA not the Hibz club. If it was the other way round and it was our fans would you really want RFC to be punished?


    If you don't punish the club who fo you punish?

    Did Hibz not sell these people the tickets?

  10. Getting back to the football. I am going to put the blame at Mark Warburtons door and his obsession to stick to a 4-3-3 no matter what. Hibs changed their tactics after we scored and we did nothing to match them. With Hibs playing 3 at the back or 5 if you want we should have changed to a 4-4-2 and put pressure on their centre backs. It may all be about the Rangers but sometimes you need to be able to change things around. If we stick to a system like a Robot we become easy fodder for good tactical managers.


    Taking a forward off(Waghorn) and replacing him with the useless Clark was a mistake whilst we were 2-1 ahead.

    Hibz substitutions were effective. Ours weren't

  11. After game today and capitulation at end I don't think this would have happened if we had kept our POTY of last year.


    Maybe. But I hope he enjoys the Championship next season. That was his choice.


    But it was the Hibs supporters to blame. Can we really blame the club however much we dislike Petrie? See my earlier post re Barcelona 72. You wouldn't want us to be blamed for the actions of some of our fans would you?


    We got punished for Barcelona 72.

    Hibz should be punished in a similar manner for today

  13. What i witnessed was a few dozen Rangers fans trying to get on the pitch to defend our players being subjected to repeated assaults from the Hibernian fans,. The police did their job at the Rangers end and stopped those Rangers fan on the pitch from getting no further than the 18 yard box. In contrast to the Police at the Hibernian end who allowed a mass invasion on to the pitch, and let them run the length of the pitch virtually right up to our support.


    What i found disgraceful by Police Scotland Glasgow Chapter, they allowed Hibernian fans to run amok unchallenged, without the need to draw their batons, but almost to a man and woman had their batons drawn at the ready and used on Rangers fans.


    Plod Scotland are a joke. End of.

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