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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. This piece of legislation was brought in for one purpose - to defend the manks and plastic Irish against the behaviour of the big bad proddies and by default Rangers supporters. It was wholly aimed at prosecuting Rangers fans.

    What they didn't expect was that a few of their own would get swept up.

    I had to laugh at the news report tonight when they said that out out of all the guys at football matches and all the matches throughout the country, about 260 got caught breaking the law. There will be more arrested for breach of the peace every day of the year, every year.


    The OBFA wasnt needed. There was already sufficient legislation in place.

    It was simply headline-grabbing by politicians firstly lhabour(who introduced it) then the SNP who should have ditched it

  2. Yes, but in fairness, those yesteryear signings usually also came with a transfer fee attached. The ones that MW has made has reduced the financial outlay to their salary only. And I cant imagine that either Barton or Kranjcar would be commanding massive salaries - in Barton's case he was offered more to stay at Burnley but he wanted a new challenge. In Kranjcar's case he was playing in the 2nd tier of the MLS.


    Both players, if Kranjcar signs a 2 yr deal, have the opportunity of playing in front of 50,000 fans next season and, all going well, the opportunity to play in Europe the season after. How many clubs are going to offer those players that in their twilight years ? I doubt either really NEEDS the money so, for them (certainly with Barton), you see it as being a final chance to prove themselves at the highest level and with a new challenge.

    With these two signed plus Rossiter, Windass and Crooks I am excited - now, Mr Warburton, just get me a commanding CB and full back cover and I will be happy :D


    I think we might need more than one CB. We were conceding far too many goals towards the end of last season.

    And we will need at least one striker too I'd have thought

    I would also expect one or two players from last season to leave because of the new arrivals

  3. Talk about eating humble pie. And lots of it.


    Thought that winning a one horse league without Rangers in it would get him a top job in England but the English weren't fooled.The only job he could get was lowly, financially-stricken Bolton whom he got relegated.


    Absolutely no chance of getting a manager's job in the EPL( or the Championship too for that matter) so he"s back up here. No doubt he'll be back to the way he was before at a time when Scottish football needs people like him like a hole in the head. What have we done to deserve him?

  4. Ally is what he is and always be a legend as a Rangers goalscorer who had a go at management of the club.

    Albeit that was during a turbulent upheaval and having to deal with too much backroom stuff it still looked as we moved up the divisions he was out of his depth,football wise.

    It might be beneficial for him to have another go elsewhere and prove his ability one way or the other.

    But what must not be forgotten ability,salary,garden leave or whatever he always gave what he thought was his best.


    Which club would give him another chance do you think?

  5. A gift from St Etienne marking a euro-tie late 50s early 60s. At the time, perhaps still, bicycle manufacture was a big industry in the city of St E.


    Was it not for the euro tie we played against them in the mid 1970's ?

  6. Agree 100% with you. McCoist was a legend as a player and nobody can take that away from him. But as a manager he was

    less than useless and let the crooks in charge use him for which he was paid an obscene amount in salary and shares.


    Having McCoist as manager with the old board was totally unsustainable. It was always a question who went first & the other would follow.

    McCoist went, T3B and DK acquired substantial share holdings and the rest is history.

  7. Well in regards to it taking 4 years to get back to the SPL that's just 1 year longer than the shortest possible time and it has to be viewed from the perspective that when he reached the Chmapionship what he found there was the two Edinburgh giants who are not part timers and who had just come down from the SPL.


    This was an unusual situation and if not for their presence he would have won the Championship at the first attempt. As for the style of football no one would swap the Warburton style for it but he was more or less playing the style he himself had been coached in and what was suitable for the leagues he was in and the players he had at his disposal.


    So effectively the greatest failure of Ally was not getting out of the Championship at the first attempt in a situation where he had the two Edinburgh teams in there with him and that's aside from all the background upheaval he was having to deal with. I wouldn't swap Waburton for him but Ally was dealing with a unique situation no other Rangers manager ever had to.


    And as I mentioned in another post Ally was burdened with a lot of emotional baggage with all the trauma going on at the club which in the circumstances he had to wrestle with along with everything else. He was just as upet with everything that went down as we were and if his first management job had been at a club where he didn't have these emotional ties he may have been a different manager which is why I think he may be a different manager at another club.


    LOL ur not serious are you? You cannot defend him in any way surely


    With the budgets he had he should have strolled thro the leagues and got us promoted a year ago. And that includes playing in the Championship along with hibz'n' hertz.


    He was tactically clueless and had no organisational skills whatsoever. No gameplans either. He thought he could pay SPL journeymen OTT salaries & get promoted easily. Managers of part time clubs out thought him regularly too.


    I can always remember the day we lost at home to Annan and thinking he'd do the honourable thing & resign. But there was no chance of that was there? Getting paid £750k p.a. against part timers was easy money no one else would give him and he knew it.Not to mention the one million 1p shares he got too.


    When he finally did leave he screwed every last penny out of his contract and when Dave King couldnt get him to reach a settlement any remaining respect I had for him went there & then.


    one year ago MW arrived and the changes were noticeable immediately. We actually began to look like a 21st century team with tactics and gameplans. We got promotion back to the top division. Not doing so would have been unthinkable. And those players looked fitter last season too if I can be more critical.


    We are moving in the right direction now no thanks to McCoist who should have been binned long before he went.

  8. Not with the cabal that is currently running the Scottish game!


    Strachan has stupidly been made up to be some sort of messiah. We finished fourth in our Euro2016 qualifying group which was poor by any standards.

    If we start badly in the WC qualifiers( in a group which we've no chance of qualifying IMO) then I think the calls for his removal will intensify.

    I would also like to see the Rangers board getting involved in this for the sake of Scottish football. I would like to remove Regan too if possible. His record is one of total failure

  9. Several Spanish clubs owe hundreds of millions in tax and have done so for a few years now.


    Why don't these clubs come under the scrutiny of this pondlife too ? Or is their hatred just focused on us ? I feel their jealousy towards Scotland's most successful club. I really do


    They haven't got a leg to stand on and they know it. Fail Fail as they say

  10. Bit surprised to see rab agreeing with Michael Matheson. Strange bedfellows.


    Dont think so. He mentioned something similar to SL but probably doesnt know what. He's not the sharpest tool in the box.


    He's also a ST holder at the San Giro so I can only presume he hasnt been at many games this season otherwise he'd have got first hand experience of scotland's problem club & its vile support.


    He should also know that UEFA doesnt like government interference in football as it thinks it should self police. Maybe Matheson doesnt think the shortbread senate is a government. I'd agree with him on that one however :D

  11. How has Petrie 'worked tirelessly for Scottish football over the years' as Regan says ?


    What has he done worthy of note ? What benefits has he brought to the game ? What are his achievements?


    Other than being one of Liewell's nodding dogs I cant think of anything. The game is in dire straits thanks to the likes of Petrie, Thompson, Milne and of course the sleekit one from the san Giro

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