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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. Yet another typical article from former Celtic view editor Andrew Smith ( what happened to Andrew H Smith ?) trying to portray Rangers in a bad light by going into the past & ignoring the fact that it is his club who have by far the biggest problem today, most noticeably with their militant Irish Republican support.


    What's his motivation this time I wonder? Over 40k ST's sold maybe ? Or can't find anything else to write about

  2. Splashing how much? Man City have been doing that for years now, Arsenal for much much longer without success in Europe.


    Should we spend as much as we can afford, or exceed our means to chase the dream?


    Splashing the cash has no guarntees to success in Europe.


    Look at Celtic...can't get anywhere in Europe now.


    I don't think anyone is expecting us to spend the sort of money Man City & Arsenal spend.

    As for C@@@@c they did reach the EL group stages which is about as far as we can expect over the next few years whether we like it or not

  3. I'm not really sure what to make of our summer transfer dealings. Will we be splashing the cash next season should we qualify for Europe? We're going to need to.


    Signings like this and a 37 year old CB do concern me

  4. we need a centre back with a bit of pace and a striker


    I think we need a CB who has pace & can defend set pieces. We lost far too many goals from set pieces towards the end of last season including the SC final which cost us the EL place

  5. Signing Lee Hodson seems to me that MW thinks we've no one coming thro from the U20 squad who is good enough to stand in for Tav or LW in the FB positions. That needs to change.

    Nothing against Lee Hodson but he's little more than a journeyman type player who'll be nothing more than a squad player lucky to get on the bench every week

  6. The rebuilding of the squad is going excellent and so far is definitely capable of making a serious challenge this season.

    When MW & DW came into Ibrox they have done a superb job and have upped the anti again for this season, I am so looking forward to this season


    I would still like to see a striker added before the end of august. And if we could get mariappa that would be excellent.

  7. Saw picture of LW today after signing his new deal & he was wearing next season's home top.

    I see it's still got 32 Red on it. Thought that sponsorship deal expired at end of last season ?

  8. It's so batshit crazy I have my doubts that they truly believe this utter shit. In saying that I expect there are probably some who are indeed so batshit crazy they really believe it while others have always known it was a pile of shit but they played the fantasy out for so long they then found themselves in a position where they had to continue with it or look like complete tits.


    Now they're in a position where they look like that no matter what they do and are wheeling around wondering how to extract themselves from it with even a shred of dignity. It started as banter but they dug it so deep they ultimately couldn't get out of it without telling the 100% idiots among them who actually believed it that it was just banter and you were an idiot to believe it was real.


    I like it, I sometimes wonder if they grasp how completely obsessively insane it looks to outsiders.


    It's all down to their deep-rooted hatred of us.

    That hatred is so deep-rooted that it borders on insanity and it can be taken to almost any level and there will be those amongst them who will believe just about anything they're told such as this resolution12 garbage.

  9. 20 years ago Franco Baresi retired at 37. That's when 37 was old for as player! Maldini retired at aged 41 in 2009. We are WAY beyond the days of footballers retiring or being over the hill at 33. Late 30's is not an issue for me. Kenny Miller was streets ahead of every other player in blue in the cup final.


    Much does depend on their injuries history though. Both Weir & Miller are players who've had relatively few injuries throughout their careers.

    Not sure you can say the same about Clint Hill though

  10. Bearman is spot on. The statements from Thistle and Motherwell were nothing to do with us or 1872. Leave them to their own statements. What is it to do with 1872 to call on other club officials to change the game ?


    We ALL know what the real thrust here is - that they all told us they could do without our money when they jettisoned us in 2012 and now they (Thistle and Motherwell) are being hypocrites. But there is absolutely no need for us to jump on that, as it is plain for all to see.


    Tough luck indeed. But why the need to comment on it ?


    All Club1872 are suggesting to these clubs is that if they want change they'll need to vote for it & have suggested voting SR onto the SPFL board. Cant see anything wrong with that.


    Where the double standards kicks in is when the likes of Motherwell start complaining anout only getting one visit each from us & the yahoos next season but stated quite clearly in the summer of 2012 they didnt need us in the top flight or words to that effect. These complaints seem to suggest otherwise and again I think Club 1872 are perfectly entitled to point this out

  11. Anchorman has nailed it - fair play to them they have been successful at it for a goo few years.


    With the appointment of MW, SDOW and FMCP it would appear this is the route we will be following.


    Dont forget our youth set up too though.

    It needs to be providing youngsters coming thro' who are capable of getting into the first team.

    Otherwise there's no point in it being there at all

  12. I think 1872 have lost the plot here.


    Motherwell, Partick and Hamilton aren't complaining about us, they are moaning about the income less earned than what their main rivals will achieve due to 4 games vs OF. They have a serious valid point whether it's the Blue or Green pound.


    Nothing at all to do with Rangers...stop moaning 1872 about something that happened 4 years ago that has no connection with the current fixtures drawn up for 2016-17.


    I think Club 1872 have every right to comment on his.


    In 2012 clubs were saying they didnt need us & threw out out the then SPL & we had to go cap in hand to the then SFL for membership and got put in SFL3 as its clubs wouldnt have us in SFL1 as the SFA wanted


    Now,since we got promoted back to the top division,some of these clubs are up in arms cos us & the yahoos areonly going to visit them once each before the split next season. Am I missing something here but chickens are coming home to roost for what they all voted for back in 2012?


    TOUGH LUCK - frankly couldnt give a damn about these clubs. especially Motherwell

  13. The days of us spending £5m plus on players are long gone. For starters we dont have that kind of money to spend on one player anymore and the salaries they now get compared to when we last signed that sort of player have gone thro' the roof.


    I'd guess we will be essentially a squad of 4 or 5 experienced players with the rest u25 ish all with sell on values. That's the economic reality we(and the yahoos too) find ourselves in playing in Scottish football today. It is therefore imperative we get a good global scouting system in place and youngsters coming thro good enough to get into the first team.


    Not easy I know but unless we can get out of Scottish football that's not about to change

  14. No point in getting involved in something that doesn't concern us...unless they do change the fixtures. We will have enough battles to fight without getting involved in ones where we don't need to.


    Waddell has raised the double standards. We don't need to...at this point. It's something we can keep up our sleeve though.


    This does concern us. It is about how many times these clubs playing against us at home

  15. STRIKER James Vaughan could sign for Scottish giants Rangers.


    The ex-Everton ace, 27, is in talks but would prefer to stay in England after leaving Huddersfield in the close season.




    Vaughan might just be too big a risk.

    He's 28 next month & has never hit the heights expected of him.

    Would appear like a Francis Jeffers type signing again to me unfortunately.

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