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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. I thought Zelalem was a good player for us.

    and I think a testing ground for EPL youths is something we can benefit from

    On my wish list is a mobile CB and a striker.


    Isnt Dodoo supposed to be a striker ?

    21 years old & has played just a handful of first team games for Leicester who seem to have offered him a new contract which I'd imagine he'd sign as the terms will be significantly better than we'd be able to offer.

    So presumably we'd then get him on loan. Not really the type of striker signing we were expecting I'd suggest. Was expecting better than this

  2. I would pretty much agree with you but it is what it is and it is and it is what we have to contend with. And given that it is what it is and it's what we have to work with don't you think that it then may be argued that competitive matches are ideal preparation for the priority of the first league match?


    I'd agree mostly but think we could better prepared for Saturday's game against Motherwell.

    For revenue purposes alone we cannot dismiss the LC. A decent run to the final could bring in a much needed couple of million. Until we get back into Europe we need all the revenue we can get.

  3. Well if that's what you read into it i'm surprised thay anyone would think that anyone at all would suggest a pre season is all about preparation for a friendly. But if to you it appears to be that way I apologise for not being succinct enough.


    If I must clarify here it is. I don't give a toss about any friendly match beyond perhaps ramifications regarding confidence/morale.


    It's ALL about preparation for the league.


    Of course the league is priority but where we are at present the two cups are important too. We've not won any major honours since 2011.

    I'm more than a little concerned that our first competitive match is next Saturday & our preparations for it aren't what they might be

  4. It's not so much because it's the LC, it's about organising what is still a pre-season with an eye to being properly up and running for the Hamilton game.


    Because of the July dates and that we play 4 games in 9 days, the League Cup becomes preperation rather than competitive fixtures.


    That may be so but we should still want to win this one regardless. I want some sort of revenge on Motherwell following the play-off a year ago. I suspect many of our supoort do too.

  5. I hate to say I was correct - but I was correct.

    Reading the latest "bomb to shake Scottish football" I see they are still trying to push the discredited line that Rangers had an overdue tax bill so should not have gained a licence for European football. There is no expansion of that line. Instead there are paragraphs built around UEFA 's comment about new club/company.

    To sum up, there "bomb" is actually a watery fart and it is absolutely clear that their whole Resolution 12 garbage is discredited once again and their only purpose in keeping the subject up for discussion is to sell surplus T-shirts to the unwary.


    I have a cupboard full of "Have a nice day" shirts for just over 20 quid each. Anybody interested ? :seal:


    LOL....even Del BoyTrotter couldn't sell those T-shirts

  6. Same club!,they all hate us,they all had a kick,they all want to keep kicking................


    Whether we like it or not we need to 'build bridges' as DK said not so long ago.


    Budge may well be one we can work with, I don't know. Dundee & Ross County may be others who knows.


    But if we wish to overthrow Liewell's cabal we need to go down this route

  7. Still think he should have stood for election!,it's easy for anyone to say now he didn't stand for election so therefore couldn't get elected!


    Tend to agree but maybe he's letting Ann Budge get elected. She'll not be one of Liewell's nodding dogs like Thompson, Petrie & Milne are/were.

    Talking of Liewell he's also on the SFA PGB(whatever that does). How many roles in Scottish football does this charlatan need?

  8. Why would he tell us he is going to stand for election then change his mind?


    Because he probably realises he doesn't have enough support to get elected. The cabal will still be in charge.

    Anyone who thinks we're welcome back in the top flight is deluded. They only want us for revenue.

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