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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. For those of us who can remember the possibility of the North Atlantic league, with the big European clubs about to embark on their own financial venture without the lesser European clubs I wonder if that will be back on the agenda?

    It's not beyond the realms of possibility either that in ten years time for example we could have a European Premier league and league one for example, which could evolve from Champions league and Europa league, I would expect us to be in the latter.

    Yes the money will not be as great as the big boys however I might expect promotion and relegation in said two European super leagues.

    My point is that if I they break away we should be looking and actively canvassing for opportunity outside these shores. We must, like many other big European clubs not invited to the party, adapt and evolve to suit and prosper in our new surroundings, those that don't will perish.

    What that means for the rest of Scottish football I do not know, they have made every effort to make us feel unwelcome, we owe them nothing.


    This should be looked at. It is commercial madness for us to stay in Scottish football where there is very little money

  2. I'm the wrong side of 50 now & I'd doubt in my lifetime if I'll ever see Scottish football back where it once was in a respectable place within European football.


    That decision to throw Rangers out the then SPL is now coming back to haunt Scottish football with a vengeance. There is no money in Scottish football to make things get better. Why should TV companies and other sponsors put serious money in when its teams can't beat teams from the likes of Malta?


    It all goes back to the summer of 2012 when ten clowns masquerading as SPL dealt Scottish football a blow from which it may well never recover.


    Whilst many of us may have nothing but contempt for disgraced former Rangers CEO Charles Green he was bang on when stating Rangers needed to get out of Scottish football. It's not short of going into free fall IMO

  3. You have to say it now looks like a brilliant idea sending the best team in the country to the third division. Scottish football is now thriving on the back of that :D


    It was like pressing the 'self-destruct' button. Chickens are now coming home to roost with a vengeance.


    I remember a good few years ago Kenny Dalglish warning us the no one feared us in Europe. It was and still is a very true statement. Now it seems the real minnows too don't fear us

  4. Lennon still smarting over first leg loss


    Manager Neil Lennon talking to BBC Radio Scotland

    Posted at 22:25


    "I thought we were the better team over two legs. I'm proud and pleased of the players because they did exactly what we wanted them to.


    "If it wasn't for some poor refereeing in the first leg there would have been no need for us to go into extra time.


    "Any luck going in this tie went against us but I can't speak highly enough of the team."




    Dry ur eyes TLB. Yous got put out fair'n'square.

    Both hertz''hibz oot europe on the same nite...................:bouncy2:

  5. It's dependent upon representation, or lack of it.


    A recent poll of all 129 MSPs showed only one, Murdo Fraser supports Rangers. Eight MSPs claim they support Partick Thistle. Now, we can discuss the veracity of these figures; maybe, some of those claiming support of Thistle actually support Rangers? However, such is the toxicity surrounding our club, they feel unable to openly proclaim their allegiance.


    I note another MSP was comfortable enough to reveal her sexuality yesterday. Good, Scotland is reknowned as a country welcoming the Gay community. A dozen or so MSPs are openly Gay, and that's probably becoming reflective of necessary representation. There will be many groupings claiming lack of representation, some like disabled folk are legitimate; others will be seeking leverage from playing the victim card.


    Society is judged by how it treats its minorities, one out of 129 is a stark minority. As Rangers fans, we are being treated badly. The conclusion has been arrived at, and the process of objective appreciation will be twisted to fit. Who thinks the Scottish Cup final inquiry will show anything other than a share of the blame? The arrest and conviction figures will prove it.


    We are seen & hated as the big bad Rangers. Any politician known to be a Rangers supporter knows that will affect his/her chances of getting elected due to the mentality that exists in this backward wee country we live in.

    I've long since just put it down to jealousy & the upbringing many of these people have had. It can't have been easy for them.

  6. Agreed, I was just thinking outwith the obvious candidates and Forrester as an outside bet


    I think Forrester will do well too this season. I'm sure of that.


    Last season we were quite fortunate with injuries/suspensions then Waghorn & Forrester got injured & the season didn't end as well as we'd have liked. Both were missed badly in a squad which proved not to be big enough.


    In the top division we'll certainly need this bigger squad where we could be looking at around 50 domestic games inc cups.

  7. I think Forrester is going to be a star this season


    He could well be but don't discount Martyn Waghorn though.


    Before he joined us a year ago his career was going nowhere. He scored a barrow load before his injury and had both & Forrester not got those injuries we'd have beaten Hibz easily in the SC final


    He's started well this season already( 2 goals already) and if the goals keep coming then there's no doubt we'll be there or thereabouts at the top of the league. He'll be difficult to keep out the starting XI IMO

  8. I would be more worried about the huge cracks in the breezeblock at the potato bowl if I was them.


    It's common knowledge that their stadium was built on a low cost/ high maintenance basis whereas Ibrox was redeveloped in the late 70's on a high cost/ low maintenance. You only need to look at the brick work on the three 'new' stands to see this.


    That said however there are certain areas of Ibrox which need refurbished beyond a cosmetic job.


    As for the cracks in their ground I couldn't comment as I don't go there but have heard all about these

  9. I genuinely wonder if it is going to take a fatality before the numbskulls who run Scottish football wake up to this problem.Let's hope not.


    The SC final showed up how useless the SFA are & why Regan must be replaced. Why are we still waiting for this inquiry? What will it tell us we didn't already know ? We know hibz were the main culprits so get on with decisive action against that club.


    And the abuse our players will get at the San GIro this season will no doubt be what's gone on before with Plod Scotland standing by doing hee haw.

  10. The improvement over the past year since MW arrived has been there for all to see. Fantastic.


    But we need to realise is that we are using mostly English players whom in previous years(before the EPL became a cosmopolitan league) such as Tavernier, Waghorn etc and if they are successful with us they will be sold back to England at(hopefully) a profit to us


    That is why it's good to see the Frank McParland appointment seems to be bearing fruit so early. Let us hope that continues.


    What we must not do is pay silly amounts of money to Dundee Utd for players who were never good enough for us lke other clubs did.

  11. Might this be a what the hell have we done moment from hibs directors as they all look at Lennon after he does exactly the same thing he did at Bolton by being sent to the stands in his first game in charge? And I think we all know how well overall Bolton did with him in charge.




    What did they expect when they hired him? His awful record speaks for itself. He will tarnish the already-tarnished name of hibz even further. I hope he does

  12. He inherited a great team at Swansea but he did well with that team.


    That was the team Roberto Martinez built at Swansea before Rogers.

    Panama Desmond obviously didnt do too much research by the look of things. All the better for us. I'm happier they got Rogers than Martinez

  13. he's an absolute cretin


    he is just dying for someone to leap in and start abusing him so he can play the victim card


    Leave him alone. He's upset.

    His team got beat by amateurs in the CL last night & big bad Rangers are back in the top division and sold 41k ST's.

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