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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. I wonder if it has occurred to the lego muncher that Deila has gone and the reason for that is big bad Rangers are back in the top division going for 55.

    I don't think he's smart enough to realise that is hardly the actions of his club dismissing Rangers title challenge. Deila won two out of two SPFL titles IIRC

    Maybe if he hadn't spent most of the SC semi in Halliday's back pocket he would have had a different view

  2. Top6 ? Are we havin' a laugh here?


    The very least I'd expect is top3 for a EL place but ideally first which should not be impossible.


    In case anyone's missed it, since we've been out the top division the yahoos have been selling their best players (because our absence was costing them £10m per season which Liewell finally admitted) and now have a team which lost home & away to a team fourth in the norwegian league last season in the EL.


    And hertz(who finished third last season) have just been put out the EL by Maltese opposition


    Not exactly the EPL or LA liga we're playing in.

  3. not a penalty and their second looked a yard off side. halliday stood ball watching when they hit the post and left acres of space for burnley to get in. we really need to get up the park a lot quicker. far too much tippy toe passing with no end result. rossiter and barton will be our central midfileders next season. both stood out a mile today. kcrancjar was rank rotten and should have been subbed at half time. match officials where piss poor though. nearside linesman didnt seem to understand the offside rule.

    Looked a clear cut penalty to me. Don't know about he second though

  4. There are still many on here having us running before we can walk,realistically a top six finish in first year back is essential with a top three a bonus.To win would be like winning the jackpot on the lottery.


    The minimum requirement is a top three finish in the league to get us into Europe IMO.

  5. And we have hardly seen Hill in action and Crooks hasn't even played yet. I take it you know by heart that neither will improve our defence?


    MacK1950 ... Hodson is the right-back cover for Tav. The reason why he played these last two games instead of Tav.


    Sorry but I just don't think Crooks or Hill are what we need to improve a defence which lost far too many goals towards the end of last season. I would suggest MW thinks the same hence still looking for another CB

  6. Hope not, we need better. Anyone who couldn't get in our team at CH ahead of Wilson last season can't be very good, and same could be said for anyone not able to displace an out of position Halliday at DM. We now have better options at DM, and hopefully we bring in another CH before the window shuts.


    Yep. Agree with all of that. What we need is a Marvin Andrews-type CB who can defend set pieces for starters.

  7. Hope not, we need better. Anyone who couldn't get in our team at CH ahead of Wilson last season can't be very good, and same could be said for anyone not able to displace an out of position Halliday at DM. We now have better options at DM, and hopefully we bring in another CH before the window shuts.


    Yep. Agree with all of that. What we need is a Marvin Andrews-type CB who can defend set pieces for starters.

  8. The reality is we learned very little tonight from a game we were always going to win on an awful plastic pitch. It was only a case of giving more players gametime & trying to get match sharpness up before the season starts in a fortnight's time.


    One comment I do have though is that I do think Rangers are better when both McKay and Waghorn are playing.In the case of McKay, if he plays as well as I expect him to in the top division this season, I don't think he'll be with us next season.

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