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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. And Connor gave a Morelos goal offside in a 2-2 draw at ibrox against Motherwell when it was shown he couldn’t possibly see him from where he stood on the touch line
  2. Much will depend on what reaction we get following Wednesday night’s humiliation. Players, especially senior players, will have had their own discussions about the game and what went wrong. They’ll also no doubt be asking themselves if they’ve still got confidence in the manager & his tactics and game plans. Most games this season haven’t been great to watch. His team selection tomorrow will be crucial. I’d suspect Roofe & Matondo will occupy 2 of the 3 positions up front. Who gets the other one is anyone’s guess from any from the, as yet, unconvincing summer signings. We shall wait & see….
  3. Wasn’t David Roome the linesman who couldn’t spot THREE offside Celtic players at the 2019 LC final goal ?
  4. Butland has easily been the best so far. Cifuentes has done ok and should be a decent addition. We have to hope Dessers, Danilo, Lammers & Sima can improve on what we’ve seen so far. If not I think Mr Beale will be in deep trouble.
  5. Our defence is a worry. All we’ve done is let Helander go & replace him with 35 year old Balogen. And bring in Dujon Sterling who’s a RB and won’t get a game Doesnt look like strengthening to me
  6. Long overdue. Should have gone after the Hummel/SD fiasco
  7. Success in Europe is essential for the finances as we know but we mustn’t overlook domestic success too. Since 2016 all we’ve won is one SPFL premiership title & one SC. That needs to change & for starters MB really must deliver the viaplay league cup which, without Celtc, has made the task that bit easier
  8. Taking off Raskin & replacing him with Lammers didn’t help although he did set up the goal. We were then overrun in MF
  9. What worries me about Beale is most of the players he’s bought don’t seem to be as a good as the ones he’s let go.
  10. We simply aren’t comfortable in possession. We give the ball away too easily. Good teams don’t do that
  11. Taking Raskin off left us short in MF. They then outnumbered us & ran over the top of us
  12. Unless something drastic happens we’re heading for the EL. Their keeper won’t have had many easier games than this. We continue to give the ball away too easily at times & are creating very little Dessers again unimpressive. Maybe time to replace him with Sima or Danilo.
  13. Has Kamara not left yet? Must be the longest running transfer saga of all time.
  14. If they get the Broomloan they get the whole stand behind the goal. They’re not prepared to give us the whole stand behind the goal at their ground. Hence the stand off…
  15. Good luck to Hagi on his loan. AFAIK he’s still under a long contract with Rangers so hopefully he’ll get plenty game time with Alaves to convince MB that he should be part of the Rangers starting XI.
  16. Absolutely no way should they ever get the whole Broomloan again
  17. Delighted to get the 3 pts. Would have taken 2-0 before the start all day long. Better first half than second half when we started to get careless. Still a bit worried about Dessers & Danilo. If they’ve now got competition from Roofe for a place up front I know who my money’s on
  18. Hope we don’t regret not signing Luis Palma whom it seems is now signing for the yahoos. His stats seem good & we’re short on quality players in wide areas up front
  19. A decent result & better performance although we did ride our luck a bit at times. The better the opposition the better we play it seems. At least we’re still in the tie. I thought Matondo gave them problems when he came on. He will be pleased to have scored his first Rangers goal. I thought they were very nervy at the end. Hopefully we’ve given them something to think about for next week. And once again I thought Butland was excellent in goal but I still think we’ve one or two issues up front to be sorted
  20. At least we know what Hagi can do unlike some of the recent Beale signings
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