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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. Can someone expain in simple terms how the retail stuff works ?


    PUMA manufacture the strips & sell to SD who sell to RRL ? Is that correct?

    RRL supposedly gets dividends from SD which the club gets ? Who else gets dividends?

    And the club recently cancelled the contract with RRL ? And RRL accounts are seven months overdue?


    I find it all rather complicated

  2. Ra Sellik have had a dozen straight fines from UEFA in the last five years. Constantly, they are threatened with a stand being closed, it does not happen. They have a Get out of Jail card in Irish UEFA Delegate, John Delaney. Any problems and Delaney goes into fire fighting mode on behalf of Peter. When John was caught on film, indulging in an IRA-kara-oke, Peter returned the favour, ensuring the footage and story remained confined to the inside pages of the Irish press.


    It's a multi layered defence of course, the usual suspects will be on message reference non reporting of chants/flags/demonstrations. Any slippage like Euan Murray reporting last weeks Tynecastle sing-song will be swiftly dealt with, by demanding Editors to ignore or turn down the amplification. Broadcast media will have microphones dampened and cameras pointing elsewhere. Any leakage and Delaney will be on stand-bye.


    The Piggery was ordered closed for a number of weeks in 1941/42 for pro-Nazi chanting.


    Their tactic is always the same....LIE, DEFLECT or DENY.

    They have a massive problem with militant Irish Republicanism which politicians & authorities will not confront as they should

  3. Ashley is an absolute monster, he has a similar arrogance to Gerald Ratner.


    I suspect Big Mike's fate will be similar to Gerald's? Reference our club, it's the time to be taken for Ashley to journey to the bottom of the slope. His involvement in football is toxic. I note this morning that his other football interest, his main footballing interest, the newly relegated Newcastle United are sitting fourth bottom of the Championship on nil points. There will be a tipping point for Ashley and his football involvement, the fans of both Rangers and Newcastle hope its most soon.


    I looked at the Newcastle team yesterday & didn't recognise half of them. Genuinely feel sorry for them.

    We are a settled club now on and off the park. It has to stay that way

  4. Perhaps they should have engaged their brains. You don't have to be a genius to know lambias wasn't running us for rangers benefit. An iq of 6 should suffice.



    The realy sad thing is they did know they just couldn't help themselves.


    The Llambias appointment should have started alarm bells ringing. His record at Newcastle was horrendous.

  5. If we don't get a comfortable win against Motherwell next week it's going to be unfavourably compared to Motherwells most recent result in Glasgow.


    You need to remember who Motherwell's manager is. McGhee has a habit of managing teams which lose heavily at the San Giro and drooling about how good the yahoos were after the game

  6. You have to believe the board know what they are doing!,they seem to have taken a long time to raise this!,they must believe the case is bomb proof!


    I also think this case is likely to drag on for some time especially if there are appeals. That will certainly add to costs too.

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