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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. This will be an interesting next few days for the yahoos before the transfer window shuts. If they dont strengthen they will get absolutely horsed. Are they going to spend? If they don't will the horses start asking questions?

  2. After watching our first three league games of this he season I have to urge caution about the OP.

    We needed to improve at CB and have so far only brought in a 38 year old. And up front have only just brought in Joe Garner when a striker was needed to replace Millar.

  3. I expect to be minimum top 3 the entire season. More than expect, I demand it. LOL


    Though in saying that if it weren't the case i'm not going to be blaming the manager for that. I would be disappointed but know that better days will come.


    I think some of us are getting a bit concerned about the summer signings & the first three league performances. I can understand that especially when you sign nine players & only two started on saturday

  4. Agree with almost all of Tb's post.


    At the end of last season it was apparent we needed to strengthen at CB and up front. At CB so far we've only brought in one CB who's a couple of months short of 38 and only just yesterday signed a striker who will surely replace Millar. I'm astonished we didnt get these players in quicker especially at CB given the amount of goals we were losing towards the end of last season.


    Watching the 1st half yesterday after Motherwell scored it seemed obvious we play at too slow a tempo & lack creativity. McKay looks totally off form at the moment & needs dropped. So does Halliday.


    Krankcjar made a big difference when he came on but still doesn't look match sharp to me. That's a worry. We need players who can create like Krankjcar did at our first goal yesterday. Have we anyone else who cando that?


    Next month will be a big test for us away to Celtic & Aberdeen.I'm sure I'm not the only one who is genuinely concerned. I believe we should have signed players who would be in the starting XI not squad plyers as we appear to have done.

  5. He has improved significantly this year. He is vastly quicker getting down and shot stopping. He has lost weight too. Don't think it's any coincidence that all this is happening now that he knows he had serious competition from Gilks.


    Can't see Gilks giving Wes much competition

  6. Just about had a heart attack there today. From where I was sitting the Motherwell goal looked a mile offside. The ref was an absolute joke - every time the goalie kicked the ball up to the Rangers half, the Motherwell player was just jumping into the Rangers player with no intention of getting the ball directly and not a single foul was given. I think this is where Rangers need to be a bit more clever and bite back.


    Going forward was painful today - no real good runs apart from Forester who was getting some space on the right. Miller tended to drift so far back we were playing without a striker. Barton was the furthest player up the park at one point!


    Pleased with the 3 points, but need to be much, much more ruthless if we are to think about winning the league.


    Has there been any further comment on the Motherwell goal ? Looked a mile offside from where I sit in the SJ rear

  7. While I admire the sentiment , the facts don't bear that out. Walker, Sutton, Hartson, all in high profile media positions in commercial companies. Of non-players, the list is endless from andrew smith to mark guidi with dozens in between.


    Our decades of dignified silence has lost us the media war, and it will probably take a decade and more to reverse IF there was a will to do so.


    There is a difference. We have a choice whether we suscribe to the likes of SKY or not & I don't think Walker, Sutton & Hartson are anywhere near as bad as BBC Scotland. If they were I don't think they'd last long.

    As for Andrew H Smith he works for a local paper called the Scotsman which only sells 23k daily so hot really relevant

  8. Yep, but why do people of the BBC, paid with your money, tell half-truths (if not downright lies) to the public? DESPITE being already reprimanded by their own controlling institution?


    Easy answer - because the BBC is a state-owned broadcaster accountable to no one whose employees by and large can do what they like. Until the outdated licence fee is scrapped this will continue after which they'll need to compete in the real business world. That will mean ditching some of the pondlife at Pacific Quay who misuse their positions to put out stories, facts & figures they know are fictitious but do so for their own purposes. Professional broadcasters wouldn't employ these people

  9. The club was Not liquidated, the business was. You can't liquidate a football club as its a separate entity alongside the business. A club can disband for example.

    The club should take them to task over this. That's all they understand. Let's hope none of that lot ever set foot in Ibrox again.


    The SPFL & UEFA websites clearly recognise that Rangers history dates from 1872 to present day. That is all that matters.

  10. Something needs to be done. If we start conceding the number of goals we were conceding towards the end of last season we have absolutely no chance of winning the title.

    I was dreading every time Dundee got corner or free kick in the 2nd half last week. We must sort this out before we play the yahoos

  11. There's no doubt Lescott not signing may be a disappointment to some of us but if there was any doubt about his fitness or he had a change of mind then it's a bullet dodged for me.


    And I'm not convinced Senderos has played enough games over the past couple of years to merit a contract.


    We're looking at defenders because we're conceding too many goals particularly at set pieces.So what now ?


    I'd suggest a 3-5-2 (5-3-2) system. At least for just now anyway. The back 3 would consist of wilson, Kiernan & Matt Crooks who at 6'5" should be able to take responsibilty at set pieces leaving wilson & Kiernan markers.


    The 5 would consist of a central MF three of Barton, Rossiter & probably Forrester. Both FB's Wallace & Tavernier would provide the width in attack & defence as a3-5-2 going forward & a 5-3-2 defending.


    Up front would be Garner(or Miller) with either McKay, Waghorn or O'Halloran supporting.

    Thoughts ?

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