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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. "Mediocre" Miller sould have been replaced by Jason Cummings? Rossiter, Kranjcar, Barton, are no better than what we had? Good night Rab, Dave King out???


    Cummings is 21 & has a decent scoring record already albeit in the Championship. Garner is 28 & got 6 goals last season. Which one do you think would get more goals for us?

    Rossiter, Krankcjar & Barton have done nothing so far thatHalliday & Holt cant do

    Are you watching the same team as me which has been totally unimpressive in its first four league games against weaker teams in the league?

  2. After last season it was apparent we needed to look at the Cb's because we were losing far too many goals. So far we've signed just one CB - a 37 year old who as was seen on friday night is not the answer. I await the signing of at least one CB next week.


    We also needed to look up front where we had Kenny Miller who needs replaced. I've been a critic of Miller for years & think he's at best mediocre and we need better options than him. I was astonished we waited until last week to get someone in. It's too early to judge Joe Garner but for they money we allegedly paid for him I'd have tried for Jason Cummings first. We need someone in & around the six yard box for the deliveries from Tav & BMcK.


    My biggest concern is that we've made ten signings & in most cases they aren'tbetter than what we've already got. We've just basically added mediocre squad players IMO

  3. I have said a few times top six is a must top three an achievement and winning an out and out bonus.

    I am not a half empty or half full glass person but a realist.


    Anything outside top three is totally unacceptable.

  4. Agree.

    Holt has energy from the middle of the pitch,he finds space and creates options,Barton & Rossiter in the middle slows us down


    I'd like to see Barton, Halliday & Holt as our MF with Barton the sitting MF player allowing Halliday & Holt to push forward. I'd have Waghorn & Forrester in the wide areas & Garner would play the lone forward.

  5. You have to remember it's very very early in the season to make any assumption.


    A couple of draws and a couple of wins means absolutely nothing, just as 4 wins would be.


    We do need to get more goals from our forwards though.

    There were plenty good deliveries into the box tonight but no takers. Very disappointing

  6. Lifted from FF, although they seem to think this guys talks pish?


    Simon Rowntree ‏@SRowntreeNews 41m41 minutes ago Glasgow, Scotland

    BREAKING: #Rangers trialist Philippe #Senderos has failed his medical and will return to Switzerland. More to follow


    If true, can't say I'm surprised as he's played so few games over the past few seasons

  7. What kind of age are we living in when this stuff is printed. It will be interesting to see if this disgusting individual keeps her job. Surely not. But then again, I am constantly surprised by the state of the country these days.


    It's the Rangers-hating DR we're talking here so she probably will keep her job.

    If this doesn't convince all genuine Rangers supporters to boycott the DR then nothing will. That includes Paul Murray too.

  8. Record reporting he is undergoing a medical and the signing is a formality if the docs give him an OK. I doubt he would be taking this medical if there were any other offers on his horizon. It suggests everything has been agreed. So there we have it, he's our CB.


    Wonder who he'll replace - Wilson or Kiernan ?

  9. Warburton, Weir and McParland don't do panic signings. Take a look at how many forums etc are saying "why is it taking so long"? Is it a panic signing or MW taking too long? The guy can't win.


    SAF used to say before signing a player to 'check his attendance record' first.

    Senderos record over past few season isn't great is it?

  10. From Sky Sports :


    Mark Warburton is hopeful of tying up a deal for Rangers to sign former Arsenal and Fulham defender Philippe Senderos before Friday's game at Kilmarnock.


    The Swiss international has been training with the Scottish Premiership leaders since the start of last week and is now in contract discussions.


    Genuinely hope this isn't a panic signing. He hasn't played that many games over the past few seasons & has gone from club to club quite frequently. Never a good sign is it?

  11. Tannoch my friend.


    Miller was 'ordinary' in his first stint, his 2nd stint was much better even although he had betrayed us by signing for them before that. This, his final stint saw him join a club in disarray from top to bottom, a change of board and the W&W connection has given him a massive boost. That goal on Saturday sums the man up for me. I'll never forget his goals at Hampden last season in the SF and Final, he delivered in those games.


    The thing about Miller, for me anyway, is his total commitment to our cause, the player has been exceptional and this rubs off on the younger players in the squad. There's a picture out there somewhere showing the sheer delight on young Rossiter's face moments after his late winner against Motherwell. Got to love him.


    Miller is a mediocre player who hides that mediocrity with his workrate.

    The chance he got on Saturday after 12 mins sums him up for me. It was a really easy chance any striker should have scored.

    And How many times this season has Tavernier put over good deliveries & Miller nowhere near the six yard box where any striker should be. I could go on and on.

    I hope MW is bold enough to start with Garner on Friday night & leave Miller on the bench

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