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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. I can always recall leaving the stadium the day we lost at home to Annan and thinking McCoist would surely do the honourable thing and resign by Monday.


    But there was no chance of it was there ? McCoist knew he was in his first and last managerial position & was going to get every last penny out of it regardless of whether it was Rangers or not.


    McCoist had a budget which dwarfed the lower leagues of Scottish football but you'd never have guessed it. Part time coaches out-thought him as he'd little or no tactics or gameplan. The football was often horrendous to watch & the team didn't look fit enough either.


    By the time we were halfway thro' the championship in what should have been our final season outside the top flight the game was well & truly over for Ally. A trip to well-organised QOS was the final nail in the coffin. Gardening leave duly followed trousering an eye-watering £ 750k p.a approx, a salary we couldnt afford which could be put to much better use elsewhere.


    Ally might have no regrets. My only regret was he lasted as long as he did

  2. I just hope we can give a good account of ourselves on Saturday.

    Realistically all we can hope for this season is a top three finish.

    I still think we lack quality in certain areas to put in a serious title challenge unfortunately

  3. BBC Scotland are the perfect example of why the outdated licence fee should be abolished. It is full of individuals pursuing their own agendas instead of providing balanced reporting for everyone throughout as it's supposed to do.


    Once the outdated licence fee gets abolished & it then has to get its revenue in the real commercial world it will be dependent on its customers i.e. its number of viewers & listeners then it will be unable to employ these cretins if it wished to remain a viable entity in its current size & format.


    As for the Rhecord I fail to understand how any true Rangers supporter would have anything to do with this rhag. Avoid it like the plague.

  4. If Hodsnon is away on NI duty then I can only think to put Keirnan at left back(he's left footed?) and the new young boy we got from Raith Rovers at CH beside Senderos? Either that or as you say DB a back three of Keirnan, Senderos and Tav with Rossiter in front then 3-3. Not sure tbh?? Options with next week in mind??? Although if he is thinking of 3-5-2 next week then a back three tomorrow would be a good shout.


    I've been advocating 3-5-2 for some time now even if temporarily. We're losing too many goals so three CB's might help to sort this & we've got two FB's ideally suited to this system IMO

  5. I genuinely believe 10 SPL chairmen chose to vote us out the SPL as a result of HMRC refusing oldco a CVA believing that refusal was mainly because of EBT debts amounting to £76m as well as Whyte not paying PAYE/NI.


    I presume the individual Iain Durrant is talking about gave them this advice.


    If Whyte is successfully convicted in the Scottish courts of a fraudulent takeover then these chairmen may well be brought to account for their decision. That is why KIllie abstained

  6. The SFA are trying to aportion equal blame to both Rangers & Hibz which is nonsense.


    Hibz were the main instigators ( when their supporters came onto the pitch in much greater numbers than Rangers supporters) & must accept the lion's share of the blame for what happened thereafter.


    Any other judgement is ridiculous

  7. Is this for real ?

    Had Hibz supporters not come onto the park at FT nothing would have happened. It is Hibz who must get the lion's share of the blame for their supporters actions , not Rangers.

    If McGlennan cannot see this his position is untenable & the Rangers board should seek his removal from his position immediately

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