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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. Why not do the simple thing & put O'Halloran on the right side ?
  2. Perhaps but if Hill can stay fit I think he can do what Davie Weir did for us even if only for this season. I'm more concerned about up front. Miller, Waghorn & Garner have managed just five goals between them in nine league games. That simply isn't good enough. This cost McCoist big style two seasons ago i.e. Signing strikers (Miller & Boyd) who couldn't score. MW take note
  3. It was the UEFA CUp final we played in back in 2008
  4. There will be no succesful Scotland team without a succesful Rangers team. Sooner the tattered army wake up & realise that the better. And getting rid off Rhegan should be top priority. This man & his chum Doncaster have literally stoid back & done nothing as Scottish football has regressed
  5. this is where a good scouting system is needed
  6. I still think our summer signings weren't good enough. We signed too many MF players and didn't bring in a quality CB & top drawer striker which were needed most of all. Performances so far have been largely disappointing as a result
  7. We play 4-3-2-1 (which becomes 4-3-3attacking). Two play wide one of which always seems to be Barrie McKay for some reason. Playing one up front needs the right type of forward(a Diego Costa type). We don't have one IMO
  8. And you can confirm that ? Why did he sign Rositter then who plays in the same position as Barton ? And we already had Halliday who can fill in that role too Signing 30 year old plus players with no resale value makes no sense to me given where we are just now. Last summer we got ourselves a manager whose background was bringing on young players. Made sense did it not ? Then we started signing the likes of Barton, Krancjar & Senderos in the summer. None have been great IMO. I ask again did MW sign Barton ? And the others too?
  9. That may well be the case but what I think we have here is a Rangers manager who wants shot off Barton who he never wanted in the first place. And getting rid off Barton may be a lot more difficult than we think. But as I said earlier I'm not convinced we know the full story here
  10. I suspect there's more to his than what we know.
  11. Not sure that will have anyhing to do with it. It will come down to whether club rules are the same or have changed. I suspect they haven't changed
  12. It looks to me that's the route we're going down but as I asked earlier why weren't Simonsen & Black sacked then ? Unlike Black at least Barton didn't bet on games he played in. Much more serious IMO
  13. So why weren't Simonsen & Black sacked then?
  14. How much is the inevitable pay-off going to cost ? I'm still not convinced it was MW who signed Barton
  15. He's getting desperate now. His job is one the line as far as I'm concerned. Lose the next two games to Slovakia & England & qualification from second place is a no-goer IMO.
  16. Just don't get too close in case he starts trying to make conversation with you. Bernadette & the weans are probably trying to disown him
  17. Oh dear what has happened ? This is awful news.
  18. When yahoos refer to us as 'huns' it only shows up their total lack of education. They should look closer to home. Across the Irish Sea to be precise & de Valera's allegiance during WWII
  19. Hasn't Whyte already been found guilty of fraudulently obtaining money from ticketus in England ? And a trustee appointed to try & recover the money? As well as a 15 year directorship ban by the DTI How are these charges different from the ones in England?
  20. I dont think he'll be back. Halliday & Holt have now re-established themselves in the starting XI. And if Krancjar can build on Saturday's performance he'd have company warming the bench or sitting in the stand from the likes of Forrester, Windass, Crooks & Rossiter But I can't see him hanging around if he's not playing so I'd expect him to move on sooner or later.
  21. Which yahoo journalist wrote this ? Totally one sided article typical of that rhag How about the tackle on Halliday in the first half for which he'd to leave the field for treatment? Presume the ref didnt see it otherwise it would have been a straight red. Only issue is the compliance officer is one of them who is selective in who he tries to punish
  22. We really dont seem to have any other youngster other than him at present who has a chance of breaking into the first team do we ?
  23. I 'd like to know how these yahoos got these dolls(and whatever else) into the san giro in the first place. Is this not a security risk ? What else could they ( or anyone else) smuggle into the stadium? Or have Plod Scotland or RHegan's SFA not considered that?
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