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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. The form and results between the Semi-Final and the Final last season says a lot for me. It would never have been tolerated by someone lke WS or JW.


    Our Manager really has no experience in Management and so far it is showing.


    Your last line is one which too many of us don't seem to realise. Prior to getting the Rangers job MW only had something like 18months managing Brentford & it's beginning to show now IMO.


    During the summer something needed to be done about the number of goals we were conceding. We needed better quality at CB. Bringing in Hill & Senderos doesnt look like the answer does it?


    Between now and the end of this year will determine whether MW has a future as Rangers manager. A top three finish is imperative

  2. I made a complaint after the "Hun" banner displayed at the cup semi-final last season.


    I am still in dialogue with Police Scotland about this but they have, so far, failed to respond in an adequate manner.


    I have been promised a response by traditional letter soon!




    I will share the contents of this response if/when it arrives.



    Good luck with this because you'll need it. I doubt you'll get a satisfactory response from Plod Scotland.


    Plod Scotland are answerable to their political masters at Holyrood who hate us.


    H@n banners are acceptable. F@nian banners aren't. Welcome to Scotland 2016.

  3. Totally agree. All this has been allowed to fester and now appear outwardly in this hostile manner with sectarian manifestation and prophecies of war due to the apathy of the political and policing establishment.

    We are being portrayed as fair game and second class by many in power and now with mock executions/suicides and announcements of war being tolerated and many would argue, condoned, we have to do something. This is out of control, from those in politics to those in policing and throughout Scottish society we are increasingly being targeted.


    We are portrayed as the bad guys and they're the good guys.In reality that isn't the case. We know that as they seem to be able to do as they please & we can't

    It's just a case of how long this continues until there is a response. That's when the problems will begin in earnest. We have to hope common sense prevails & it doesn't get to that stage

  4. John DC Gow ‏@johndcgow 1h1 hour ago


    Celtic Park will continue to have sectarian banners and hanging effigies of Rangers fans until Rangers FC defend their supporters.


    What does he want Rangers to do ?

    This is for Plod Scotland & the SFA to do something about. They don't seem willing to do anything do they?

  5. No one has made a complaint. Really? Glad it is getting highlighted. Now for the sectarian banners. Imagine the furore if there had been a banner with "f*nian scum" on it.


    As I said in an earlier post Plod Scotland turn a blind eye to most things going on in and around the San Giro on matchdays

  6. was about to say the same thing mate. barton was the worst player on the park and should have been hooked ao half time. but the bigger issue is what exactly does he bring to to the team? Kranjar too. Theyre mediocre at best and whatsmore i very much doubt they will get any better as the season goes on. As for the defence, we just dont have a central defender worth talking about. Im afraid or manager has got his homework wrong this season and it will cost us dear in the long run. hope he learns fast from his mistakes.


    Both Barton& Krancjar are past their best. Signing them hasn't worked. It's now a case of how to get shot off them. Won't be easy.

  7. Surely if Plod Scotland threatened to arrest someone for reporting what they thought was an offence then that person, armed with the photograph of the officer in question, should be reporting this to either his superiors or write or phone the police body concerned. If not satisfied take it up with their MSP and then it can even go to the Police Investigations and Review Commissioner.


    Take it up with their MSP ? LOL you havin a laugh? Other than Murdo Fraser the Shortbread Senate is a Rangers-hating establishment which I'd dearly love to see abolished

  8. They better have after that display today.


    MW needs to decide his best starting XI. For starters I'd suggest last season's MF of Halliday, Holt & Forrester are better than any of the players who arrived in the summer

  9. Every time we lose you try to make excuses. The fact of the matter if we were deservedly gubbed today and that's all there is to it.


    Because we didn't make the improvements to the squad we needed to make during the summer

  10. Wilson is not an answer as him and Kiernan are too similar and personally I prefer Kiernan but if Senderos is to be played it looks as if will have to be Wilson as he is left footed and it looks as if Senderos is going to be played on the right of central defence.

    Windass should be a shoe in for midfield where I would like him to be joined by Forrester and Holt,with Barton or Rossiter playing behind them.

    Perm the forwards from Miller/Waghorn/Garner.

    Mckay/O'Halleron/Krancjar/Halliday and Dodoo when fit on bench with Hill and Gilks.


    Agree with most of what you say here.

    When I saw our starting XI today I was genuinely concerned. Krankjar, McKay, Miller & Garner in the starting XI left Barton & Windass too much to do

  11. Echoes my thoughts. I had a line-up in mind and had that gut-feeling that Kranjcar was not up for this, McKay to "light-weight" and Miller pointless on the left wing. Well, Niko IMHO was the only man really at the races in the first half, but got carried away. Miller's tenacity was there and lead to the first goal, which he assisted from the left (where I would have expected him to play, rather than the right). Much of the game passed McKay by, but when you get kicked and punch from 2 mins onwards ...


    I would have started with a more aggressive line up and a midfield of ...


    Windass - Barton - Forrester


    Waghorn - Garner - McKay


    I think the manager was to bring Forrester on for McKay, when Kiernan got injured. Opening up was the only option at the end, for as he said, MW was not willing to defend a 1-3, and we would have slated him if he had.


    Anyway, Wilson might be fit, Kiernan probably not, so it is back to the drawing board. Wonder which one will get the FLAK should he not defend impeccably next week ...


    McKay needs dropped. Hasn't kicked a ball this season. Disgraceful MOH not getting a chance

  12. The problem with that is that he would be replaced by Senderos, Wilson or Hill. I'm not sure which are the lesser of all evils.


    In all honesty - of our 4 options at CB - if you had the option you wouldnt keep ANY of them. That's how bad our CB's are.


    All we can hope for IMO is to pair Wilson and Senderos between now & January and see how things go until the CB positions must get sorted out. Not great I know but the best we can do meantime unfortunately

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