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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. S Decent people don't support a vile, hardline Irish Republican club like C@@@@c.
  2. I do wonder about Chief Superintendent Brian McNulty who was, I believe, Match Commander on Saturday? He's either not very good at his job or deliberately turned a blind eye to the goings-on in & around the Girodome on Saturday. Did he tell officers to take no action over those banners ?? If so why ?? Did he not think they could potentially cause serious disorder ?? Also can someone tell me how those banners, hanging dolls etc got into the stadium ? Not exactly something you can conceal easily passing thro' a turnstile I'd have thought. I know little about Club1872 & who's involved but surely one of the things they should be asking Plod Scotland is why the choose to police Ibrox difrently from the Girodome. Would they be happy if our support had similar banners for the next fixture at Ibrox ??
  3. How long can this go on ? Very dangerous once this manifests itself in wider society. Will the Police continue to turn a blind eye I wonder?? Will the politicians step in at some point ?? Do they think a banner saying 'H@N SCUM' is acceptable ?? If that was a banner about blacks or asians would it be acceptable ?? Of course it wouldn't. And what of Rhegan's SFA ?? Where do they stand in all this ?? Do they think these sort of banners are acceptable at SPFL games ?? Unless something is done this isnt going to end well.
  4. Your last line is one which too many of us don't seem to realise. Prior to getting the Rangers job MW only had something like 18months managing Brentford & it's beginning to show now IMO. During the summer something needed to be done about the number of goals we were conceding. We needed better quality at CB. Bringing in Hill & Senderos doesnt look like the answer does it? Between now and the end of this year will determine whether MW has a future as Rangers manager. A top three finish is imperative
  5. Does anyone from Rangers have anything to say about this ? Have we returned to the days of dignified silence ?
  6. Good luck with this because you'll need it. I doubt you'll get a satisfactory response from Plod Scotland. Plod Scotland are answerable to their political masters at Holyrood who hate us. H@n banners are acceptable. F@nian banners aren't. Welcome to Scotland 2016.
  7. We are portrayed as the bad guys and they're the good guys.In reality that isn't the case. We know that as they seem to be able to do as they please & we can't It's just a case of how long this continues until there is a response. That's when the problems will begin in earnest. We have to hope common sense prevails & it doesn't get to that stage
  8. Won't happen & wouldn't be allowed to happen. Welcome to Scotland 2016. Just look at who's running Scotland & you'll see why
  9. Has there been any comment from Rangers or are we back to the days of the dignified silence ?
  10. They're answerable to their political masters in Holyrood who hate us. Don't be surprised when we get pulled up for our supporters misdemeanours whilst the yahoos get overlooked
  11. A decent article by Neil Casey but it's imperative we show significant improvement between now and the end of the year. Anything other than a top three finish is totally unacceptable. Hate to say it but MW is beginning to remind me of PLG with his stubbornness
  12. What does he want Rangers to do ? This is for Plod Scotland & the SFA to do something about. They don't seem willing to do anything do they?
  13. As I said in an earlier post Plod Scotland turn a blind eye to most things going on in and around the San Giro on matchdays
  14. LOL ' police said they had not received any complaints surrounding the dolls'........ Is that for real? So that makes it ok then ? We're all plod too busy yesterday listening for TBB?
  15. Both Barton& Krancjar are past their best. Signing them hasn't worked. It's now a case of how to get shot off them. Won't be easy.
  16. Plod Scotland turn a blind eye to the goings-on around the San Giro on match days. No doubt to keep their Holyrood masters happy.
  17. Plan A is simply keeping possession of the ball without any real idea of how to break the defence down
  18. It's a fact that the San Giro & surrounding areas aren't policed on match days as you'd might expect
  19. Take it up with their MSP ? LOL you havin a laugh? Other than Murdo Fraser the Shortbread Senate is a Rangers-hating establishment which I'd dearly love to see abolished
  20. Plod Scotland are useless. Clueless too. They only exist to serve their Holyrood employers & their political agenda. Longterm I think this is worrying & unsustainable
  21. MW needs to decide his best starting XI. For starters I'd suggest last season's MF of Halliday, Holt & Forrester are better than any of the players who arrived in the summer
  22. Because we didn't make the improvements to the squad we needed to make during the summer
  23. Agree with most of what you say here. When I saw our starting XI today I was genuinely concerned. Krankjar, McKay, Miller & Garner in the starting XI left Barton & Windass too much to do
  24. McKay needs dropped. Hasn't kicked a ball this season. Disgraceful MOH not getting a chance
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