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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. Nothing in football is down to luck. I think most people are aware we have been poor but despite that we still could have won all our games (apart from Parkhead) without actually playing to anywhere near our full potential


    But we didnt win all our games (apart from Parkhead) did we?

    We have to analyse why we didn't. Poor summer signings being one reason. One of the areas we needed to strengthen was up front & I'm not convinced about Joe Garner

  2. MW has not only rebuilt a team he has rebuilt and restructured an entire football philosophy as well as the entire football side of the business , the youth dept has been entirely over hauled , a scouting system is getting put in place , dietary and fitness as well as proper analysis prior to and after every match , and all this is going on whilst he has one hand held behind his back because WE HAVE NO MONEY to get players that will make a material difference , if we lose this guy we lose all the momentum that goes with him , has he made mistakes yes , will he make them again yes , name me one manager who doesn't , but we as a support need to get a grip , 6 games , 6 fucking games , seriously guys.


    You are making our manager out to be some sort of Pep Guardiola ?? His only previous management experience prior to Rangers was 18 months at Brentford. I think that's beginning to show

  3. Aren't we a Point off second?


    9 points out of 18 is poor. The six games have not been great to watch. And we havent played hertz or dolly yet


    Only the super optimists expected us to challenge for the title. But a top three finish is a must for a EL place.


    I was concerned about the summer signings because I didnt think they properly addressed the two areas in the team which needed improvement i.e. CB & up front.


    We've now got over 40k ST holders. The Rangers board will want to keep that number & if it means ditching the manager for someone to they think can do a better job they will do so. Any club would do the same when results & performances aren't up to scratch as they have been for some time now going back to last season

  4. There's absolutely no excuses for not beating Ross County; our form so far this season has been terrible. The manager has been given far more resources than everyone else bar Celtic and should be able to get second place easily.


    The away games coming up against Aberdeen & Hertz will go a long way to deciding whether MW stays or goes IMO

  5. The poor summer signings are now coming back to haunt us.

    We needed a quality striker to replaceMiller for starters. From what I've seen of Garner so far he doesn't look like the 20-25 league goals per season striker we need.

    And both Barton & Krancjar must be the highest paid players at the club and won't be in the starting XI from now on I wouldn't think. Can only hope we're not going to have to pay them off to get rid off them

    Three out of four of our next games are away including Aberdeen & hertz. These games could go a long way to deciding whether MW is up to the job or not

  6. either way we should be better off this weekend with him out the team for a bit


    We dont need him. If we can get shot off him & maybe Krankcjar too we should take the opportunity. I shudder to think what we're paying them which could be better spent elsewhere.


    We've got Halliday, Forrester, Windass who should all start on saturday plus we've got Holt, Rossiter and maybe Crooks when they return from injury.We're not short in MF

  7. Really? I think they would first have to work out what it was before any further calculation on the meaning could occur.


    Maybe a can of deodorant then ? Would they know how to use one of them ? Just a cheap one out of one of these poundshops mind.

  8. Last night's result for Shellik will only give ammunition to the top 4 leagues i.e. EPL, La liga, SerieA & the Bundesliga who think teams finishing fifth or sixth in their leagues should get the opportunity to play in the CL instead of the likes of the yahoos

  9. A

    Is that true, Rab?

    It would certainly allow plod and the stewards to say that they found nothing in their search of the fans going in to the game.

    It also allows that club to push the line that they did not know what the fans had written on their banners because they only rent them the storage space.

    It matters not a whit that the club is responsible for everything within the confines of the stadium on match day.

    Cunning, deceitful, sly - choose what fits.


    Course it's true. They've been doing this for years.


    The GB are feared with in the San GIro. No one Is brave enough to confront them. Not even the authorities or the politicians want to go there with them.


    One day someone will need to do something before it's too late. Otherwise there may be much bigger problems to confront than those within a football stadium

  10. It's long gone beyond that.


    Three generations ago we saw it but ignored it.

    Two generations ago it bothered us but we did little.

    One generation ago we faced it but felt we could rise above it.

    This generation....we're paying for previous mistakes.


    That's the legacy our young have.


    I don't condone destroying toilets but I understand the frustration many young Gers have in 2016.


    And the next generation ? Doesn't bear thinking about does it ?

    All it will take is something to trigger it all off into wider society. Once this goes outside football grounds we will have big problems.

    The police non-action on saturday was reprehensible. Useless in fact. They were as well not being there.

  11. This press release by C1888c is no more than a statement of intent on their part.

    There is no ...

    a) recognition of sectarian behaviour,

    b) admittance of sectarian behaviour,

    c) contrition for anyone who may have been offended or hurt by these 'events',

    d) apology (to apologize you have to admit a wrong. To admit a wrong would require you to take responsibility for the situation.).


    These are the actions of a club which is arrogant enough to believe that it is untouchable.

    For the life of me I can see no bridge being built anywhere by anybody, be it a club or an organization.


    They ARE untouchable. That is the problem. They think they can do what they like & know they'll get away with it.

  12. S

    Our club try and eliminate sectarianism. Celtic condone it by consistently allowing pro-IRA and sectarian banners into their ground and failing to take action against those who do it. It has been happening season after season. They have even rewarded them by introducing a standing area.


    As for the decent people in their support, I must have missed their condemnation each season. I don't recall it being mentioned at their AGMs or lots of letters being written into newspapers.


    I also wonder how many of the decent people joined in with the "Go home, ya huns" chant on Saturday?


    Decent people don't support a vile, hardline Irish Republican club like C@@@@c.

  13. I do wonder about Chief Superintendent Brian McNulty who was, I believe, Match Commander on Saturday?


    He's either not very good at his job or deliberately turned a blind eye to the goings-on in & around the Girodome on Saturday. Did he tell officers to take no action over those banners ?? If so why ?? Did he not think they could potentially cause serious disorder ??


    Also can someone tell me how those banners, hanging dolls etc got into the stadium ? Not exactly something you can conceal easily passing thro' a turnstile I'd have thought.


    I know little about Club1872 & who's involved but surely one of the things they should be asking Plod Scotland is why the choose to police Ibrox difrently from the Girodome. Would they be happy if our support had similar banners for the next fixture at Ibrox ??

  14. How long can this go on ? Very dangerous once this manifests itself in wider society.


    Will the Police continue to turn a blind eye I wonder?? Will the politicians step in at some point ?? Do they think a banner saying 'H@N SCUM' is acceptable ?? If that was a banner about blacks or asians would it be acceptable ?? Of course it wouldn't.


    And what of Rhegan's SFA ?? Where do they stand in all this ?? Do they think these sort of banners are acceptable at SPFL games ??


    Unless something is done this isnt going to end well.

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