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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. W

    So w hats your answer , sack him with what , hire a new management team with what , buy new players with what , we have no money , no retail deal , litigation up to our arm pits , and with a new manager he would need to use the same players as WE HAVE NO MONEY .


    This is a year of transition and settling in , like it or lump it , we were never going to win the league this year , expectations amongst our support is absolutely mental .


    You say we've no money but MW has spent £3m since he arrived. FWIW I think the jury is still out on most signings.


    I suppose I'm one of the few who saw some encouraging signs tonight. I want to see MOH start every game and at long last do we have a forward whom we can play a long ball to ? We can't play out from the back all the time and on the occasions we did hit a long ball Garner generally did well I thought.


    And I think Hill has done a decent job at the back since he went into the side. He's not a longterm option by any means but if he can get us top three that'll do for me.

  2. I was disappointed we didn't win tonight but I think we're heading in the right direction although not as fast as we'd like.


    I thought MOH proved tonight he should always be in our starting XI. We need to start scoring more goals and if he can get decent deliveries into the box that will go a long way to solving that problem.


    What did concern me tonight though was our MF constantly getting overrun & outnumbered. Both Halliday & Holt seemed out of sorts tonight for some reason. I'm not yet convinced by Windass so maybe if Rossiter returns as the sitting MF player that will allow Halliday & Holt to push forward in their more natural roles. Halliday isn't a defensive MF player & I genuinely thought Barton would fill that role this season.Not to be though.


    The other thing that concerned me tonight was us trying to play out from the back when St Johnstone had pushed up. In those circumstances we need to play a long ball whether we like it or not. Whilst I'm not 100 percent convinced about Garner yet we now have the option of that long ball and if he does hold the ball up as he did tonight he might just start to change my mind. And he took his goal well too.

  3. This is why many of the demands for more money from the board are off the mark. Others are showing what you can acheive with less.


    By my calculations we've spent over £3m on transfer fees since the start of last season.


    Tav & waghorn cost £350k each(?), MOH cost £500k, garner cost £1.5m & Rossiter & Dodoo each cost £250k (?).


    Other than Tav & Waghorn it's hardly been money well spent has it , although I do sympathise with MOH whose lack of game time mystifies me.


    I'd certainly like to think this hasn't gone unnoticed by the Rangers board.

  4. To clarify Mac - I was saying a top 6 was the best we could hope for. Not that we'd finish 6th , but that that's all we would get.

    If some of those we signed recently shook off whatever niggles they have or quite simply gave themselves a shake and produced what we expected, we may even get a top 3. But nothing I've seen so far suggests a punt on it. Even worse, some of last years star players look to be going off the boil at the same time.


    The minimum requirement is top 3 to get into the EL. Anything else totally unacceptable

  5. I think people need a better sense of where we are compared to celtc.


    Celtc have a manager that very nearly won the epl. A squad of internationals. 30 million to spend on wages a year.


    We've barely came out a period where our board were running the club for their own personal gain.


    It's going to be a long road back. We might as well hold hands on the journey.


    Don't disagree but that makes it all the more important we make better signings than we made in the summer.


    We brought in 11 players who haven't improved us at all IMO. We parcularly needed to improve at CB & up front where we needed a more physical presence than Miller. We achieved neither.

  6. He was awful today. He started 3/4 Celtic attacks that should've led to goals. He often looked lost. That wasn't a game for him today. I think he'll come good for the boy but today he was our weakest player.


    It's games like that that can send young players backwards. Worry MW might burn out guys like McKay. He's been hopeless all season. Wallace needs dropped.


    2 big games coming up. Selection will be interesting


    Selection will be interesting ? Don't you mean predictable ?

  7. Re. Windass, I am clearly seeing a different player to some fans. A fit Josh Windass would be in my team more often than not.


    But he's not fit is he? How many games has he played this season ?

    Same goes for Rositter & Crooks too. These are young players we signed with high hopes for them all. Maybe they've just not got the required levels of fitness & stamina required for the step-up to a higher level

  8. Have just logged on and not read any posts yet but would like to give my ratings:-

    Gilks 9/10 would have been ten but for poor work with feet

    Hodson 8/10 solid display

    Kiernan9/10 what a difference with a proper right back at his side

    Hill 8/10 solid display

    Wallace 5/10 responsibility starting to show

    Holt 6/10 good first hour then faded

    Halliday 8/10 quietly efficient

    Tavernier7/10 fish out of water but some good tackles

    Windass 4/10 struggled to get into game

    Miller 9/10 gave everything till subbed

    McKay3/10 lazy totally off form needs a kick up backside

    Subs Waghorn/Garner/Dodoo all 4/10 none were a game changer


    Miller 9/10 ? You must have been watching a different game from me

  9. During the summer it was imperative we strenghtened at CB & up front. We failed to do so & are now struggling as a result.


    Hill has done reasonably well in recent weeks but at 38 is hardly the longterm answer at CB. Senderos was a last minute panic signing whom I'd expect to leave in January.


    Up front Garner has looked every bit like a striker who got just 6 goals in the Championship last season. Like Senderos he also looked a bit of a panic signing just before the transfer window closed.


    If we're to get back into Europe next season via our league position or winning the SC, we'll need to try & move out 2 or 3 players in january & bring in better replacements. That won't be easy

  10. At this point we don't need someone to replace Miller but rather someone to complement him. He's been our best striker this year. Sorry TB.


    But completely agree, we needed a striker (not convinced by Garner though he does need game time) .


    And we needed better at the back, yet strangely enough I thought we played well at the back today.


    Our 3 strikers(Miller, Waghorn & garner) have just 5 league goals between them this season. That tells you all you need to know. Simply not good enough

  11. They deserved it, nobody said they didn't.


    Why we should realistically expect to compete with a team that can spend more on one player than we can on our squad baffles me.


    But we showed today we can compete with them.


    We did not recruit as well as we might have in the summer.

    Not getting a decent striker to replace Miller is beginning to show big time. We cannot hold the ball up front.

  12. There are shades of 1993/94 for sure. But I'm more concerned at the gaping holes in our defence which remain unfixed.


    Perhaps but if Hill can stay fit I think he can do what Davie Weir did for us even if only for this season.

    I'm more concerned about up front. Miller, Waghorn & Garner have managed just five goals between them in nine league games. That simply isn't good enough.

    This cost McCoist big style two seasons ago i.e. Signing strikers (Miller & Boyd) who couldn't score. MW take note

  13. They have had a free run at the CL since we have been out of the top league and they have spent a fortune yet they still fail and don't get slaughtered for it!,remember the slaughtering we got for a 0-0 with Barca!,and for reaching the Europa Cup final for our style of play!


    It was the UEFA CUp final we played in back in 2008

  14. There will be no succesful Scotland team without a succesful Rangers team. Sooner the tattered army wake up & realise that the better. And getting rid off Rhegan should be top priority. This man & his chum Doncaster have literally stoid back & done nothing as Scottish football has regressed

  15. I still think our summer signings weren't good enough. We signed too many MF players and didn't bring in a quality CB & top drawer striker which were needed most of all.

    Performances so far have been largely disappointing as a result

  16. We play 4-3-2-1 (which becomes 4-3-3attacking).

    Two play wide one of which always seems to be Barrie McKay for some reason.

    Playing one up front needs the right type of forward(a Diego Costa type). We don't have one IMO

  17. He was a Manager signing, from his friend the Manager of Burnley.


    And you can confirm that ? Why did he sign Rositter then who plays in the same position as Barton ? And we already had Halliday who can fill in that role too

    Signing 30 year old plus players with no resale value makes no sense to me given where we are just now.

    Last summer we got ourselves a manager whose background was bringing on young players. Made sense did it not ? Then we started signing the likes of Barton, Krancjar & Senderos in the summer. None have been great IMO.

    I ask again did MW sign Barton ? And the others too?

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