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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. Most likely. And they managed to buy themselves out of the 5th tier up to the first, outspending most other clubs, even though there were some familiar faces along the way, e.g. Kaiserslautern. They do sell out their 42k stadium, play some attractive football and are not exactly littered with any big names. As opposed to e.g. Bayern in the German basketball league, who whipped up a team buying the best of all the (at the time) current best players and have set the tone since. It does help when you have a Hoeneß guy liking basketball and being one of the high-ups at the football section.

    Hoffenheim is a similar case, backed by a millionaire but are essentially a suburb club with no following worth mentioning. They marched through the leagues too, had a fine season in the BL and then the big clubs circled and snatched their best players. Now they are mid-table stuff living on the good-will of their owner.


    Obviously, Leipzig (despite being rather young) is some light for the East German* football world, as the rest lingers on in BL 2, 3 or below that, with a determined following but next to no money or financial backing. Understandably, they do not exactly like the newcomers, but on the whole they put a new East German city on the BL map.


    *Hertha Berlin essentially is a "West-Berlin" i.e. "West-German" team, even though the last couple of generations of fans obviously hail from this region of Germany too.


    After German unification 26 years ago how many East German clubs got into the new unified german leagues?

    I seem to remember Hansa Rostock being one

  2. Stupid trolls.


    And that aside, you read that article once and then again and ... it is still "blackmail". For it clearly reads: "Either you pay for OldCo's sins or you don't get membership!" And for some reason, articles like these omit the heinous attempts of stealing trophies by these same people.


    Newco had to pay oldco's fines. The board were correct to do this whether we like it or not.

    No trophies or titles were stripped. They couldn't be after LNS declared we had 'no sporting advantage'

  3. If McClean hates the UK so much why is he living & working in it ? why doesn't he just do us all a favour & leave. He won't be missed. Go & live in the EU-controlled 22 county state. And please take some of the pseudo-Irish from Glasgow's east end with you. We won't miss them either.


    And what's WBA's view on this ? Do they think this acceptable ?

  4. This is the base of the debate I often have with the manks. The company went burst. The club lived on.

    The club owed the debt, not the company.


    Not quite. The oldco was put into a liquidation process after the CVA got rejected. That liquidation process is ongoing and will be for years to come.

    In football terms the SFA membership/licence got transferred from oldco to newco so the club continued. Any football fines and debts from oldco has to be paid by newco such as this EBT fine. Rangers board had no choice but to pay it

  5. There are tmes in life when you have to move on.


    FWIW after watching Wednesday night I think a MF of Barton, Halliday & Holt (with Barton the sitting MF) would be a more than decent MF. It would allow Halliday & Holt to push forward in their more natural roles rather thn constantly chasing back like they had to do on wednesday night

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