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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. Good luck to him if he goes. Unfortunately he's one of 3 or 4 players who was with us last season who has struggled to make the step up to the top division this season
  2. Was El Hadj Diouff ok then ? I'm not judging Barton as a person. I'm judging him what I saw in a Rangers jersey and my conclusion was he's well past his best & not what we need right now. When he played against the yahoos he was like a rabbit caught in the headlights. Who decided to give a player just short of his 34th birthday a 2 year contract with the option of a 3rd ? Total madness
  3. We cannot expect to bring the ball out from the back in every game. Some teams won't let us & will push up. When that happens the GK needs to be prepared to play the long ball which we can do now with Garner in the side.
  4. Fall out with your boss at work & there's nearly always going to be one outcome. Same here. I'm more concerned why we started signing these older players in the first place. Makes no sense
  5. But whose fault was that ?
  6. Maybe we'll learn from this and realise it makes no sense for us to be signing players in their 30's with no resale value and putting them on big wages(by our standards)
  7. isn't he one of the three bewigged buffoons who came out with their 'common sense' verdict ? hopefully he'll soon be put in his place by the UK Supreme Court after that ridiculous verdict
  8. He 's not and out and out striker though is he ? And his goals have come in the LC against lower league opposition
  9. Or if they'd a better manager than Stubz ?
  10. Who'd take him & pay him what we're paying him ?
  11. Replacing Miller & Garner with Waghorn & McKay was baffling to say the least. I can't understand the reason we must have a double substitution after 60 minutes.
  12. The main reason we're struggling is that the summer signings have contributed little or nothing. They've not improved us as might have been expected. So far only Hill, Gilks & maybe Krancjar have got pass marks as far as I'm concerned. The rest have still got to prove themselves or been injured too often
  13. I think there was more than sufficient warnings about Whyte by the likes of PM at the time. AJ too. Green perhaps not so much
  14. Politicians getting involved in football is frowned upon by UEFA & FIFA.
  15. Lose and it's surely the end for wee Chesney Strachan
  16. Realistically, all we can hope for this season is a top 3 finish in the league to get us into the EL preliminary rounds
  17. Maybe we kept the same starting team as last week because we won 3-0 ? I didnt think the first half was too bad. Not great but we were creating chances & were the better team. After the substitutions however I thought we were fortunate to get a point. Bringing on 2 players (mcKay & Waghorn) who are totally off form at the moment made no sense whatsoever to me
  18. Whatever happened to lokomotiv leipzig ? Dynamo berlin too?
  19. One good example of zonal marking is putting defenders on posts at corners. Can't understand why teams don't do this nowadays
  20. If we'd taken our chances first half we'd have been out of sight. It was the substitutions which worried me most. They were totally ineffective & actually seemed to benefit Ross County
  21. Today's starting XI is I believe our best XI. Perhaps not the greatest ever XI we've ever had but the best we've got just now. I thought the first half was OK In that we did create chances but didnt take them. We should have been ahead at HT. However the substitutions made things worse. In the end I was glad we got one point as we could easily have lost against the bottom of the league
  22. Not for the first time this season the substitutions were totally ineffective. Replacing Miller & Garner with Waghorn & McKay made things worse. And yet to be convinced about Dodoo as a winger. Not sure what his best position is
  23. McGhee reminds me of Stubbs. Plenty to say about opponents but overlooks his own teams failings
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