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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. To a certain extent I agree but it's who we bring in which will determine whether or nor we'll compete with them. What you don't do is bring in ten or eleven players in the summer & only two or three seem to get into the starting eleven.
  2. Rather than the land I'd say it was the ultra soft loans from the basketcase Co-op bank which need investigated. Put simply it's not commercially viable for banks to offer loans to businesses at such low rates. So who arranged these loans ? Reid ? Wilson ? Others ? Did they use their political influence here ?
  3. We're now beginning to see the consequences of that. Scottish clubs are cannon fodder in europe & the national team struggles to finish third in qualifying groups
  4. Replacing Marvin Andrews with Karl Svensson was PLG's worst decision
  5. Le Guen's signings cost him job more than anything
  6. It should be remembered too that it was the SFL clubs who put Rangers in the bottom division. I've never understood why the SFA let them do it
  7. The only downside I can see ( if you can call it that) is a that Wallace was one of the better Scotland players last night. He would do well in the EPL or Championship. He's been linked with English clubs before. I wouldn't be surprised if they rekindled their interest after last night.
  8. What happened to us is almost identical to what happen d to Middlesborough 30 years ago when Steve GIbson bought a company called Blackplay, renamed it Middlesborough 1986.( or whatever) and transferred the assets to it. The FA transferred the membership & licence and the club continued. The English fully understand this. The social underclass which inhabits our country can't ( or won't) accept this. Anyway thanks Bearger for this.
  9. But we're not in England. What sort of legal advice did they get? It seems such a basic error but I'm no legal expert
  10. Until Lord Hodge(?) decided otherwise In all honesty the whole ticketus thing is a mystery. I remember at the time listening to Darrell King on SSB stating that he couldn't understand why anyone would put any money into a club facing financial ruination over a £76m EBT bill which ticketus must have known about
  11. No but it has to be proven the money came from a legitimate source. In this case the money to cover he bank debt was supposed to come from Wavetower but apparently didn't Which brings us to our chums LBG at which point I'll exit this conversation as my views on them are well known
  12. D&P claimed that the ticketus money never touched oldco's account didn't they?
  13. Whyte was refunding payment of the loan and not oldco ? How could he do that if oldco took out the loan ?
  14. Ticketus are listed as an oldco creditor plus they chased Whyte personally for their cash. Does that not mean t hey could potentially recover their money twice ?
  15. He's 34 next month. Have we learned nothing about signing players only interested in topping up their pension fund ?
  16. If our management think he's any good offer him a trial & if he impresses give him a short term deal to see how he does. We can then decide if he's worth a much longer term contract. Like we did with Aluko a few years back
  17. Good luck Joey & all the best for the future. Must admit I wouldn't have signed you but it has always seemed to me you spoke your mind after that 5-1 hammering & our manager & others didn't like that. Pity we don't have more in our team prepared to stand up & question some of the poor performances this season. We've four games between now & year end against Hertz(2), sheep & the yahoos. I don't need to stress how important these are for our manager's future do I ?
  18. Failing to bring in a quality striker during the summer is coming back to bite us big time
  19. Good luck to him if he goes. Unfortunately he's one of 3 or 4 players who was with us last season who has struggled to make the step up to the top division this season
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