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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. Can I cynically suggest if Malky MacKay was an ex-Rangers player he'd wouldn't be getting considered for this position
  2. If MacKay gets appointed I presume Scottish football won't be having any more SHOW RACISM THE RED CARD campaigns or such like ever again? Scottish football & the SFA's credibility is at stake here
  3. Three slavering yahoos eager to report back to Liewell no doubt.
  4. Inside view of what happened? It's very simple SDM sold to Whyte( perhaps not voluntarily) then Whyte deliberately caused an insolvency event which led to liquidation after a CVA was refused. Thereafter the club & it's assets were sold to individuals with little interest other than making themselves money. Nearly two years ago Rangers-minded individuals took back control following an EGM. Not rocket science
  5. Who know Kiernan might get an international call-up.........
  6. Regardless of what you say the safety of the whole stand & it's roof looks questionable to me with or without these 'supports' or whatever you want to call them. And these people think our ground is unsafe ?
  7. Think you'll find supports are used to hold something UP not DOWN. Otherwise they wouldn't be supports would they ?
  8. I wouldn't sit in that stadium & certainly not in the main stand Why were those three stands allowed to be built? The old Shellik board(whytes& kellys) said CP couldn't be redeveloped. What changed?
  9. And of course there is absolutely no chance of the roof collapsing during a game when these supports are removed ???? But the biggest issue of all is how McCann got planning permission to build three new stands after their old board said you couldn't build on that site. Rumours of old mine shafts underneath meant redevelopment supposedly wasn't possible.
  10. GOOGLE their main stand & look at the images. You can't miss these pillars which get removed on matchdays obviously for viewing purposes. I don't know either til I was told about a month ago.
  11. Since McConnell & John Reid made SLAB unelectable, the yahoos have all jumped ship to the SNP. Dornan is a media junkie& SNP MSP( he was on Scotland tonight again last night) trying to win votes & support from the yahoos here over an unfounded story from an unreliable source. TheRangers board must now come out with a clear statement that these stories are complete nonsense & anyone saying otherwise will face litigation FWIW there is only one stadium in Glasgow whose safety certificate I'd question and that in the east end. It's regards their old main stand whose roof is held up by pillars which are removed on matchdays. How unsafe does that sound?
  12. When we give it to them the usual suspects crawl out from beneath their rocks & get offended. But these cretins seem to think it's Ok for them to give it to us
  13. Time for the Rangers board to take action against the failed social worker who is Liewell's useful idiot
  14. Miller is finished. He shouldn't be in our starting XI
  15. Or to deflect the issues surrounding their own Jerry-built stadium. How did it ever get planning permission in the first place? Has it been built on top of old mine shafts? The old Celtic board before McCann said CP couldn't be re-developed. What changed? How does their old main stand get a safety certificate when its roof is held up by pillars which are removed on match days ? How safe are their three new stands which vibrate considerably during matches ? This is their LIE, DEFLECT, DENY tactic in operation
  16. I refuse to read this utter rubbish but it's time the Rangers board took action against these accusations Are the Rangers board just going to sit back and allow more and more of this nonsense to come out unchallenged into the public domain?
  17. This is what an independent inquiry should be set up to do but not by the SFA
  18. They may be forced into doing something if the SG become involved.
  19. I have no doubt the English FA will investigate & take appropriate action if required. The SFA now have a problem because they didn't investigate & took no action against Celtic over the alleged cover up over Torbet & Celtic Boys Club. What can they do about these new abuse cases now emerging ?
  20. Only two of the summer signings were in the starting XI on Saturday.....Hodson & Garner
  21. They're still losing too many goals though. Sort that out & Liverpool will be title contenders
  22. Regards the OP, if Halliday gets injured we're in big trouble. Holt too. Signing Windass & Rossiter hasn't worked out so far. They're both crocks IMO
  23. Which was cowie was off the pitch but came back on to score ?
  24. I think they still are a bit twitchy. If not they should be
  25. When the Torbet scandal broke at Celtic criminal prosecutions took place but the SFA took no action towards the club that I'm aware of. No football punishments were administered. That is now coming back to haunt the SFA with a vengeance. By not dealing with Celtic how can they hand now out punishments to any other clubs ? All of these past allegations now emerging within Scottish football must be the SFA's worst nightmare because of their inaction towards Celtic previously. The SG will surely want retrospective action taken against clubs who tried to cover this up won't they ?
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