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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. No chance of either of these two becoming Rangers manager anytime in the near future. If(and it's a big IF) MW did go I suspect we'd look for a foreign manager. Wasn't Vitor Pereira first choice before MW?
  2. Cash-strapped Plod Scotland do have strange priorities do they not?
  3. Brenda hardly covered himself in glory at Liverpool towads the end inside & outside the club.
  4. This worries me. I wouldn't be surprised if Norwich were interested in MW. He's more than proved himself in the Championship at an unfashionable club with few resources. What's always baffled me is why Norwich City, who were an EPL club at the time, chose a Hamilton Accies manager to be their first team manager. Obviously nothing to do with the fact their yahoo CEO at the time chose a yahoo to be their manger maybe ?
  5. That would mean only Hill, Wilson & Senderos as CB's. I suspect Senderos might go too as he's failed to even get on the bench most weeks. If Kiernan did go we'd almost certainly need to replace him
  6. Kiernan has improved beyond recognition over these past 2 or 3 months. I'm not surprised if he's being watched. Like others, I suspect Kiernan will have a buy-out clause in his contract. £2m & he'd be gone. A tidy profit made. This is where the scouting system kicks in & a replacement gets brought in and so it all begins again.
  7. Another winger ? The two positions we need to sort out in january are, in my opinion, the long-awaited defensive MF player & someone up front who can score more goals than anyone we've currently got. Our top league scorer is Miller with just four goals
  8. Both have to establish themselves in the first team squad within the next two and a half years. If they don't they should be let go. We must never have another Kyle Hutton situation where a player in his mid twenties who had come thro' the youth system was still there & was clearly never going to be good enough. Personally I think a scouting system is more important to us than a youth set-up or whatever it's called
  9. FWIW I gave up going to home game by car & joined a local supporters bus. Too much hassle going by car because of parking.
  10. I've always thought our carpark could be put to better use outwith matchdays to bring in revenue. Not sure how though
  11. There's no two ways about this - Garner needs to start scoring goals. He's got just theee league goals this season. Nowhere near enough
  12. Relieved we got the 3 points but I hink we need to review our tactics playing against Inverness & Ross County where everyone in their team seems to be 6'6" Lumping the ball up to Garner today was never going to work. He got little change today
  13. The signing of Bougherra was classic WS. He knew how to play the yahoos. It was speculated in the mhedia we were after Glenn Loovens from Cardiff. But the yahoos, allegedly, beat us to him. Hilarious. After the yahoos paraded Loovens WS went out & got our real target which was Bougherra Boogie was ten times the players Loovens was
  14. I hope so. Jota ticks a lot of boxes as far as I'm concerned. Should be a good signing if true
  15. It wouldn't surprise me if he wanted to leave or go on loan somewhere. Given our MF injury situation he can't get into the team & we're lookingg at MF players like Jota
  16. Only in special circumstances should we be signing players over 30 years old. We need to have a squad of players with each with resale values
  17. Can't see him getting much game time there. Burnley brought in a few players in the summer & have done reasonably well this season
  18. So what about the Bill Miller bid getting preferential status before he withdrew. What was that all about ? And was Brian Kennedy not told had Rangers at one point?
  19. If sevco5088 had gone ahead & they tried to sell a Rangers Whyte would have been found out then I'd have thought. The aim was to sell Rangers at its realistic value surely
  20. But Whyte had been banned sin die by the SFA. His involvement would have been discovered St some point surely?
  21. Whyte had been banned sin die by the SFA. Why did Green need to involve him at all in Sevco 5088 ? This is the bit I don't get.
  22. Terry Butcher was disgracefully treated by Souness when he left Rangers. Maybe that still hurts him. If so can't say I blame him but I certainly don't think he's anti-Rangers nowadays
  23. Forgive my ignorance here, but does Whyte still have the 80 odd perecentage shareholding in oldco SDM sold him for a quid?
  24. Most of the OP is already known surely? Not much we didn't already know?
  25. I'm just glad we won. We need to start playing in Europe next season
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