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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. david murray engineered the stream of thieving bastards that have ultimately led to this lack of finance


    that doesn't explain the weak willed lack of fight we're witnessing though


    I repeat.....our budget is well above hertz and aberdeen. We should be better than what we endured tonight.

  2. But green as good as set the budget. Indeed he caused the budget that had us shopping for that level of manager.


    Imagine where we might be with the 50 million green squandered/removed


    Our budget is still such that we should be better than hertz or aberdeen. I agree we won't win the title as yet but we are entitled to much. Better than we saw tonight. The first half was embarrassing. We barely put two passes together

  3. Murray, Whyte, Green, Ashley, the Easdales...It's about time we stop feeling sorry for ourselves though and fix this club. We're not going to get anywhere signing dross from England for peanuts, nor does it look like we're going to get very far with this manager.


    I started to get uneasy when the current board started handing out new,improved contracts to management & players before we were back in the the top division.

    Murray, Green, Whyte, etc weren't responsible for that

  4. Agree fully RE the change of system but Waghorn upfront for me. In a 4-5-1 Id like to see MOH on the right with McKay on the left then Forrester and Windass in the creative central roles. Alternatively MOH on the left and Waghorn on the right with Miller or Dodoo upfront.


    3-5-2 isn't possible at the moment as I don't think we have 3 centre halves fit enough. You'd have to put Wallace in the 3 which takes him out of being the wing back.


    Please - no more Kenny Miller. He was absolute garbage tonight & should have been taken off at half time.

    Why does MOH always seem to get the ball when facing his own goal or running towards his own goal ?

  5. You may have a point. He has done the opposite of what almost everyone in football does - have a challenging lifestyle and career first then the luxury of football after.


    As for Waghorn, Im baffled on this one and want to see him back in the team.


    FWIW I think Waghorn found his level last season in the championship. The premiership is a step too far for him

  6. This may be controversial, but I don't blame the manager for tonight's performance - there was nothing he could have done.

    Tonight's performance lies 100% at the feet of the players - they were totally dire.


    They are supposed to be professional footballers, yet were completely incapable of passing to their own team. There was no movement, vision enthusiasm, energy or skill (of ANY sort). They weren't even a close 2nd to every ball - they were lucky to be 3rd to each ball (and that's being generous).


    Once the players cross the touchline, the manager's influence is limited. I'm actually convinced that we didn't even have 11 players on the pitch.


    Are you serious ? He signed the players. He picks the team. He decides the tactics, gameplan etc ( which are predictable every games as our opponents can see)

    He has to accept responsibility. The buck stops with him.

  7. Well with Aberdeen and Hearts being the next 2 games that could be decisive. I think every Bear expects a huge reaction and performance on Saturday.


    Losing either of these could be the end for him unfortunately.

    The only thing hing that can save him now is to change the system. We need 5 in MF which means a 3-5-2 or 4-5-1.

    I'd prefer 3-5-2 with Wallace & Tavernier out wide with the aim of delivering balls into the he box for Garner & Dodoo up front. That means no Kenny Miller who was truly awful tonight

  8. Looks to me this is McCoist's revenge on King for not reinstating him as manager after him & t3b took control.


    McCoist holding such a large shareholding & not voting needs dealt with in some way. Can't someone buy his shares? Club1872?

  9. When does the PUMA contract finish ? End of next season ?


    Surely then we'll have a new kit manufacturer and where will these kits be sold ? Surely not in SD I'd have thought.

    What happens to RRL then? The new kit manufacturer will deal with the Rangers board won't they?


    These questions weren't asked today but will need answered soon along with who replaces 32RED as shirt sponsors. Red Bull ?

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