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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. There is much generalisation going on. I suspect most bears don't vote for the SNP as they oppose and deteste what the stand for. Which is the break up of the union and the formation of sovereign Scottish state. It can't be argued that our club and its heritage is a constant thorn in its side, as we promote, on the whole, unionist values. The SNP's anti Rangers undercurrent has manifested itself in plain view over recent months by the tolerance of attacks of all kinds, religious, sporting and political on our club.

    I am sure many Rangers fans still vote labour. However the reason why the SNP are a poisonous entity, imo, is clear for all to see.


    The SNP now have the 'Coatbridge vote' which used to be SLAB.


    People opened their eyes to SLAB when McConnell became FM & Reid become the yahoos chairman.


    When McConnell starting introducing so-called anti-sectarian legislation who was he targeting ? And it was fairly obvious(to me anyway) Reid was involved in some way in our financial downfall whether with HMRC and/or LBG.


    Many turned their back on SLAB and went to the SNP. Many yahoos did likewise as they always vote together for whoever is in government and try to get their own into positions of power


    I don't think the SNP was always anti-Rangers but those in control today are generally anti-Rangers such as Michael Matheson, Brendan O'Hara, Roseanna Cunningham etc

  2. 33 years ago Alex Ferguson turned the Rangers job down when John Greig resigned...Fergie had his eye on Man U even then. A week later Jim McLean knocked us back for the same reason. So we got 3rd choice (treble hero) Jock Wallace from Motherwell.

    He won us the League Cup in 1984 and 1985 then won fa the following season. Souness came in and completely turned us around, suddenly we were back and Fergie's Dons were put to the sword.


    Sir Alex got his dream job at Utd soon after and proceeded to win nothing, Souness was looked at to replace him but they decided to stick by Ferguson, the rest is history.


    Meanwhile Jim McLean who hadn't won anything since 1983 was introducing us to the world of Reality TV...:laugh2:



    Was Jock Wallace the third choice to replace John Greig back in 1983??????

    I always thought Wallace was fourth choice.

    Bet you can't name the guy who was third choice?

  3. Ibrox will not be a happy place if we lose tomorrow.


    The players have to be ready for a battle.


    And our manager really does need to put some really serious thought into his team selection, formation & tactics for tomorrow.


    Wednesday didn't work. It failed badly. No point in trying the same again & hoping it'll be alright on the night tomorrow.


    Changes are imperative. Let's not get outnumbered in MF again for starters

  4. I'm not sure anyone other than McCoist would have touched the job with a bargepole. Regardless of his failings as a manager, I'll be forever grateful that he stood up when needed.


    LOL are you serious ??? Nothing to do with getting £750k p.a.managing in a pub league ??? And he got found out too.

    Had McCoist not wanted the job then I'm sure there would have been a queue halfway down Edmiston drive for that salary.

  5. I actually think that last nights long ball tactic was one of the major failures, we don't know if this was a tactic from MW or just the way the game played.


    Far too many long balls from the back went straight to opposition players. this allowed Hearts to control the game. IMHO, if we had played more on the deck, from the back, it would have allowed us much more control over the pace/tempo & put us in the driving seat.

    On the flip side, would the individual performances allowed for a more passing game - that is debatable.


    Players were taking 3-4 touches too many - especially at the back - which invited Hearts onto us. Get the ball moving freely & make them run around. You can't control the game if you don't have the ball.


    We can play the longball if Garner is playing. I'd like to see him & dodoo up front in a 3-5-2.

  6. I blame the players more than the manager, several of them looked as if they'd chucked it.


    The manager signed those players. He picked those players to play. The manager decides the tactics & gameplans( which are almost always identical & predictable).

    He has the ultimate responsibility. The buck stops with him.

  7. While it's extremely disappointing in that we weren't just beaten we were also outplayed overall it's not the end of the world. We're still level with them on points and only need to beat the sheep at Ibrox to negate their games in hand and stay ahead of them. And we have the January window to revitalise some areas. Just a couple of players can make a significant difference.


    We badly need Rossiter back in the mix but his injury appears to be turning into the never ending story.


    Unfortunately I'm beginning to think Rossiter is one of these players who'll not make it due to injuries. Maybe that's why liverpool let him go

  8. david murray engineered the stream of thieving bastards that have ultimately led to this lack of finance


    that doesn't explain the weak willed lack of fight we're witnessing though


    I repeat.....our budget is well above hertz and aberdeen. We should be better than what we endured tonight.

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