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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. The yahoos are the club no one wants but we're stuck with them in Scotland. Liewell's fantasy about joining the EPL and becoming the biggest club in the UK is hilarious. The English know all about them now and wouldn't let them anywhere near their leagues. Why would they want a militant Irish republican club whose supporters hate all things British ? One thing we should have learned these past four years is that they need us but we don't need them. Their home attendances in the top flight without us proved that. I would hope therefore our board would have no qualms about joining a new league on our own in the future if they thought it was in our best interests to do so. Let them sink without us. I'd enjoy watching that.
  2. 4-4-2 is outdated. McCoist played it because it was all he knew. The problem with 4-4-2 is when your opponents put 5 in MF. We saw that happen constantly with McCoist & he'd no idea how to change the system he had. Nowadays we play 4-3-2-1 (2 playing wide) which becomes 4-3-3 going forward. One problem we have is you do tend to need a physical presence to play the one up front. Diego Costa is a good example. Kenny Miller is not.
  3. John Delaney will see things are ok for them. He always does
  4. The SNP now have the 'Coatbridge vote' which used to be SLAB. People opened their eyes to SLAB when McConnell became FM & Reid become the yahoos chairman. When McConnell starting introducing so-called anti-sectarian legislation who was he targeting ? And it was fairly obvious(to me anyway) Reid was involved in some way in our financial downfall whether with HMRC and/or LBG. Many turned their back on SLAB and went to the SNP. Many yahoos did likewise as they always vote together for whoever is in government and try to get their own into positions of power I don't think the SNP was always anti-Rangers but those in control today are generally anti-Rangers such as Michael Matheson, Brendan O'Hara, Roseanna Cunningham etc
  5. He'll be very limited to what he can say regards Murray & Whyte I'd have thought
  6. We should arrange a friendly against Espanyol.
  7. Yup quite agree. YNWA(Liverpool) & for it's a grand old team(everton). After that it's the IRA songbook
  8. the yahoos fans have stalked other clubs for years. Barcelona seem to be the latest to warrant their unwanted attention. Best just ignore them. They'll go away
  9. Was Jock Wallace the third choice to replace John Greig back in 1983?????? I always thought Wallace was fourth choice. Bet you can't name the guy who was third choice?
  10. It would be interesting to note the number of times McGhee has managed teams against the yahoos & the total number of goals conceded in those games.
  11. Putting Tavernier in MF worked a treat. Halliday & Holt had someone alongside them to help out. We still need to watch we don't get outnumbered in MF
  12. There was absolutely no way Souness would have become the Man Utd manager.
  13. Why was Kiernan booked? Seemed harsh from where I sit in the SJ rear
  14. It would be interesting to know how many of the goals we've conceded were when Hill wasn't playing and how many we've conceded when he was playing.
  15. Out of curiosity is Dave King an oldco shareholder?
  16. Football management however is not one of the them
  17. And our manager really does need to put some really serious thought into his team selection, formation & tactics for tomorrow. Wednesday didn't work. It failed badly. No point in trying the same again & hoping it'll be alright on the night tomorrow. Changes are imperative. Let's not get outnumbered in MF again for starters
  18. LOL are you serious ??? Nothing to do with getting £750k p.a.managing in a pub league ??? And he got found out too. Had McCoist not wanted the job then I'm sure there would have been a queue halfway down Edmiston drive for that salary.
  19. I disagreed with McCoist on most matters but he was correct regards the youths. They are/were simply not good enough for where we want to be.
  20. I've heard of manager getting the sack but seldom players.
  21. The responsibility never shifts from manager to players. He signed them & he picks them.
  22. What record? He inherited Martinez's team at Swansea & was first Liverpool manager to win nothing in decades.
  23. We can play the longball if Garner is playing. I'd like to see him & dodoo up front in a 3-5-2.
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