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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. awa' an' bile yer heid

    a hard hat's got fuck all to do with some bam with blow up dolls

    actually it's the tims taking the pish

    have you no sense of humour

    We take the pish out them and they take the pish out us.....life would be dull without it.....lighten up


    When we give it to them the usual suspects crawl out from beneath their rocks & get offended.

    But these cretins seem to think it's Ok for them to give it to us

  2. This is all part of their operation Cover Up, to deflect away from the historic Parkhead pedophile ring case now unfolding.


    Hopefully the authorities investigating this pedophile ring wont be distracted.


    Or to deflect the issues surrounding their own Jerry-built stadium.


    How did it ever get planning permission in the first place? Has it been built on top of old mine shafts? The old Celtic board before McCann said CP couldn't be re-developed. What changed?


    How does their old main stand get a safety certificate when its roof is held up by pillars which are removed on match days ?


    How safe are their three new stands which vibrate considerably during matches ?


    This is their LIE, DEFLECT, DENY tactic in operation

  3. It all goes back to one club, most if not all the names, who are or were involved in the historic pedophile ring abusing young footballers. Started their debauchery at Celtic FC, Eventually some of the perpetrators, after many long years of a cover up, got brought to justice. But a few were just sacked or simply moved on to other clubs. At the moment it looks like The police were never told, nor the SFA although there is some suspicion the SFA were told at the time, but did nothing?


    There was clearly a second layer of the pedophile ring, that was then allowed to move around other clubs, taking their debauched misery with them. What we need to be told was, who knew and why weren't the authorities told about these people.


    This is what an independent inquiry should be set up to do but not by the SFA

  4. I have no doubt the English FA will investigate & take appropriate action if required.


    The SFA now have a problem because they didn't investigate & took no action against Celtic over the alleged cover up over Torbet & Celtic Boys Club. What can they do about these new abuse cases now emerging ?

  5. When the Torbet scandal broke at Celtic criminal prosecutions took place but the SFA took no action towards the club that I'm aware of. No football punishments were administered.


    That is now coming back to haunt the SFA with a vengeance. By not dealing with Celtic how can they hand now out punishments to any other clubs ?


    All of these past allegations now emerging within Scottish football must be the SFA's worst nightmare because of their inaction towards Celtic previously. The SG will surely want retrospective action taken against clubs who tried to cover this up won't they ?

  6. Mark Daly when asked by Jackie Bird on the BBC news, ''has there been any other allegations of child abuse before this current one'' Daly replied ''No''


    Now today he's saying he was contacted by someone who was abused, but he was too busy on another project. Then he changed his story again and said this previous report of abuse '' slipped through the net''


    Well make up your mind Mark, was there previous reports of child abuse before the current ones, did it slip through your net, or were you busy on another story, or did you just turn a blind eye?


    Daly wouldn't investigate anything which showed Celtic in a bad light.

    Thought we'd all have realised that by now

  7. Got to say the way Garner challenged for high balls, winning most and laying it off to runners should make him a stick on for selection.

    Also we've finally stepped up to the physicality and pace of the top tier

    Waggy with game time will be more accurate.

    McKay back to his best


    Putting Tavernier in alongside Halliday & Holt has worked well. We're not getting outnumbered in MF any more

  8. The sale of Pittodrie won't go anywhere near paying for the construction of the new stadium (house prices and rents are tumbling up here, a lot of squeaky bums about property wise) but that wont worry them as Aberdeen City Council and perversely Aberdeenshire Council will likely pick up the tab.


    I through the aberdeen were trying to do something similar to Swansea but got cold feet after Swansea(who share the Liberty with a rugby team) were investigated

  9. The yahoos are the club no one wants but we're stuck with them in Scotland.


    Liewell's fantasy about joining the EPL and becoming the biggest club in the UK is hilarious. The English know all about them now and wouldn't let them anywhere near their leagues. Why would they want a militant Irish republican club whose supporters hate all things British ?


    One thing we should have learned these past four years is that they need us but we don't need them. Their home attendances in the top flight without us proved that.


    I would hope therefore our board would have no qualms about joining a new league on our own in the future if they thought it was in our best interests to do so. Let them sink without us. I'd enjoy watching that.

  10. 4-4-2 is outdated. McCoist played it because it was all he knew.


    The problem with 4-4-2 is when your opponents put 5 in MF. We saw that happen constantly with McCoist & he'd no idea how to change the system he had.


    Nowadays we play 4-3-2-1 (2 playing wide) which becomes 4-3-3 going forward. One problem we have is you do tend to need a physical presence to play the one up front. Diego Costa is a good example. Kenny Miller is not.

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