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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. The signing of Bougherra was classic WS. He knew how to play the yahoos.

    It was speculated in the mhedia we were after Glenn Loovens from Cardiff. But the yahoos, allegedly, beat us to him.

    Hilarious. After the yahoos paraded Loovens WS went out & got our real target which was Bougherra

    Boogie was ten times the players Loovens was

  2. Summer signing Matt Crooks wants out of Rangers after just six months and is keen on a loan move back to England, according to reports.


    The towering midfielder has grown frustrated at a lack of top team action at Ibrox with just one start and two substitute appearances to his name. His cause wasn’t helped by an ankle ligament injury picked up soon after his move north from Accrington Stanley.


    Now the Daily Mail say the 22-year-old wants to head back south for the second part of the season in search of first team football.


    A shortage of midfield options at Ibrox could curtail any potential move however.




    It wouldn't surprise me if he wanted to leave or go on loan somewhere.

    Given our MF injury situation he can't get into the team & we're lookingg at MF players like Jota

  3. Not necessarily.


    The object of the game was to make money, had Green played along and not got greedy himself we may never have known of Whyte's involvement in Sevco 5088 (barring the CF leaks of course).


    If sevco5088 had gone ahead & they tried to sell a Rangers Whyte would have been found out then I'd have thought. The aim was to sell Rangers at its realistic value surely

  4. If MacKay gets appointed I presume Scottish football won't be having any more SHOW RACISM THE RED CARD campaigns or such like ever again?


    Scottish football & the SFA's credibility is at stake here

  5. no it's not

    They'll be very interested in an inside view of what happened to us

    so they can avoid the pitfalls

    why not ?


    Inside view of what happened? It's very simple


    SDM sold to Whyte( perhaps not voluntarily) then Whyte deliberately caused an insolvency event which led to liquidation after a CVA was refused.


    Thereafter the club & it's assets were sold to individuals with little interest other than making themselves money. Nearly two years ago Rangers-minded individuals took back control following an EGM.


    Not rocket science

  6. The supports are there to stop the whole stand from blowing away Rab. If the wind got under it, it would take the roof off. Because the roof is attached to the stand structure the lot would disappear like a kite. When there are punters sitting in the seats the centre of gravity is lowered and stops the stand structure from taking off. From the original design they inserted additional ties to hold the roof on to the structure to prevent it breaking off completely. But no doubts it's the punters holding the whole thing down.

    Technically you are both correct - the supports hold the roof onto the stand. They are both holding it up and holding it down from blowing away.


    Regardless of what you say the safety of the whole stand & it's roof looks questionable to me with or without these 'supports' or whatever you want to call them.

    And these people think our ground is unsafe ?

  7. no there isn't any chance of the roof collapsing if the supports are removed. The supports actually hold the structure down and are needed only when the stand isn't full. The weight of the crowd is important. That's my understanding of it.


    Think you'll find supports are used to hold something UP not DOWN. Otherwise they wouldn't be supports would they ?

  8. Sellik's Main Stand was reconstructed during season 70/71, they played home matches at Hampden that season. There has been rounds of constant litigation akin to to Bleak House's notorious case, 'Jarndyce and Jarndyce' ever since. A civil Engineering report some twenty-odd years past, demanded two wind-in/wind-out steel pillars be placed at either end of the pedal bin roof, as necessary support for the structure. The supports are removed(wound out) an hour before kick-off, and replaced(wound in) an hour after.


    As for safety certificates, when McCann rebuilt the North Stand, the then Fire Officer would not issue said certificate because of the tunnel created by the stand's considerable over-hang, up and over the 10 foot high graveyard wall, at Janefield Street(one of three streets sold to ra Sellik by the then GDC, for a penny). Another Fire Officer was found, who saw the situation, 'the Sellik Way'.


    And of course there is absolutely no chance of the roof collapsing during a game when these supports are removed ????


    But the biggest issue of all is how McCann got planning permission to build three new stands after their old board said you couldn't build on that site. Rumours of old mine shafts underneath meant redevelopment supposedly wasn't possible.

  9. Since McConnell & John Reid made SLAB unelectable, the yahoos have all jumped ship to the SNP.


    Dornan is a media junkie& SNP MSP( he was on Scotland tonight again last night) trying to win votes & support from the yahoos here over an unfounded story from an unreliable source. TheRangers board must now come out with a clear statement that these stories are complete nonsense & anyone saying otherwise will face litigation


    FWIW there is only one stadium in Glasgow whose safety certificate I'd question and that in the east end. It's regards their old main stand whose roof is held up by pillars which are removed on matchdays. How unsafe does that sound?

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