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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. I remember that game against Motherwell when Mols got the four goals. All four were absolutely brilliant. No tap ins !
  2. Who are we playing games tomorrow - Pacific shelf 595 or HMS402 or their old 1888 company ? Can anyone enlighten me ?
  3. Vital MW and DW get their formation & tactics right for tomorrow. I'd go for 4-5-1 with Garner up front on his own. I don't think Miller can play that role as he concedes possession too easily. It's imperative we don't allow them space in MF hence the 5
  4. Yawn.......does anyone actually care what the daily Rhebel says ? And how's its circulation going ? Still falling hopefully.
  5. It's good to see Club1872 doing this but the reality is both Plod Scotland & the Scottish politicians are unwilling to confront the real issue here which is the vile football club from the east end & its equally vile support. You need only to look at the banners & hear their terrorist songs on matchdays to see what I mean. I hope Club1872 don't think the reassurances they got from Plod Scotland will be upheld. Just like the SC final they'll try to turn the focus on us when the real perpetrator got off relatively unscathed
  6. Whilst I'd agree his scoring record has been poor, Garner is the only forward who gives us the option of a longball. I'd like to see him & Dodoo play together. Miller is the player I'd like to see taken out the side.
  7. The answer is very simple. He latest compliance officer is another yahoo who is selective on which incidents he chooses to punish. Ones involving a Rangers player as the offender(Kiernan) will be punished. Where the Rangers player is the victim(Hill) will be overlooked
  8. What a load of utter nonsense from Plod Scotland. I'll start taking them seriously when they start to properly police the San Giro at yahoos home games. How many banners in support of Irish terrorism for starters ? And yahoos away games ? The IRA anthems ?
  9. I also think the expectation level was too high at the start of this season. Bringing in 11 new players for the top division was always going to be difficult. There's no way on this earth they were all going to be successful. In fact I'd say only Hill and Gilks have proved themselves beyond any doubt with Hodson and maybe Dodoo getting pass marks so far. The rest have struggled for one reason or another thro' injuries, loss of form, or being unable to make the step up. Moving these players out & replacing them with better quality will be the next big challenge for MW & DW
  10. Why not play Joe Dodoo instead of Miller ?
  11. Tonight was another of those games this season where we didn't look like losing but didn't look like winning either. However having watched tonight I think there's two changes MW must make:- 1) It is clear Joe Garner is struggling to fit into our system. It looks to me that he needs a striker with him who will go in front of him making runs into the box. I'd suggest Dodoo. Garner needs someone alongside him.What he doesn't need is Miller prancing around in MF 2) Why is Josh Windass getting a game ahead of Hary Forrester? I think Windass is toiling & the step-up from Accrington Stanley in league2 is now proving too big a step for both him & Crooks. FWIW I don't think he'll feature much after january if Jota signs on loan for he rest of he season
  12. What's happened to Dodoo ? Wasn't even on the bench tonight. Genuinely despair every time I see Miller getting a game ahead of him
  13. McInnes would show a total lack of ambition IMO.
  14. Wonder if the awful tynecastle pitch played a part in his injury
  15. No chance of either of these two becoming Rangers manager anytime in the near future. If(and it's a big IF) MW did go I suspect we'd look for a foreign manager. Wasn't Vitor Pereira first choice before MW?
  16. Cash-strapped Plod Scotland do have strange priorities do they not?
  17. Brenda hardly covered himself in glory at Liverpool towads the end inside & outside the club.
  18. This worries me. I wouldn't be surprised if Norwich were interested in MW. He's more than proved himself in the Championship at an unfashionable club with few resources. What's always baffled me is why Norwich City, who were an EPL club at the time, chose a Hamilton Accies manager to be their first team manager. Obviously nothing to do with the fact their yahoo CEO at the time chose a yahoo to be their manger maybe ?
  19. That would mean only Hill, Wilson & Senderos as CB's. I suspect Senderos might go too as he's failed to even get on the bench most weeks. If Kiernan did go we'd almost certainly need to replace him
  20. Kiernan has improved beyond recognition over these past 2 or 3 months. I'm not surprised if he's being watched. Like others, I suspect Kiernan will have a buy-out clause in his contract. £2m & he'd be gone. A tidy profit made. This is where the scouting system kicks in & a replacement gets brought in and so it all begins again.
  21. Another winger ? The two positions we need to sort out in january are, in my opinion, the long-awaited defensive MF player & someone up front who can score more goals than anyone we've currently got. Our top league scorer is Miller with just four goals
  22. Both have to establish themselves in the first team squad within the next two and a half years. If they don't they should be let go. We must never have another Kyle Hutton situation where a player in his mid twenties who had come thro' the youth system was still there & was clearly never going to be good enough. Personally I think a scouting system is more important to us than a youth set-up or whatever it's called
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