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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. Transfer fees aren't normally paid up front. As an example if a player joined a club for say £12m & signed say a 3 year contract the selling club, for example, would get 3 times £4m paid at the start of each year of contract if the player remains with his new club. The risk will be if the players leaves during the contract. The original selling club might have to forfeit monies due for the remainder of the contract but could have had sell on clauses added in. All depends on the contract. But the selling club will almost certainly not get the full amount up front although this may well appear in its accounts
  2. Chickens now coming home to roost. Those 10 club chairmen who put Rangers out the SPL five years ago inflicted financial damage on Scottish football from which it may never recover. Its biggest cash cow got put out its top division. Sponsorships & TV money are now derisory compared to elsewhere. Reputable organisations don't want their names & reputations tarnished with a third rate product run by corrupt Scottish football authorities whose ulterior motives were there for all to see. The second anniversary of the current board gaining control of Rangers is only a couple of months away. I'd like to think they are doing absolutely everything possible to get Rangers out of Scottish football. And leave the yahoos behind. In our absence we weren't the ones playing in the empty stadiums. They were. We don't need them but they need us.
  3. Kazakhstan is a very mineral rich nation. Oil too. It has wealth
  4. Time for the Compliance Officer to get his P45. Selective trial by television needs binned. Blatantly obvious the last two have been biased towards the yahoos
  5. If we were allegedly selling players for £12m or so and buying replacements for about a quarter of the price wouldn't we start asking questions ? The truth is they don't get the fees quoted for a number of reasons.
  6. Was liquidated ?? Usual standard of journalism again. Probably deliberate if a yahoo. Oldco is in a liquidation process & won't be liquidated for years to come. If at all.
  7. If you look closely you'll see the letters BJK are missing from the part which blew off
  8. Bates will be loaned out somewhere. If he does well he'll be kept. If not he'll be ditched. Simple
  9. Now we've found our feet back in the top division, It is clear that MW & DW are now trying to improve the quality of the squad for the rest of this season and beyond. It has to be hoped this signing along with Toral will do that even if just in the short term. I also think we'll try to offload two or three players who haven't quite made their mark The SC is all we have left this season & it is important we play in Europe again after a six year absence.
  10. I don't think Crawford's contract is up ntil the end of next season. The days of us paying transfer fees to Scottishclubs will be few & far between from now on I think
  11. Probably because MW thinks Hyndman is a better player than them
  12. Absolutely hilarious. What's he contacting the Scottish Government for ? What's it got to do with them ? These people are great entertainment. They should get their own half hour comedy slot on prime time TV viewing. It would be unmissable.
  13. Without loan deals we might not even get second place. We are genuinely short of bodies, especially in MF. Even more so if one or two leave as seems to be about to happen
  14. You need to pay close attention to his actions & words.
  15. West Ham have not bid £20m for Dmbele. Perhaps someone could advise the Daily Rhebel. The stories came from the 'Insider' column of West Ham's website which 'is not necessarily the views of West Ham United'. This column has now been ditched on the website after much criticism from supporters calling it 'unprofessional' amongst other things No way would anyone pay £20m for a SPFL striker for scoring against Hamilton Accies, Inverness Caledion thistle etc, etc
  16. Didn't do them much good did it I.e. all these loanees ?
  17. Mr King is a poker player. I'm sure he has plans afoot for both Rangers and Scottish football.
  18. Looking at the Dundee Utd team I hardly recognised half of them. Voting Rangers out the SPL in 2012 hit the likes of Dundee Utd harder than they realised. All clubs cut back their budgets in the interests of liewell's sporting integrity. The yahoos suffered by far the least. What happened was that there was a more level playing field between so-called bigger clubs like Dundee Utd & hibz and so-called smaller clubs like ICT & St Johnstone. The price the so-called bigger clubs are paying is there for all to see.................enjoy
  19. If Gilks left we could have a problem if we got a bid for Foderingham.
  20. It will be money well spent. The guy looks a class act.
  21. Oh dear, looks like Shellk's business partner, the daily rhebel, don't like the idea of Toral signing for Rangers.Must be better than Eboue then. Wee phonecall from liewell to put out a negative headline per chance ???
  22. Didn't MW try to get him on loan again at the start of last season & he refused ? If so I'd suggest he burnt his bridges.
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