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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. This is long overdue. Hopefully he'll sign a new deal. It's vital we get as much as we can for McKay when he goes
  2. They're certainly starting early aren't they ? the ink's barely dry on the current contract !!! When those 10 chairmen voted Rangers out the SPL in 2012 did they even consider what the consequences might be ? We've got a TV deal worth a mere £12.6m per SEASON. Compare that to the EPL TV deal which is worth something like £10.8m per GAME. There is absolutely no chance of a vastly improved TV deal. Why should TV companies all of a sudden starting chucking money at Scottish football now because Rangers are back. Scottish football dug its own grave in 2012 when 10 buffoons voted Rangers out the SPL. Commercial insanity or sporting integrity call it what you like. The impoverished game in Scotland is fecked big style
  3. Probably not. Trying to negotiate a new TV deal more than 3 years before the current derisory deal expires. Hilarious. You couldn't make this up
  4. If the current deal doesn't expire til 2020 how can they be trying to get a new deal ? what's changed to make them think they can get a new deal ?? let me think. Big bad Rangers are back. Only one show in town. And they know it
  5. Nothing we didn't know already.Liewell's sporting integrity has set Scottish football decades and it may never recover from it. The nine other SPL chairmen who voted Rangers out tbe SPL in 2012 had a duty to stand up to Liewell in the interests of Scottish football but bottled it. Voting Rangers out always meant would go to the bottom tier of the SFL. I cannot believe these chairmen didnt realise this Since then the sponsorships & TV money Scottish fotball gets is derisory compared to other similar sized countries. And there is little chance of that situation improving any time soon.
  6. This is why I'm dubious about spending vast sums of money on a youth set up.
  7. offering McKay a new longer term contract on vastly improved terms should be priority no1 for us. He has made the step up now & is beginning to look a real class act
  8. I'd guess we've not paid all the fee hence trying to move him on
  9. I'd suggest McGregor not the keeper he once was. Wouldn't displace Foderingham IMO
  10. I'm genuinely surprised at the amount of negativity on this Rangers forum & others following yesterday's defeat in a friendly.
  11. And to hopefully get rid of the PAYE/NI HMRC debt he'd built up
  12. Or maybe those at the bank thought whyte was the better deal for their own purposes
  13. This thread hence the reason I joined local supporters bus for home games. No more worries about parking
  14. It's because the mhedia don't like the thought of Red Bull becoming involved with Rangers that's why the usual suspects are trying to did up these sort of stories. I can read these cretins like a book.
  15. Truth is we're simply not ready for this calibre of opposition yet even if only a friendly. This team aren't second in the bundesliga for no reason. Between now & the summer we must get a squad in place to get us into the EL group stages. That won't be easy & we must consider all options including loan signings. Up front is where I think we must look at as a priority. We must get someone in ( maybe on loan) capable of getting more goals than we're getting at present
  16. Craig Whyte caused a deliberate administration. No one else
  17. Not against this but we really must get someone up front who will get us 25 league goals per season.
  18. We will need a striker capable of getting 20-25 league goals per season before we can challenge for the title. We don't have one at present. If it means getting someone on loan for the season so be it. How about Vincent Janssen from Spurs ? Cost £17m last summer from AZ67 but has managed just one league goal so far. His confidence has totally gone. Get him on loan for a season. He helps us & we help him. Win-win IMO
  19. The SFA have brought all of this on themselves by employing a Compliance Officer who is anything but impartial.
  20. He's not called Charlie Ridiculous for nothing. The yahoos seem to think they're some kind of superteam. They're not. Europe showed that. Played 12 & won just 3 at home in qualifiers. They wouldn't have got in the CL group stages had it not been for a crap israeli GK. They've got a massive boost from Rogers coming in but that won't last forever. Once the bubble bursts they'll be back down to earth But for as long as they're signing players at £2m or £3m they're catchable. It may take loan signings for us but they are catchable. They can only go on so long duping their supporters they're getting fees of £12-15m for players they bought for a quarter of that. This month will be interesting. Surely if they 're serious about next season they'll be getting ready for the CL qualifiers. So far all they got is an unknown african from Russia who should never in a month of Sundays get a work permit if the rules were properly applied. To catch them we'll need a striker capable of getting 20-25 league goals per season. We've not got anyone like that just now in our squad. Solve that & it's game on. And Nicholas knows it. Don't u charlie ?
  21. And the old duffer QC who held the so-called enquiry will need to amend his report
  22. You forgot to add ' in the interests of sporting integrity'
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