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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. Warburton said:"I thought Scott's was a bad one, that was my initial reaction. But I haven't seen it again yet so it wouldn't be right to comment on it. My first reaction was a bad tackle but I am never going to call for a player to be sent off. I'd like to see it again."



    McGhee had an opposing view of the incident but refused to criticise Collum.

    He said: "The ball gets away from him but he toes it away. His foot's on the ground, it's not a sending-off.


    Let's be honest here. Kenny Miller is very lucky not have a multiple fracture.Perhaps career-ending.


    Anyone who's played football will know MCDonald ' followed through' and knew exactly what he was doing

  2. I agree with this. However, the rules of the game are the rules of the game. All 3 were reds, in my opinion. MOH's wasn't vindictive, but he caught they guy very high on the thigh with foot outstretched - not studs showing but still outstretched and very high. Deserved red.


    Kiernan's and McDonald's were very similar, again in my opinion - they were almost identical challenges - whilst I thought that Collum had a decent game I think he got Kiernan's wrong, should have seen red.


    What was very disappointing was just how many of the Motherwell players hounded Collum into sending MOH off - there must have been 6 or 7 crowding the ref. Did we do likewise with McDonald's ? I missed that one at the time and only saw replays of the challenge.


    Kiernan's tackle was never a red card. Collum got it right. Yellow.

  3. He might have potential but he is 18 so are we going to take a chance on another loan, with no long term benefit,no experience and possibly throw away our chase for second .


    what if he's better than what we've currently got ? seems he can play defensive MF as well as CB. Might play there & allow Halliday to play in his proper position

  4. UNPROFESSIONAL is the word I'd use to describe yesterday's SC cup draw.


    Can't imagine the English FA allowing anything like that for their FA Cup. Too professional to let something like that happen

  5. The problem with loan players is that the parent club holds all the aces.


    If the player does well and the loanees club tries to buy the transfer value may well increase. Or the parent club may recall the player with a view to loaning elsewhere to gain further experience. Or the parent club may decide they've made a mistake & reinstate the player in its first team squad.


    What we really need more than anything a global scouting system to identify young players with a view to selling them on at profit at a future date. Sadly whilst we're in Scottish football it will always be that way unfortunately. Hence why we always need to look at all other options whenever possible to get out

  6. Disappointing to think that in our hour of need MW is bringing in players not up to speed as it looks with Toral as we do not have the luxury of giving them time to fit in,

    Looks like Hyndman is more likely to fit in quickly as I think he reacted impressively to Miller's run with his sublime pass,and showed more graft than Toral who unfortunately in his breif appearance could be another Barton.


    I think we have to hope Toral gets match fit before we assess him better.

    If both impress I wonder if we'd be able to afford them. Both are at an age where they need first team football & aren't going to get it at their parent clubs.

    At least we now seem to be looking at younger players instead of players in their 30's past their best

  7. A

    What's happened to you?, you're so positive these days:laugh:


    Seriously though, you're bang on the money,IMO. I don't know what some fans expect just now?, they are of course entitled to their opinion the same as you and I however I aam with you on this as I see as gradually progressing and think we are as good a position as could be expected since MW came into Ibrox, he has also been unlucky with some signings due to injuries and the Barton case, but I see us getting there and if we finish 2nd,which we can achieve, then that is progression from last season, and hopefully we can get a good Scottish cup run, even win it!.


    I still think we need to be a bit more patient but I am expecting to put a challenge for the title next season!.


    I'm seeing progress perhaps where others don't. We're heading in the right direction although perhaps not as fast as some would like.


    I still don't think many of us realise how bad McCoist was. Signing loads of SPL journeymen on exorbitant wages to get us promoted. What was he planning to do with them all after he'd got promotion ? Not win the title that's for sure.


    However we must never again get ourselves into a situation like last summer where we need to bring in 11 players. There was no way they were all going to be successful. And I'd argue the majority of them haven't been successful so far.


    But regardless of what some say the team has improved. Recent results show that. The next step is to challenge for the title next season. I believe we will do that

  8. I really can't get some of the negativity from our own support from today's game.


    Not the greatest Rangers performance I agree but consider two points please: one year ago we'd have lost that game. And we're still very much work in progress.


    Please consider the absolute train wreck both MW and DW inherited from McCoist 18 months ago. At the start of last season they'd literally 2-3 weeks to put some sort of squad together to get us back to the top division. They did that.


    Our next step is of course to challenge for the title and both domestic cups as well as get back into Europe. I'd argue we're on schedule with that but would suggest anyone who thought we'd challenge for the title this season was being over-optimistic. We don't yet have a squad as big as the yahoos yet but the last two OF games suggest to me whatever gap is bridgeable if we can get strikers scoring more goals than we've currently got. I believe that is achievable unless the yahoos go out & start spending £10m plus on players which I don't think they will.


    All in all I believe next season we'll truly be back & going for 55

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